handdryers | a photo set


I share a fascination for wallmounted handdryers with Doug Wilson.

(via cardboardmonocle)



Hoop Hanging Light Ring. Cool!

(via designtrotter)

michael cogliantry | india


Michael Cogliantry
Presents – INDIA: Opening Reception and Book Release. TONIGHT! Thursday May 10th, 2007, 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. JACKEL GALLERY 532 W 25th Street (bet. 10th and 11th Ave.) 2nd Fl. New York, NY 10001


Have a dressy dress you are no longer wearing?

A friend of mine, a teacher on Long Island, just emailed me about her efforts to help needy graduating seniors get to the prom. She is looking for donations of dressy dresses that the girls could wear. If you have a dress you no longer can use, or know anyone that does, please consider a donation. We need all sizes, including plus size. We will let the girls have a “shopping” day in our resource room. Dresses that are not selected will be donated to charity or held for next year’s prom.

Email me if you have a dressy dress to donate and I will connect you with my friend. Thanks so much! Feel free to spread the word!

CharacterPal | best widget ever


CharacterPal is the best widget ever, at least in my book. Make sure to donate a small amount if you end up using it!

Book: Why we buy


Read about “Why We Buy” over at the Unclutterer. Sounds interesting.. Will have to pick up a copy!

peanut butter mixer


Panut Butter Mixer: Complete genius!

(via cooltools)

win an eames fiberglass arm shell rocker!


Win this modern eames fiberglass arm shell rocker in your favorite color! sparkability is sponsoring a mother’s day giveaway with an eames rocker! (WOW!) Enter over at mod*mom

paperclips – talk bubble


Paperclips – talk bubble



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michael cogliantry | book release party


Fond of photography? Live in the NYC area? Then don’t miss out on Michael Cogliantry’s book release party / opening reception this thursday, May 10th at the Jackel Gallery at 532 W 25th Street, 6-10pm.

winter garden greeting cards


The winter garden card is a greeting card inspired by the chinese magic flower paper toy. It can also be used as a gift tag or a gift ornament. Designed by Singapore based Design Studio Gagatree. (Gagatree? Gotta love that name!)

test your photographing reflexes!

Test your photographing reflexes! (this is hysterical!)

(via betz.lu)

swissmiss as a graph


The above image is a representation of ‘swissmiss’ as a graph. It had a meditative, almost therapeutic feel to sit here and watch the graph grow. Nice find, Benedikt!

See your site as a graph!

filemagazine.org | a collection of unexpected photography


FILE publishes images that treat subjects in unexpected ways. Alternate takes, unconventional observations, odd angles — the photographs in the collection reinterpret traditional genres.

“in the pocket baby”


In the pocket baby seems to be a kids-chair-harness system for on the go. I don’t speak a word of swedish so I just go by the pictures… Looks cool!

magnetic kids


Magnetic Kids are magnetic paper dolls, hand-drawn by Brooklyn based illustrator/animator Gaia Cornwall and printed on 30 mil magnetic paper. Currently, the line includes five Kids, four Pets and twelve different Outfits. Maia donates 10% of the net profits to charitable organizations that benefit children.

I would certainly have loved to play with these as a kid. Check them out at Magnetickids.com

spacesaving designs by Stephen Procter


I am all for minimal and collapsable furniture. I rejoiced when I discovered this spacesaving highchair!

gordon waltho | young and talented


I had the pleasure to meet some amazingly talented young designers today at the ADC National Student Portfolio Reviews. I must say, I was floored by some of the quality of the work. Here’s one of the young talents that caught my eye: Gordon Waltho.

simply colors | personalised clothing for babies and children


I am completely gaga over this dutch online service called “simply colors‘. Why? It lets you create your own shirts/hoodie… and preview it right away. I am all about instant gratification. Oh, but wait, what about the crucial wait until the mailman shows up with it at my doorstep… (sigh) And in case you’re wondering, yes, they deliver to the US!


(one thing though, they seriously feature ‘comic sans’ as one of the font options. Outch, thats wrong!)

foonz – free (cellphone) conference calling


With Foonz you can get a group of people on a call instantly or leave them all a message from your cell or home phone, anytime, without pre-planning. It’s easy to get started. Set up a free account here and add people to your foonz contact list. Then dial the “foonz number” you’ll get when you sign up and start a free group call or leave a group message! When you start a group call, foonz instantly “invites” people to join your call by sending a text message to their cell phones. They simply dial the number in the text to automatically join your call! A group can be any size. If you don’t have time for a call, you can record a message for the whole group and foonz will invite them to call in and hear your message.

(via popgadget)

SENZ umbrella


The aerodynamic SENZ umbrella claims to resists storms up to wind force 10! It looks intruigingly odd! Umbrella-man, is this for you?

(via karmabin)

grant ernhart | photographer


Love this shot by Grant Ernhart

music orb


With a turn of the elegantly shaped key, “Voi Che Sapete,” from Mozart’s The Marriage of Figaro, emanates from inside of this wooden ball. The 18-note chime plays whether it is rolling across the floor or decoratively resting on its small metal ring.
