copywriter’s birthdaycard


Design the copywriter’s birthday card. They said.

swissmiss on blogging etiquette

1. If you don’t like a blog, don’t go back. Don’t waste your time leaving nasty comments. It’s not good for your skin.

2. Be honest, link back. If you see something on someone elses blog, and you post it on yours, be sure to credit the original source.

3. Using a picture from flickr? Credit the photographer. Link the image in your blogpost back to the original on flickr or put a caption saying: “originally uploaded by…”

To be continued.

(This post was inspired by coming across a blog this morning that was basically an exact copy of swissmiss, with no ‘via links’ and another blog that used some of my flickr images, again, no linking back or credits. The three points above are common sense. No?)

watch tattoo



Watch tattoo by Aaron Paul Boucher |

david weeks studio


I had coffee with Pieter in DUMBO this morning and he waved hello to to a young guy walking by. Peter mentioned it was David Weeks. I shrugged my shoulders. I got back to my office, googled him and am now completetly gaga over his lamps. David Weeks has a new fan.

David Weeks Studio | Lamp designer extraordinnaire

Billboards like you’ve never seen before



Billboards like you’ve never seen before

Sync all your web browsers using Bookit


If you frequently switch between multiple web browsers, Everyday Software’s Bookit utility ($12) allows you to sync a single collection of bookmarks seamlessly across your entire collection of browsers.

(via creativetechs)

coloring book for adults


“Creative Interiors” – A Coloring Book For Adults

tim wong | kanvas


Timo Wong’s Kanvas is a visual display system that combines a tripod easel with integrated roll-able electronic paper. The 30-inch screen can be rolled up and stored in the tube for transport, but more importantly external media sources can be streamed wirelessly to this system that runs on a built-in rechargeable battery.

(via mocoloco)

The Indo-European Family of Languages


Family tree of Indo-European languages, by the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. Wait a second, where’s my native language,swiss german, on this map?

(via anil dash)

Tree photos by Myoung Ho Lee



”Myoung Ho Lee, a young artist from South Korea, has produced an elaborate series of photographs that pose some unusual questions about representation, reality, art, environment and seeing.”

(via designer daily / via Le territoire des sens)



Heart on Sleeve Pillowsicon by Mary and Shelly Klein . This mother-daughter team uses sustainable materials such as organic cotton to create one-of-a-kind decorative accents.

I am a little teapot warmer!


It’s soon going to be cold here on the east coast, I can feel it in my little toe. Get yourself a Teapot Warmericon!



Designed for small digital cameras, Klikk is the innovative alternative to a bulky, hard-to-carry tripod. It’s small and simple, and at the same time strong and easy to use. With Klikk you can finally be the star in your own photos! Set up your shot on Klikk, set your camera’s timer, and jump in front of the lens!

It’s been designed to be carried inside your camera case, or in the pouch that Klikk comesw it. What I like best (besides it being really small) is that it let’s you shoot from the ground, it’s only 1.2cm high. That should make for interesting angles….

shed / shelf



Shed/ Shelf , by John Arndt.

hear the waves?


Seen on

Stumbling on Happiness


Why are lovers quicker to forgive their partners for infidelity than for leaving dirty dishes in the sink? Why will sighted people pay more to avoid going blind than blind people will pay to regain their sight? Why do dining companions insist on ordering different meals instead of getting what they really want? Why do patients remember long medical procedures as being less painful than short ones? Why do home sellers demand prices they wouldn’t dream of paying if they were home buyers? Why are shoppers happier when they can’t get refunds? Why do pigeons seem to have such excellent aim; why can’t we remember one song while listening to another; and why does the line at the grocery store always slow down the moment we join it?

Stumbling on Happiness



Verbarius is the first clock in the world that writes the time in a humane way. Five languages are available: English, German, Spanish, French and Russian. You can upload any other language—from Latin to Gaelic—through a PC.

(via nascentideas)

Not So Noble “Noble Desktop”


In their august email newsletter AIGA/NY announced a free seminar by Noble Desktop on the topic of “Latest Web Technologies”. Intrigued by the details of the event, I signed up. I got a confirmation letter and a reminder the day before the event. So, last night I ventured over to the event location, even got there 5 minutes early to then have the lady at the door tell me: “Sorry, the event is full”.

I was completely flabbergasted. What do you mean, the event is full? And pointed to my r.s.v.p. printout! I then was told about ‘first come first serve’ and something along the lines of fire code, and maxed out.

Fairly upset I then proceeded t do a little angry Rumpelstiltskin impersonation.

I emailed AIGA when I got home suggesting to reconsider their affiliation with Noble Desktop. Or maybe they should just rename their company to “Not So Noble Desktop”. I just checked ‘’ is available.

50 Great Widgets For Your Blog

Even though I am more of a beliver of ‘less is more / simple is better” I know that a lot of bloggers get a kick out of widgets. So, for all of you ‘widget happy people’ , here’s a list of 50 Great Widgets For Your Blog.

40+ Ways To Access Your Computer Remotely


Another wonderful Mashable Resource: 40+ Ways To Access Your Computer Remotely

Inflatable Baby Spa


Inflatable Baby Spa for the munchkin on the go.

(via myjnr)

poochie bag


So much for a chuckle early friday morning: Poochie bag. The dachshund would be a nice addition to my chicken purse. (no kidding!)



Oh, the fun that could be had with one of these Humanlocator projections in one’s livingroom. Make sure to check the ‘spin’ and ‘reveal’.

(Thank you Hilary)

urban cup holder


The aim of the urban cup holder is to encourage people to reinterpret street settings and claim them as their territory, instead of just using them as a means of passage from A to B. The cup holder is easily clamped with one hand to posts in the street, then used as a coat/bag/umbrella hanger and a drink holder. In turn, giving the user a feeling of control and creating a more personal space, a temporary territory.

Urban Cup Holder by UP TO YOU. I tried to find it in their online shop, unsuccesfully.