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Trying to find a new job? Try simplyhired.com

Web 2.0 Awards

seomoz.org: Web 2.0 Award Winners

(via neourbanite)

Guide to Semantic Web Markup for Blogs

The Definitive Guide to Semantic Web Markup for Blogs

(via chrisglass)

urs fischer | artist


Urs Fischer

(via vvork)

Improving your creative life for tomorrow starts today.

7. Don’t blame the creatives for not caring after round of revisions 13.

Are you kidding? If your spouse asked you – no demanded – that you rearrange the living room furniture 13 times over the course of two days, stopping whatever else you were doing each and every time to do so because it “had to be done right now!” you would quickly stop giving a shit about where the couch and overstuffed chair were. In fact, you’d probably throw him/her and your cadre of Pottery Barn tchotchkes out the freaking window. So don’t blame the creatives when this happens.

Improving your creative life for tomorrow starts today.

(thank you dana)

it’s a bag. it’s a shelf. it’s way cool.

Draft_2122_bigOhmygod how cool is this bag? The Transit (pdf-scroll down) is a travel bag that transforms into a shelf-system that gives the storage seeking jet-setter a lightweight and very portable alternative to clunky suitcases and hotel drawers.

(via productdose)

I.V. Plant Pot


This I.V. Plant Pot had me chuckle.

genuine fake bookcase wallpaper


Bookcase wallpaper by Deborah Bowness

(via le coudal)

swiss boxes


I am like my little one year old, I love to put stuff in boxes. Just discovered these: Swiss boxes. So cheesy they’re cool.

I am starbucks.


On Justin’s latest blog entry, he dissects the current ‘I am Starbucks’ campaign. The talented writer that he is, he offers some highly amusing variations of this very tagline himself. They made me chuckle. Read them here.

OoLaaLaa chair


The OoLaaLaa chair (Available in six sizes) would be perfect to teach our little Ella about her swiss family, living all the way across the atlantic, in the swiss alps. Also, it would be useful to show her Tibet, the home of her wonderful nanny, Lhamo. Oh, so much fun to be had: I could see myself say: “Hmm.. what continent do I want to lounge in today?”

(via pan-dan)

frame napkin



Frame Napkin: The “stain” is art !
Brilliant Idea by Kyouei Design!

(via pan-dan)

bruce trivet


This trivet is elegant in its simplicity, made of two blocks of walnut wood joined by white silicon. Resembling a pair of nunchucks and named in honor of Bruce Lee, it can be adjusted to accommodate both small and large pots and is easy to hang via the silicone strap.

Bruce Trivet
. Love it.

baby foot prints | cool ones, finally


Finally a cool version of a baby foot print set.

marais stool


Marais Stool 18

jakob nielsen commenting on web 2.0

Hype about Web 2.0 is making web firms neglect the basics of good design, web usability guru Jakob Nielsen has said.

Web 2.0 ‘neglecting good design’

web style guide

TYPOGRAPHY is the balance and interplay of letterforms on the page, a verbal and visual equation that helps the reader understand the form and absorb the substance of the page content. Typography plays a dual role as both verbal and visual communication. As readers scan a page they are subconsciously aware of both functions: first they survey the overall graphic patterns of the page, then they parse the language, or read. Good typography establishes a visual hierarchy for rendering prose on the page by providing visual punctuation and graphic accents that help readers understand relations between prose and pictures, headlines and subordinate blocks of text.

Web Style Guide: Typography

quote by robert bringhurst

Typography exists to honor content.
— Robert Bringhurst, The Elements of Typographic Style

Interview with Emily Cohen

Q: Can you offer parting words of advice to aspiring creative professionals looking to take their careers to the next level?


– Check your ego at the door – be flexible and humble (we all can learn from others)
– Each client and project is unique
– Honesty works both ways
– Do not be embittered by past relationships, learn, and move on
– Don’t burn bridges
– Under promise and over deliver
– Always return calls – no matter who it is
– Put everything in writing

An Interview with Emily Cohen. Doyenne of the Creative Brief

Blog Law: 12 Important U.S. Laws Every Blogger Needs to Know

Blog Law: 12 Important U.S. Laws Every Blogger Needs to Know

(via powazek)

The Real Story of JPG Magazine

The Real Story of JPG Magazine

what is graphic design?


What is graphic design? Asked by Open Manifesto, the Australian-based journal.

(via fabulous designobserver)

holiday home


Everyone needs a holiday home.

The Science Of Desire

While many companies embrace ethnography to create something new, others are using it to revitalize an existing product or service. In 2004, Marriott hired IDEO Inc. to rethink the hotel experience for an increasingly important customer: the young, tech-savvy road warrior. “This is all about looking freshly at business travel and how people behave and what they need,” explains Michael E. Jannini, Marriott’s executive vice-president for brand management.

To better understand Marriott’s customers, IDEO dispatched a team of seven consultants, including a designer, anthropologist, writer, and architect, on a six-week trip. Covering 12 cities, the group hung out in hotel lobbies, cafés, and bars, and asked guests to graph what they were doing hour by hour.

What they learned: Hotels are generally good at serving large parties but not small groups of business travelers. Researchers noted that hotel lobbies tend to be dark and better suited to killing time than conducting casual business. Marriott lacked places where guests could comfortably combine work with pleasure outside their rooms. IDEO consultant and Marriott project manager Dana Cho recalls watching a female business traveler drinking wine in the lobby while trying not to spill it on papers spread out on a desk. “There are very few hotel services that address [such] problems,” says Cho.

The Science Of Desire: As more companies refocus squarely on the consumer, ethnography and its proponents have become star players.

(via vividcircle)