Minimal stylish bike basket

I am tempted to buy a new bike just so that I can use this bike basket by Faris Elmasu. (My Strida doesn’t allow for a contraption like this) The Bent Basket is a minimalistic beauty. Totally, entirely, utterly #wishlisted.

(thank you Keren)

18 Comments leave a comment below

  1. Such a beautiful and practical basket, I love it!

  2. can is withstand the elements?

  3. ’tis beautiful indeed. but it wouldn’t last the winter here in amsterdam I’m afraid.

  4. Very nice and clever idea!

  5. would this work on the back of a bike?

  6. i saw this a bit back and i fell in love! so cute and clever!!

  7. this is awesome!

  8. it’s cool and useful. i want one!

  9. Beautiful looking, but I would guarantee it functions horribly. A big old-fashioned milk crate strapped to a standard rear rack would be a better bet.

  10. awesome! very ingenious.

  11. One other thought.

    If the design necessitates retention straps, the master stroke would’ve been to repurpose used bike tubes.

  12. very cool and stylish but doesn’t really look right on the bike in the photo at all.

    also seems like function would be questionable. Example: I need to buy a couple loaves of bread….not going to work.

    my wife has the Carrie basket, also nice looking but also has it’s flaws.

    i just added fold-up wald baskets to the back of my bike, now if it wasn’t 90 degrees i could ride it more.

  13. This is neither minimal nor well designed.

    Look at the 6-pack photo. A basket would hold everything more securely, be easier to put things into/take things out of, and not require a tangle of straps. Now THAT is minimal.

    It’s such a failure to promote products because they look “designed”.

  14. Thank you for all your comments! Its great to hear the different perspectives and reactions people have with the product. I appreciate to hear both views. Tim, the term minimal can vary from person to person. That discussion can go on for ages. For you, a metal basket is minimal enough for you and suits your needs and I think that is great. The goal for the design was to create a basket/platform with integrated straps, minimal or not.

  15. It is very smart!!
    would like to purchase this product very much.
    What should I do?

    Has it delivered to Japan?