How to display polaroids ‘michelle style’


The other day I saw pictures of my friend Michelle Reeb’s Berlin apartment over on a Nesting Housetour. I love Michelle’s minimalist decorating style. Her way of displaying Polaroids had me look closer. I asked her to send me some close-ups and an explanation how she did it. She bought the wood extrusions at Bauhaus, painted them and nailed them to the wall. See sketch.


The fabulous pictures are by her husband Sacha Reeb.

4 Comments leave a comment below

  1. That is incredibly fantastic

  2. Love it ! Normally I just use 3M mounting adhesive tapes for my Polaroids, but this idea is so genius.

  3. OH MY – totally LOVE THIS!!

  4. Can you provide a link to where these pieces of wood can be purchased? I did a brief search online to no avail.