swissmiss Article in Aargauer Zeitung (swiss newspaper)


During our Christmas trip to Switzerland I met up with lovely Corinna Hauri Schuessler, a journalist of the Aargauer Zeitung, a big swiss newspaper. We had a wonderful 1 hour conversation over coffee which turned into this article (PDF) in yesterday’s newspaper. (german only) I am thrilled and feel honored. Thank you Corinna. Photo by Daniel Ammann.

10 Comments leave a comment below

  1. fun way to practice my (really elementary) German…it will probably take me a few days to read it…but before I realized it was in German, the English meaning of the headline automatically was rendered to me, and briefly had me wondering why there was a death wish against you :)

  2. Netter Artikel. Glückwunsch!

  3. Ha, at first glance I thought the author of that article really had it out for you and was telling you to die.

    And then I realized it wasn’t in English.

  4. Congrats! That’s great. :-)

  5. Hey tina, ich gönne Dir den Artikel von Herzen! Freu mich :-)

  6. lol, that headline is really horrible (until you read the context)

  7. WOW! You are big time! ;)) Congrats!

  8. Hoi… schöni gratulation! Wenischtens händ sie dich nöd a :Swiss Roll gnännt… super… toi, toi, toi… mach so wieter.

  9. congratulations swissmissmommytina!!!!

    you are such an inspiration + kind person!