Think make Think


In April of 2007, John Maeda wrote a haiku entitled think-make-think and posted it to his blog. I think that it went relatively unnoticed. Over the next few months, that haiku often found its way to the forefront of my mind. When our studio, the Public Design Center, acquired the remnants of a discarded arrow sign, it was immediately clear to me that think-make-think was the perfect piece for the sign due to the haiku’s small size and its potency.

think-make-think, by Clifton Burt

8 Comments leave a comment below

  1. inspiring. what insight you provide, what thanks i send! with appreciation, each day. truly.

  2. Swissmiss, there’s a brazilianmiss here that truly likes you.
    Thanks for the inspiration, always.

  3. I think he nailed it…wow.

  4. I hate 20×200, they always have such good stuff and force me to buy buy buy!

  5. inspiring words !

  6. …someone “who” makes new things, not someone “that” makes new things.

    Bad grammar is no different from bad design.

    Think about it.

  7. Agreed 100%, Tyler. I couldn’t look at that sentence all day.