Fifty People / One Question: Brooklyn Version

Fifty People, One Question: Brooklyn from Crush + Lovely on Vimeo.

How funny was that ‘closet answer’? And also watch what people in London answered.

12 Comments leave a comment below

  1. Well done. Certainly illustrates humans’ dissatisfaction with their current states of life. I guess if we were completely content with our individual existences we wouldn’t innovate to the level that life surely demands. Still, loved the gal and guy that were happy with where they are now. Be in the moment!

  2. It’s beautiful.

    It’s great that this was made.

    Art needs no justification.

  3. Thank you!

  4. This is the most poetic and warmest film I’ve seen for a long time. It’s touching to hear about people’s dreams. Thank you for sharing it.

  5. The young man who wanted to wake up looking at his father’s headstone with his family around. Maybe it is because my own Dad is deceased, but that made me weep.

  6. I’m not crazy about the cheesy music though.

  7. i love this video, and I posted it on my blog as well :)
    Thanks for sharing.

  8. that is the most touching film i have seen in while. simple but so emotive.

  9. The New Orleans version is still the best I think, but all are excellent in their warm simplicity.

  10. Thank you for posting a link to our new project! We really appreciate all the wonderful responses. We are bringing this project to cities around the world, so please continue supporting our project!

  11. I loved it… It is increible to hear about other people feelings…You made me cry!!! Thanks!

  12. Not sure who is behind the curtain here, but thanks so much for the continued support- from the start of the project.

    Please look out for Mexico City, coming soon!