training chop sticks

ShowimageaspxG and I were just perusing a baby gear website and came across these Combi Training Chop Sticks! Wow, I never thought of this, but yeah, some kids will have to start learning to eat with chop sticks at one point. Didn’t know they have training ones! Cool. We’ll have to get Miss Ella some, so she won’t look as silly as her mom trying to eat her food with chop sticks! Ha!

Available at

4 Comments leave a comment below

  1. How about ipod training?

    These look awesome: iFrogz Introduce Heavy-Duty iPod Case for Kids

  2. Hmm, I guess these should be handy if neither of the parents can handle chopsticks, but honestly, billions of Asian children have done just fine for a long time with regular ones ;-)

  3. that’s very handy!

  4. my daughter of 2 years old uses it.Combi’s article is simple, and a lot of designs which it is easy to use.