Personality Socks

socks for your chair
socks for your chairs

Socks for your Chairs by Chris Ruby. Made me chuckle!

18 Comments leave a comment below

  1. This is an age-old Puerto Rican trick on how to prevent your furniture from scratching the floor. Of course, in our case, we usually use mis-match orphan socks and try to downplay the whole thing.

  2. Those are ADORABLE. I want all my furniture to have socks this winter.

  3. These are gorgeous, how cute and practical too. I love the idea that you can give your chair a personality. How fab are the slouchy pink socks? :)

  4. everything is cute until you slip on that wood floor and die.

  5. love the retro tennis socks

  6. And besides not scratching the floor, you can move them silently! :) Awesome!

  7. whimsical and great… and we NEED whimsy in our lives!!

  8. the only thing is you’d have to wash them often because they would get dusty real fast.

  9. delicious ; )
    this blog is fantastic. i always smile when i come here.

  10. You find the coolest things. This is great. Makes me smile too!

  11. This must one of the coolest sights in recent times. Gosh, what will they think of next? Sneakers and boots?

  12. Absolutely adorable! Grinning :D

  13. What a strange coincidence. Two offices had one idea and also the presentation of the products is almost the same. There is only one difference. our socks are now 1.5 years old and you can find the here.

  14. This is precisely why people think designers are w@nkers

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