Creative Commons Creating Problems?

Virgin Mobile advertising campaign using Flickr photos

(via uneasysilence)

Think Like a Dog Flowchart


Think Like a Dog, by Khoi Vinh

CMU professor gives his last lesson on life


If I don’t seem as depressed or morose as I should be, sorry to disappoint you.”



Bagsofgoodwill | Lucienne Day

reusable stylish shopping bag


Envirosax Mod Link Reusable Grocery Bag

Birthdayparty a la card


This eco friendly picnic set comes with wooden cutlery and a tray holds an untreated cardboard plate. A cupholder and a place to deposit fork and knife are also there, to keep a hand free to refill the plate. Due to these qualities the picnicset became a big hit for children´s birthday parties. And probably also because it is convenient, recycable, easy to dispose and also low priced: a pack of three sells for only 4,50 €.

Coriette Schoenaerts | Photographer




After discovering that kissing got introduced to the Japanese by Dutch tradesmen of the East Indies Companies, the subject for a Japan-series was evident. The graphic shape of the mouth runs through the series and by turning the pages of the magazine, the mouths “kiss”.

Coriette Schoenaerts

(via beautiful)

DirtyPatrick | Fashion Documentary


DirtyPatrick | Fashion Documentary is comprised of almost a year’s worth of the weekly personal style of friends & co-workers, he’s taken street fashion blogging to the next level with interactive stop motion and a true appreciation for individuality.

(thank you mag hag)

IKEA The Movie


A completely nutty feature on the German Ikea site: IKEA The Movie. Even with no german language skills, you’ll realize how unbelievably crazy this is.

(via macelodeon)

TED talk: John Maeda | Simplicity patterns

The MIT Media Lab’s John Maeda lives at the intersection of technology and art — a place that can get very complicated. Here, he talks about paring down to basics, and how he creates clean, elegant art, websites and web tools. In his book Laws of Simplicity, he offers 10 rules and 3 keys for simple living and working — but in this talk, he boils it down to one simply delightful way to be.

How to Work Like the Masters

Don’t let someone else define your creative process. No matter how much the gurus know about the creative process and productivity, they aren’t you — because you are unique. Your muse and creative flow may be found in a completely different place.

How to Work Like the Masters

Designs for Working | Malcolm Gladwell

The parallels between neighborhoods and offices are stiking. There was a time, for instance, when companies put their most valued employees in palatial offices, with potted plants in the corner and secretaries out front, guarding access. Those offices were suburbs – gated communities, in fact – and many companies came to realize that if their best employees were isolated in suburbs they would be deprived of public acquaintanceship, the foundations of public trust, and cross connections with the necessary people.

I just stumbled upon this fantastic New Yorker article by Malcolm Gladwell from 2000: Why your bosses want to turn your new office into Greenwich Village (PDF)

Picture_17 is a project of, built to showcase the amazing beauty and (sometimes) weirdness found in the designs of the common audio tape cassette. There’s an amazing range of designs, starting from the early 60’s functional cassette designs, moving through the colourful playfulness of the 70’s audio tapes to amazing shape variations during the 80’s and 90’s.

(Thank you Jerry)

awaken your child’s inner architect


Check my latest Nesting Post over at Cookie Magazine: Dollhouse by Hase Weiss

Flash animations projected onto Berlin

Drive-by flash animation projections by atrin klimat, boris reznicek, jan jürjens, michael peters, maximilian pilarczyk, students at the university of applied sciences in berlin. Thanks Michael.

Could you maybe add some pink stripes?

5 Tips for Giving Feedback on Creative Work

Laure Kasier | Textile Designer


Rugs by Laure Kasier

(thank you Amy)

You can rarely see what is right in front of you


Fantastic: ‘You can rarely see what is right in front of you’ . I soon need to start a “Keep Calm” category on this blog if Lucas and Hayley keep up their current production pace…

A much needed game.


I agree with BB, this map game is a beautiful example of how educational the interweb can be.

Contexture recycles old cassettes into iPod nano cases


Contexture – the people behind the 45 record iPod cases – are back with another way of recycling vintage audio – the 45 nano.

Sanna Annukka | Illustrator + Printmaker


Sanna Annukka | Illustrator + Printmaker

(thank you Cecilia)

word bubble laptop bag


How fantastic is this Word Bubble Laptop Bag?

The People’s 311


The People’s 311 is a public photo pool documenting non-emergency 311 conditions throughout New York City. We encourage citizens to post photos here of dangling traffic signs, illegal advertising, dead or dying street trees and the like, along with their locations. People’s 311 is an unofficial companion to 311 and not a replacement for it. It aims to show the potential of crowdsourcing as a way to help solve selected government problems efficiently.

(via MUG)

Andrew Zuckerman | Photographer




I am blown away by Andrew Zuckerman’s Photography. But not only his photography is amazing, his portfolio site is uber-stylish as well. Yay to white space! I especially love his giant OK button before you enter his site.

My jaw dropped at the sight of his second book “Creature”, published by Chronicle Books, which is set to be released on October 18th 2007. (Pre-Order it here!) Our little Ella would LOVE it! I wish Andrew would come out with a board book version of it. Hat tip to Mr.Zuckerman – Photographer Extraordinaire! Consider swissmiss your new fan!