solitaire olive plate


This made me smile: Solitaire Olive Plate over at Smallpond.

look at book


A sketchbook was sent in random order between four artist: two in Brooklyn, two in Belfast. View and listen to the results of the thirty six week project at

I *LOVE* it!

(via michael)

georg schatz | illustration


My former university-pal Georg Schatz is one of the most talented Illustrators I know. He, and four of his friends, founded a design studio called SWSP in 2001, located in Munich, Germany. Great work guys! I am waving from NYC!

claire kramer photography


Claire Kramer Photography

airborne cats


Flickr seems to be filled with lame cat photography, it bores me to no end… Until yesterday, that’s when I came across this highly amusing set called “Airborne cats”, by Jun Kumagai. That’s a type of cat photograpy I can take!

css dropshadow gallery

css dropshadow gallery

google advanced search (cheat sheet)

Quick Reference: Google Advanced Operators (Cheat Sheet)

steve jobs defines creativity:

“Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask a creative person how they did something, they may feel a little guilty because they didn’t really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after awhile. That’s because they were able to connect experiences they’ve had and synthesize new things. And the reason they were able to do that was that they’ve had more experiences or have thought more about their experiences than other people have. Unfortunately, that’s too rare a commodity. A lot of people in our industry haven’t had very diverse experiences. They don’t have enough dots to connect, and they end up with very linear solutions, without a broad perspective on the problem. The broader one’s understanding of the human experience, the better designs we will have.”
– Steve Jobs

(via noahbrier)

domain name search

how to find a great domain name

(via zach klein)

cow extraordinaire


Meet the swiss-super-cow Sybille

balloon bowl


Another excellent find via Nike’s Balloon Bowl. This is the kind of skateboarding that appeals to me!

between you and me


‘Between you and me’ is a 4 minute long movie, by Patryk Rebisz, shot entirely with a digital still camera, a Canon EOS 20D. What a fabulous idea and I am impressed with the overall execution! Watch it.


migros gone soft?

Migros is one of the biggest supermarket chains in Switzerland. Well, Migros is more than a Supermarket, as they own schools, banks, gas stations etc. While traveling through Switzerland last week, I’ve noticed that their logo has undergone a ‘soft redesign’… They softened the edges of the Helvetica font, or wait, no, it’s a new font altogether? Hmmm… Anyone know the name of it? Is it an ‘updated version’ of Helvetica? Who did the ‘redesign’, anyone know?







The Barbapapas seem to have a comeback in Europe, I saw B-merchandise all over when traveling over there last week. If you don’t know the Barbapapas, check them out here. When swissmiss was swissjunior, I watched them on tv and I had many of their books. I’ve always wanted to be able to morph into anything I’d wish, like they can. Seeing their illustrations definitely puts a smile on my face! Vive les barpapapas!


Check out uebertalented

“say it in style with 3G”

Made me look: Samsung Mobile Online Ad

(thank you P!)

oblique strategies

Useful dilemma prompt cards; a portable oracle

“How to get unstuck. Pick a card at random and either 1) do what it says or 2) let it lead you to another idea. It’s amazingly effective. This handsomely boxed stack of cards was created by the lateral genius Brian Eno and good friend Pete Schmidt in 1975 to get themselves and other musicians unstuck in the studio. It’s been through four updated editions since.”

free from apple as a widget

via cooltools

visual recipes

Recipes for visual people… Tomato and Cheese Omelette with Mushrooms

spectacular bedhead

spectacular bedhead from tozzer on Vimeo.

browsershots + wedding pictures

I *love* the idea behind this online tool: Unfortunately the waiting time/queue is ridiculously long, it told me I have to wait 12days to get my screenshots. HA!

But then again, that’s about how fast my synapses have been working these past two days. I think my ‘soul’ is still over in Switzerland, holding on to a tree, on the mountain top where Gary and I got married last friday. If anyone is interested, here are pictures of the event. Enjoy.

blogging married woman


Gary and I got back to New York from our wedding in Switzerland. We could not have wished for a better day. I shall report more…

in the swiss alps

There will be no posts for a while, as I am currently in the swiss alps and am about to get married on a mountain top this friday. Hooray! I’ll be back online on the 9th of august. So long!