Meal Without Wine

a meal without wine

A meal without wine is like a day without sunshine‘. This pregnant woman fully agrees.

11 Comments leave a comment below

  1. This is amazing! I just purchased a print for my wife. She’s going to LOVE it. Thank you for helping me find the perfect gift!

  2. That’s an italian saying! I learned it in high school italian and I swear it is the only thing I remember. :)

  3. I’ve been drinking wine daily at lunch and dinner for over 50 years, with a Campari soda, Cynar, or M&R sweet vermouth as an aperitivo and I’m one of very few seniors not on any medication.

  4. Wow Tina, I didn’t know you were pregnant! Congratulations!


    Sorry!, kein Alkohol in der Schwangerschaft. Sonst stimme ich Ihnen zu.

  6. Gabriele, are you seriously lecturing me about not drinking during pregnancy? Guess why I put the poster up and fully agreed with it, because I am NOT drinking….

  7. oh you must be dying!!!! i sometimes think about how, if and when i get pregnant, i will miss my wine so much!!!!

  8. i `m always drink a cold coke to evry meal:-)

  9. pregnant too, Swiss girl too and dying for a glass of wine toooooooo! Thank god we still can eat fondue and raclette!-) Love the print, thanks for sharing. clealala