Constantine Dollhouse


Constantine dollhouse, by Jeanette Domeisen

(via babygadget)

To all iPhone customers:

Therefore, we have decided to offer every iPhone customer who purchased an iPhone from either Apple or AT&T, and who is not receiving a rebate or any other consideration, a $100 store credit towards the purchase of any product at an Apple Retail Store or the Apple Online Store. Details are still being worked out and will be posted on Apple’s website next week. Stay tuned.

Open iPhone Letter

Freelancer Mistakes

The 10 Biggest Mistakes Freelancers Make, and How to Avoid Them

theo jansen : artist | engineer | genius

(via teamdustrial)

WANTED: wordpress guru in switzerland

Are you a wordpress pro? And do you happen to live in the german speaking part of Switzerland? If so, would you be interested in potentially teaming up with swissmss? Email me if you’d fit the bill and love simple, clean design.

(JF, if you read this, don’t be alarmed. I would *love* to book you for this, but it looks as we need a german speaking devloper. Boo hoo!)

Nick Bostrom: Humanity’s biggest problems aren’t what you think they are

Oxford philosopher and transhumanist Nick Bostrom examines the future of humankind, and asks whether we can — or should — alter our fundamental nature to solve our intrinsic problems. He asks us to reconsider three “inevitable” features of life: death, the risk of extinction, and our inability to live consistently full lives. If we could, would we correct these flaws? Can we humans alter our basic nature in ways that will enhance our experiences in the world? Do we want to? No matter what your answer, Bostrom’s engaging talk will force you to consider it carefully.

The World’s Ugliest Cars. I disagree.


Business Week is running an article on what are supposed to be the The World’s Ugliest Cars. I completely disagree, with the exception of the Aztek. I would suggest adding the Honda Element and the Scion XB.

I think the Ford Pinto (above) is a beauty.

(via chrisglass via designobserver)

headline of the day:

Man Fakes Death to Terminate Verizon Wireless Phone Contract

(thank you G!)

about HTML email

Why we need standards support in HTML email


Li Wei | Artist


“Freedegree over 29th story”by Li Wei, Beijing based artist.

(via kartasis)

etched leaf duvet cover + shams


etched leaf duvet cover + shams

Stop the bullets. Kill the gun.

(via the very short list)

wordpress = CMS

WordPress as a CMS – Content Management System

swiss cow bingo


A cow stands on a pitch with 750 fields during a cow-droppings bingo game in Ruswil, near Lucerne, Switzerland, on September 2, 2007. Spectators bet on which field the cows will drop. Image by Sebastian Derungs


Simple is best

Simple websites are easy to use, easy to understand, nice to look at. In practice, websites are either unusable or ugly and in general filled with too many complicated words. Why do designers have such a hard time to keep it simple?

Simple is best, by Oliver Reichenstein

business cards reinvented


I was just rejoicing as I discovered shineboxprint’s Business Card Booklets. Get a fully customizable booklet featuring 20 perforated identical cards bound into a protective cover. Or get a Versioned Booklet: Also fully customizable but each of the 20 cards has a common side and a unique side. Perfect for a Mini Portfolio.

What a fabulous idea!

(Thank you Luis!)

50 Designers x 6 Questions

What are the things you should know before starting designing / programming? What things should you be aware of? How to get your project done? 50 Designers x 6 Questions

(via popwuping)

farm fest poster by the heads of state


My love for cows and chickens made me look: Farm Fest poster by the wonderfully talented Heads of State. Made me chuckle.

sakol – my first contribution on ‘nesting’


My first contribution to Nesting, a blog by Cookie Magazine, just went live. Hooray! See my entry about Sakol (the toy above) here.

moderntots sample sale september 15/16th 2007


Moderntots, one of my favorite Brooklyn designy kids stores is having its final Sample Sale of the year: on Saturday & Sunday, September 15th & 16th. Sale items will be marked up to 40% off and will include furniture, clothing, and accessories. Oh, how tempting…

2months = $200


Along with the introduction of iPod touch, Apple dropped the price for the iPhone a whopping $200. Boy, would I be upset right now, had I bought an iPhone two months ago.






the beginning of cubicles?


Camera: Kodak Instamatic sad pictures

ricola ad from the 90s

I am trying to find the funny Ricola commercials with the guy wearing a light on his head asking: “Wer hat’s erfunden?” I couldn’t find anything on youtube or similar sites. Can anyone point me to them?