

These Bread Shoes put a smile on my face on this monday morning!

(via thepostfamily)

11 Comments leave a comment below

  1. Oh, those are really funny. Shoes are made by two Lithuanian artists :)

  2. Hee hee, these look comfy! (I can’t help imagining, though, how horrible it would be to eat them afterwards!)

  3. MMMMMMMMM………….. Bread!

  4. One could toast them for durability.

  5. throw some toe jam in there = delicious! :P

  6. http://www.flickr.com/photos/10258679@N04/2131024415

    “H.R. Giger wore french bread shoes to a “shoe party” once. CLASSIC. I laughed for about 10 minutes when I saw this picture. Giger was the guy who designed the ALIEN in the movie of the same title and the sequels. His art is nutty good. “

  7. Saw some strange bread sculptures today I think on craftzine… stange bready day today

  8. now all we need is cologne with that just out of the oven
    of the bread smell….marie

  9. Maybe this was what Charlie Chaplin was getting at…

  10. ..just don’t let the dog get to them :P