A Proposal for a UN Playground


Isamu Noguchi’s unbuilt UN playground

(via monoscope)

bedtime sucks


Snuglo Bedtime Sucks Playsuit

stina persson | new portfolio


Stina Persson, the queen of watercolor, just emailed me about her updated/redesigned online portfolio. Well worth a visit! Congrats Stina!

Thin Edge Bed


George Nelson & Associates | Thin Edge bed

Ellsworth Kelly


Ellsworth Kelly | Blue Over Orange

(via wrongdistance)

manufactum memory game



Manufactum Memory Game

wall drawer


Designed by Markus Boge and Patrick Frey, this unique drawer doubles as filing-tray, odds-and-ends box or night table in bedroom, corridor, living- or work-room. Beautiful!

restless chopsticks


Restless are chopsticks that don’t need a chopstick rest. Because of their shape, the tips won’t touch the table when they’re set down. You’ll find comfort in their simple design.

typography on the web?

15 excellent examples of web typograph

in progress necklace


in progress necklace, by irina blok

magazine rack and bookshelf


wall mounted bookshelf


Illuzine magazine rack

(via laissez faire)

seed conference

SEED: A One-Day Conference on Design, Entrepreneurship & Inspiration, by 37signals, Segura Inc. & Coudal Partners: You’ll learn about taking control of your own work, seeking out methods to inspire new ideas, and adopting unconventional ideas about collaboration and business. The SEED conference will fill your head with knowledge you can use.

I wish I was in Chicago on Monday October 29th. Sign up!

human flipbook

Minneapolis-based design agency Colle + McVoy created a stop-motion nugget, a “human flipbook,” using 150 individual t-shirts and 1 human for a Midwest-based sub shop.

(via core77)

Helvetica Coffee Mug


Helvetica Coffee Mug

Jean-Francois Martin


Illustrations by Jean-Francois Martin.

(via monoscope)

Branding 101 for toddlers


Teach your tot about branding at a young age.

(via the newly married sub-studio)

Peeking around the corner….


Seen on itsnicethat. Photo by Patrick Tsai & Madi Ju.

Michael Bierut: May I Show You My Portfolio?


Michael Bierut: May I Show You My Portfolio?

(thanks Michael)

What Types of Posts Draw the Most Comments and Links?

What Types of Posts Draw the Most Comments and Links?

Mini Postal Truck


Mini Postal Truck from Vilac

Five Types of Links

1. Sales Links
2. Really Helpful Resource Links
3. Friendly Links
4. Notice Me! Links
5. Internal Links

Are You Using the Five Types of Links Properly?

(via focusminded)

25 Freelance Tips to Maximize Your Income

25 Freelance Tips to Maximize Your Income by Performancing

(via focusminded)

Beat Blinds


Beat Blinds, xylophone window blinds. Put a little sound in your sill! These wooden window blinds have a secondary purpose as a musical instrument. Beat Blinds encourage children to embrace the world of music.

Frezenda Imagination Friendly Environments is a collection of objects that help integrate play for children into adult environments.

Faces in Places


Faces in Places

(via core77)