weird foreign guy


weird foreign guy cards – definitely made me look.
(via bb)


A podSite is a name for a collection of text files, with links to other text files, and possibly sound files and image files stored, and accessible on an iPod. Think of it as a website for your iPod. Or a slice of the web, in your pocket. podSites are much easier to create than web pages, you don’t need any special tools, and you can learn the skills to create a podSite in less than half an hour. (via


An OpenID identity is just a URL. You can have multiple identities in the same way you can have multiple URLs. All OpenID does is provide a way to prove that you own a URL (identity). And it does this without passing around your password, your email address, or anything you don’t want it to.
(via 990000)

stina persson


Amazing illustrations by Stina Persson

(via swedesres)

how to manage the monster

How to manage the Monster : Project management for the freelance designer.


Loworks – WOW! What a refreshingly different and whimsical portfolio site.

(via netdiver)

wine label gallery

Wine Label Gallery
(via things)

postage stamp


How to create a postage stamp in photoshop – tutorial.

polish film posters


Collection of Polish (film) Posters

turn your head


Pirolette: Your profile captured forever in an object of art. An optical illusion of shadow and light, each one unique because it’s you!
(via inhabitat)

like a bike


If I was a little kid and could pick my own bike, this would be my choice: Like a Bike.

jonathan ive


The winner of the Design Museum’s inaugural Designer of the Year award in 2003 was JONATHAN IVE, senior vice-president of design at Apple whose innovations include the iPod and iMac. Interview with Jonathan Ive

(via reluct)

dig a hole


Did you ever wonder where you’d end up if you dug a very deep hole in your basement? Here’s the answer!


1- Go to the Google search engine.
2- Type in – failure
3- press the “I’m feeling lucky” button.


Dr.Grammar – Frequently Asked Questions

postal addresses

Frank’s compulsive guide to postal addresses
(via coudal)

cynthia greg


Cynthia Greg has published a series of photos that features tiny replicas of real world objects. Anything from sunglasses to a deck of cards. Excellent!

the credit card prank


Did you ever wonder how much – or little – attention is being paid to your credit-card signature? Full-time prankster John Hargrave asked himself the question and decided to investigate just how crazy he could make his signature before someone would notice. …

the credit card prank
(via gorilla innovation)

gun bag


This bag was given the customer when bought a book by Belgium’s most famous crime-writers. Excellent idea.
Seen on Found through BB

what will the telephone be like when i grow up?


It’s hard to say young fellow, but you can be sure there are great things ahead.

Today we telephone from moving automobiles, trains, air-planes and ships far out at sea. And radio microwaves beam telephone calls and television programs from tower to tower across the country.

The Day is coming when you will be able to reach any telephone in the country simply by dialing a number.

perhaps some day in the future you may just speak the number into the transmitter and get your party automatically.

(found here, on flickr)


A series of doodly visualizations generated from pop songs. The songs are analyzed note-by-note & at each note a specific line is drawn. The angle at which the line is drawn is determined by the pitch of the note, & the length of the line is determined by the volume of the note. The result is a series of playful, doodle-like, linear drawings.
(via infosthetics)


Beautiful illustrations over on I don’t understand a word of the russian copy, but I *love* these illustrations.

coffee and a cake


Coffee and a Cake is a new online publication that tries to find good information about artists, designers and architects. The first two issues cover the talented designers of lookinglately.

what to expect out of a design career

What To Expect out of a Design Career