
Winners of the 2005 Webawards

free pitching

… “Every design practice is called on at some time or another to provide a free pitch for a job. You know the story, great client, big project, you could really use the cash flow, but they have asked for some ideas and mocks up front … for free.

It may seem harmless enough, especially if you get the job, but what you are doing is effectively crippling the design industry. Every time an agency pitches for free they are creating the impression that design is cheap and that it’s not really necessary to pay for their or any other design agency’s time.

No other service based industry provides a sample of their services for free. Have you ever been to a mechanic who said they’d do an oil check for free in the hope that you’d get them to permanently service your car? or how about a doctor who gave you your first visit to see if the ‘relationship gelled’? Of course not, but this is the sort of thing that design agencies do all the time, and unfortunately clients ask for constantly. By all means show your portfolio, chat to the client, give costings and quotes, but don’t work for free. …”

read full article about working with values on creativebehavior.com

nora krug


I *love* Nora Krug’s site about japanese etiquette called “How-to-Bow.com” and wish I would have come across it before I was midway through a project with a japanese client.

I love the simplicity of Nora’s illustrations.

She’s on my list of people I would love to have coffee with one day.

famfamfam iconset


Head over to famfamfam and download the beautiful silk iconset.

(via extrajetzt)

placentero chair


Batti’s Placentero Chair – the Placenta chair

*love* it.

thinking machine 4: chess


Thinking Machine 4: Chess – a Java applet chess simulator, it shows you how it’s thinking. Via Gadgets.Fosfor.Se



britart.com – Art you can buy

box doodle project


The Box Doodle Project – the rules are quite simple: rearrange a box to make any kind of figure or object.

cheat sheet roundup

cheat sheet roundup for developers

button maker

80×15 Brilliant Button Maker

notepaper generator

Notepaper Generator

red deleon | 990000

Picture 3

Photographs by Red deDeleon. I love Red’s ‘eye’!

swiss poster colletion

The Swiss Poster Collection at Carnegie Mellon University



Kemp and Jolayne Attwood have a fantastic new way to view some of the hundreds of photos on Intransient. Check out their Sampler.
(via makingroom)

the never ending drawing


Oskar Karlin’s project: Every day he maps out his travels, over time patterns appear. Under projects, check out the series “The Never Ending Drawing.”
(via placement)

bye bye blackboard


Blackboards were wiped after use: they were meant for immediate communication, not for record. Even as they were being used, their messages were continuously revised, erased and renewed. But when Einstein came to Oxford in 1931, he was already an international celebrity. After one of his lectures a blackboard was preserved and has become a kind of relic.

bye bye blackboard

(via coudal)

swiss milk union


The Swiss Milk Union Site will definitely put a smile on your face. If you’re into cows, check out the Wallpaper section.

Also, make sure to view some of the commercials.

name voyager


Do you ever wonder how popular your name is? Try the Name Voyager.

trio bike


TrioBike An haute-design carrier bike with three functions. It can be used as a carrier bike, an ordinary bike, or, after dismantling, a lightweight pushchair holding two children. Ideal for modern families in urban environments with well functioning public transportation!

(via springwise)

edward tufte

I’ve just looked up Edward Tufte’s website to see what’s new on Tufte-Planet. I can’t help but wonder: How can the man that seems to be the ‘master of visualizing information’ have such a busy, user unfriendly site? Looking at it, it makes me want to space out content, align things, give it some breathing space, get rid of the ‘screaming red links’…

Edward Tufte, should you ever consider redesigning your site, I would be happy to assist with my services.

the great chicken escape


Oh, the chicken lover in me is rejoicing, I think I’ll have to get this. “The great chicken escape”

camilla engman | illustrator


A flickr-set: Illustrations by Camilla Engman

reverse directory

OneLook’s reverse dictionary lets you describe a concept and get back a list of words and phrases related to that concept.

one free minute

One free minute. What would you say, given one free minute of anonymous public speech?