

Couples | Photographs by John Huck

(via notcot)

the new 7 wonders


The new 7 wonders, view them all in 360 degree interactive panoramas from internationally known panorama photographers.

(via the very short list)

customizable wardrobe



N.O.W. Customizable Wardrobe, by Daniele Lago, offers the ability to create any number of color palette designs.

embracing short attention span.


(from the about page of ‘a brief message‘)

a brief message


Khoi and Liz have been cooking up a new website, called A Brief Message. The first entry was written by Steven Heller. The site features design opinions expressed in short form—200 words or less. Fantastic!

A new favorite and instantly added to my ‘recommended’ list on the left. Hat tip!

deck 21


A warm welcome to the three new sites in our targeted ad network, The Deck:

Darius Monsef’s COLOURlovers has taken a simple and critical part of design and grown it into a thriving destination for the discussion and analysis of colors, palettes, theory and meaning.

Veerle Pieters’s site has always been a great resource for illuminating examples of layout, code and above all, impeccable taste.

Our third new affiliate is A Brief Message, a concept developed by Khoi Vinh and Liz Danico that aims to become the “Op-Ed” page for design on the web, by publishing short weekly commentary on matters that matter.

If you have a product or service that could benefit from being in front of millions of web, design and creative professionals each month, give us a shout at The Deck. Limited inventory is available for the fall.

easy glider


Every cell in my body is screaming “I WANT”: EasyGlider. Check out the Kids Version.

(via notcot)

umbrella pot


The umbrella pot is an ingenious invention as the collecting rainwater actually serves a purpose: watering the plant. I *love* it!

(via productdose)

US brands from the 50s and 60s | a flickr set


US brands from the 50s and 60s | a flickr set

(via fontblog)

flipping screen saver


An old-school flip clock as a screen saver available at:

(via wemadethis)

Barry Schwartz: The paradox of choice

Psychologist Barry Schwartz takes aim at a central belief of western societies: that freedom of choice leads to personal happiness. In Schwartz’s estimation, all that choice is making us miserable. We set unreasonably high expectations, question our choices before we even make them, and blame our failures entirely on ourselves. His relatable examples, from consumer products (jeans, TVs, salad dressings) to lifestyle choices (where to live, what job to take, whom and when to marry), underscore this central point: Too many choices undermine happiness.

(Considering I am currently struggling with the decision of what logo to chose for my swissmiss redesign, I can relate with his paralysis theory on a ‘design level’. And yes, I keep telling myself, it doesn’t matter. )

Why is he wearing shorts for a TED talk?

ever considered building a windmill?

When he was just 14 years old, Malawian inventor William Kamkwamba built his family an electricity-generating windmill from spare parts, working from rough plans he found in a library book. In conversation with TED Curator Chris Anderson, Kamkwamba, now 19, tells a moving story of ingenuity and adaptation, and shares his dreams for the future. This talk inspired outpourings of support from the TED community and in the blogosphere.

Stranger than fiction infographics

(via dutchcelt)



Double Bed sheet with printed rules. Couple can be a game or a monitoring system. The ruler is printed so as to be readable from inside the bed. The numbering rises outwards and from warm to cold colours.

(via pan-dan)

google earth flight simulator


As if adding sky wasn’t enough… jetset from your laptop! press Command/Open Apple Key + Alt + A | Google Earth Flight Simulator

(via notcot)

The Next Generation of Online Shorthand

* GI — Google it
* MOP — Mac or PC?
* FCAO — five conversations at once
* IIOYT — is it on YouTube?
* DYFH — did you Facebook him/her?
* BIOI — buy it on iTunes
* CMOS — call me on Skype
* GGNUDP — gotta go, no unlimited data plan
* WLF — with the lady friend
* JUOC — jacked up on caffeine
* 12OF — twelve-o’clock flasher (refers to someone less than competent with technology, to the extent that every appliance in the house flashes “12:00″)
* SML — send me the link
* RHB — read his/her blog
* MBLO — much better-looking online
* KYST — knew you’d say that
* NBL — no battery left
* CTTC — can’t talk, teacher’s coming
* TWD — typing while driving
* CMT (CMF, CMM, CMB) — check my Twitter (Facebook, Myspace, blog)
* CYE (CYF, CYM, CYB)–check your email (Facebook, Myspace, blog)

The Next Generation of Online Shorthand

(via brocatus)

quote | you don’t need a plan…

“ You don’t need a plan, you need skills and a problem.” via 37signals via brocatus

feeling material


Feeling Material II 2003, Rolled mild steel hoops various diameters 204 x 150 x 165 cm, by Antony Gormley

I want to be a server in italy.


The italians do it right: even the servers get a break in august.

trying to clean your lens? use vodka.

While it probably doesn’t sound a very good match, I must say that vodka is the best lens cleaner that I’ve come across.

You Tube-style embeddable maps

Adding a map to your website or blog is now as easy as embedding a YouTube video. No programming skills are required, and there’s no need to sign up for a Maps API key. All it takes is three simple steps. view them here

(via chrisglass)

thank you.


My last post about my swissmiss-redesign-struggle has received over 200 comments. (!!!) Thank you all for your insightful feedback and wonderful suggestions. A big thank you to all of you swissmiss-readers!