How to promote your blog for free

99 Ways to Promote Your Blog for Free

Is Your Blog Worthy of a $10,000 Scholarship?

Do you maintain a weblog and attend college? Would you like $10,000 to help pay for books, tuition, or other living costs? The Blogging Scholarship

photoshop CS3 for iphone

Yes, it’s a joke.

(via designer daily)

A fascinating article about class and social-networking Websites

MySpace is still home for Latino/Hispanic teens, immigrant teens, “burnouts,” “alternative kids,” “art fags,” punks, emos, goths, gangstas, queer kids, and other kids who didn’t play into the dominant high school popularity paradigm. These are kids whose parents didn’t go to college, who are expected to get a job when they finish high school. These are the teens who plan to go into the military immediately after schools. Teens who are really into music or in a band are also on MySpace. MySpace has most of the kids who are socially ostracized at school because they are geeks, freaks, or queers.

Danah Boyd’s “Viewing American class divisions through Facebook and MySpace

(via one of my daily highlights: veryshortlist)

Truss Cafe Chair


Context Furniture Truss Cafe Chair

New Minimalism in web interface design

Web minimalism has come back as a trend in the summer of 2007. Rainfall Daffinson adores the concept of minimalism (so does swissmiss). They chose 24 moments of minimalism web interface design in the last decade, selected several quotes to easily define the minimalism and represent some of the best new minimalism websites.

New Minimalism in web interface design

quote on minimalism in design

“Minimalism design relies on subtraction and the preservation of empty space.”

— Tokujin Yoshioka

Times to Stop Charging for Parts of Its Web Site

In addition to opening the entire site to all readers, The Times will also make available its archives from 1987 to the present without charge, as well as those from 1851 to 1922, which are in the public domain. There will be charges for some material from the period 1923 to 1986, and some will be free.

Times to Stop Charging for Parts of Its Web Site

Fantastic news! Oh, now if they only would implement an Archive Explorer like the one I helped designed while working at Thinkmap.

(via informationallyoverloaded)

humorous luggage tags


Don’t make me chase you Luggage Tag


You won’t look good in my clothes Luggage Tag

when it comes to blogging: how much is too much?

I have been nudged twice this week about ‘posting too much’. (You can read one of the comments on this post.) I believe in keeping my blog fresh. And sometimes I just happen to stumple upon A LOT of cool stuff at once. Plus, my readers send me link tips. How can one resist to post?

Regarding the Blog Discussion Panel I will be part of at the AIGA NEXT conference, it raised a question: When do readers start feeling entitled do give such feedback? Should they be? And when does a blogger have to listen to it? Is there such a thing as upsetting your audience with too many posts? When it comes to blogging: how much is too much?

My sweets.



“My Sweets” by Tithi Kutchamuch

(Thank you Keren)

boys want my fonts


Check out one of the most recent ChopShop additions: Boys want my fonts. (There’s also a girls want my fonts version, don’t worry!) My favorite thing about the ChopShop site is the little man pushing the shopping cart on the very top. Hilarious!

The Helium Menagerie by Eric Fan


Threadless T-Shirt: The Helium Menagerie by Eric Fan

i . you . he . she


i . you . he . she lists questions from Yahoo! Answers filtered by personal pronoun. A catalogue of insecurities. Other projects by the Yahoo! Design Innovation Team.

(via brandspankingnew)

Dear, I forgot the tablecloth…



La Cuisine Centre de Création is a cultural institution based in Nègrepelisse, a town in the South-West of France. The centre – dedicated to food – asked 5.5 Designers to design an installation in a park, dedicated to eating outdoors. The Paris-based designers , conceived picnic areas giving the archetype of the red-and-white tablecloth a nice twist: they used Bisazza mosaic tiles to create picnic places under trees, on grass and on stone.

Dear, I forgot the tablecloth

how to close a (chips) bag without using a clip

(via happy mundane)

pixel it poster



Pixel It Poster, by Jessica Nebel.

American Express: Animals

green guilt

A survey by the Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corp. in Atlanta recently found that 20% of Americans experienced so-called green guilt.

The ‘Guilty Green’ (gasp!) don’t always recycle

The Piracy Paradox

Designers’ frustration at seeing their ideas mimicked is understandable. But this is a classic case where the cure may be worse than the disease. There’s little evidence that knockoffs are damaging the business. Fashion sales have remained more than healthy—estimates value the global luxury-fashion sector at a hundred and thirty billion dollars— and the high-end firms that so often see their designs copied have become stronger. More striking, a recent paper by the law professors Kal Raustiala and Christopher Sprigman suggests that weak intellectual-property rules, far from hurting the fashion industry, have instead been integral to its success. The professors call this effect “the piracy paradox.”

The Piracy Paradox, by James Surowiecki

Blog O’Fear: The Rules and Etiquette of Blogging


I am thrilled to be part of a panel discussion about The Rules and Etiquette of Blogging at the upcoming NEXT AIGA conference in october. I will be surrounded by much respected fellow bloggers: Allan Chochinov,; William Drenttel, Design Observer; Khoi Vinh, subtraction; and Alissa Walker, UnBeige. The panel will be moderated by Steven Heller.

I would love to hear your thoughts on the topic:

What’s the future of blogging?

Who is afraid of what the blogosphere has and will become?

What is its role of blogs as a forum for ideas?

nominate for the 10 most influental design blogger

Home Rejuvenation Blog is conducting a survey to find the most INFLUENTIAL design bloggers and blogs. Vote for your personal favorites or the blogs that you visit regularly, but don’t forget about those whom (which) you think offer original thoughts and unique perspectives too. Email them your favorite. (Don’t leave it in the comments area on their page)

Read more: Nominate for the 10 most influental design blogger

dullness in construction


21 examples of dullness in construction

(via ffffound)

impression crockery


Impression Crockery by Benjamin Hubert, who has been nomminated 100% Design Blueprint Best newcomer 2007.