tv remote control gun


This TV Remote Control Gun is so bad and so wrong that it is actually almost cool again. It is supposed to work with most TV’s and includes a sheriffs badge and has a realistic gunshot sound. (And no, I am not pro-guns…)





Toypography, by Dainippon Type Organization (first seen at DesignTide 2006) is a toy of typography. Fragments of letters, that can be put together to either English or Japanese letters and characters. The thing about Toypography is, that Japanese expressions can be transformed into English expressions of the same meaning.

(thank you natasha!)

chrysalis lights


Chrysalis lights available at Ford Brady. Love it. So sculptural!

(via design milk)

Top Ten Ways to Help Children Develop Healthy Habits

Top Ten Ways to Help Children Develop Healthy Habits

(via popwuping)

argington | fundy play table


I about to burst from furniture-purchase-anticipation: We put in an order for the Argington Fundy Play Table. G and I completely fell in love with it when we saw it at Brooklyn Designs today.

The top surface is made of chalk board (love it! The table features two storage areas with slow closing safety hinges. The stainless steel legs are adjustable in height so it can grow with the kid. I kept looking at G saying that this would actually make a cool coffe table. Ella, watch out, we might have to fight over your Fundy once it gets here…

(The couple that runs Argington is truly delightful. Meeting the enthusastic designers behind a piece of furniture makes a purchase really special. Hat tip to Jenny and Argie Andrew!)

illustrator pen tool cheat-sheet


A handy cheat-sheet by Creative Techs to help keep those basic Illustrator pen tool techniques straight. Download the PDF.

amy helfand | brooklyn designs


Oh, I was so excited to finally see some of Amy Helfand’s creations up close. Her rugs are stunning! I kept standing in front of her Brooklyn Designs’ booth for what seemed an eternity. Our little Ella (pictured above) got all cozy on one of her rugs. Little Ella gave Amy two toddler thumbs up.

top ten car colors


Top ten car colors 2006. (Ugh, I am so mainstream. I had no idea….)


choose your religion


Choose your Religon Wheel

Web 2.0 … The Machine is Us/ing Us

(thanks jessica!)

Core77’s Essential Guide to New York Design Week!


Core77’s Essential Guide to New York Design Week!

Joshua Dalsimer | Photographer


Joshua Dalsimer is a Boston based photographer with a background as a drummer. “I always looked at drums and photography as very similar disciplines.” He says, “Both take palce behind the scenes. However, both lay down a foundation that helps create a look or sound”. Joshua adds, “Collaboration is also very important for both, music helped me learn how to communciate clearly about ideas with other creative people”.

He obviously is a master at this very collaboration as his portfolio is truly inspiring:

(via fotofood)

CSS Float Theory: Things You Should Know

CSS Float Theory: Things You Should Know

(via chrisglass)

so, what exactly is an infographic?


1. It’s a visual explanation that helps you more easily understand, find or do something.
2. It’s visual, and when necessary, integrates words and pictures in a fluid, dynamic way.
3. It stands alone and is completely self-explanatory.
4. It reveals information that was formerly hidden or submerged.
5. It makes possible faster, more consistent understanding.
6. It’s universally understandable.

about buddhism…

About Buddhism

The greatest achievement is selflessness.
The greatest worth is self-mastery.
The greatest quality is seeking to serve others.
The greatest precept is continual awareness.
The greatest medicine is the emptiness of everything.
The greatest action is not conforming with the worlds ways.
The greatest magic is transmuting the passions.
The greatest generosity is non-attachment.
The greatest goodness is a peaceful mind.
The greatest patience is humility.
The greatest effort is not concerned with results.
The greatest meditation is a mind that lets go.
The greatest wisdom is seeing through appearances.

Atisha (11th century Tibetan Buddhist master)

(Via stungeye)

reinventing the rocking chair


Interesting Chair Concept by Ineke Hans. I am getting seasick just looking at this. Funny though…


Savory New York is a free online service dedicated to helping people make better decisions about where to dine out. Restaurant listings feature detailed food, atmosphere, review, staff and contact information. Brief video profiles are available for many restaurants, showing restaurant interiors, specialty dishes and interviews with chefs and owners.

best NYC subway map ever


One of my loyal readers, Prescott, led me to what seems the most ingenious NYC subway map ever. — it’s based on Google Maps, but with the trains and stops painted in. Brilliant and oh-so-helpful!


A(nother) site for serious colourlovers

(thank you quito)

the humane index


The Humane Index is the first-ever attempt to determine the overall humaness of America’s largest metro areas. See how your city ranks when it comes to celebrating animals and confronting cruelty. Then take action to help create a truly humane society.

(Thank you Allison!)

new and improved flickr slideshow


Another discovery: flickr improved its slideshow feature. I am thrilled! Here, an example with my “Minimalism Set”

(It’s the first time I see them use the flickr logo in a black and white. It was about time!)

subway stops on google maps! yay!


Google Maps now (finally) shows subway stops. I am so ridiculously excited about this! How long ago has this feature been added? I wonder! But anyhow: YAY!

(via chrisjohansen)

it’s getting warm in NYC…

.. I may need to get one of these floorfans:


float on water


Reuters/Jason Lee: A girl floats inside a sphere on a river on the outskirts of Beijing on May 3, 2007. The ball-shaped device enables people to “walk” on water surfaces. China is celebrating a weeklong Labor Day holiday, when millions of Chinese people travel to major cities to enjoy cultural attractions or return home to visit relatives and friends.