Logo Design Process


Swiss Designer David Pache shares his logo design process.

(via twittering david airey)

4 Comments leave a comment below

  1. The new brandmark (logo) is a significant improvement on the old identity. It’s clean, modern and has a strong iconic symbol.

    The new identity is unique and distinctive. However, the branding of Hotbox Studios comes across as a design-led exercise, hence the ‘designery’ option and final result. Design-led work is fine for businesses developing organically on tight budgets but the results tend to be conceptually flat and the process quite generic.

    What is the brand idea? An H and a B in a box? I get ‘one colon one’, despite the clever use of negative space. I don’t get any of the excitement I expect from animation. I think the solution is far too static and corporate.

    It’s better but not hot.


  2. I enjoyed being able to see the process behind the new mark. I can clearly see the H B.

  3. Unsurprisingly Dache did not publish my previous post in the comments of this projects on his website. He only seems to appreciate cooing compliments.

    Below is a link to more thoughts on the difference between a logo and a brandmark.



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