
Soulver is faster than a spreadsheet and easier to use than a calculator. With Soulver you can use words alongside your numbers to give them context. Looking back later, your math actually makes sense. For example: Type “35% off 300K” and Soulver instantly displays the answer: 195,000.

This app is for me!

(via this fantastic list of productivity apps put together by Shopify)

4 Comments leave a comment below

  1. Another thumbs up for Soulver. I’ve been using this for a finance course and it’s much easier for me than the more traditional calculator UIs. The history of calculations proves invaluable when you want to re-use numbers or visually see how you got to a certain answer.

  2. just bought the iphone and desktop version – a real world calculator finally. Thanks Tina

  3. What a killer. Wonderful app built by extremely creative people solving everydays problems. WoW! Thanks SM for such links.

  4. Instead of buying Solver for $12 you can use free alternative (and works from menu bar) called Numi: