Vanity Barcodes

Vanity Barcodes‘ goal is to help businesses take advantage of the little-known marketing potential of decorative — yet functional — UPC barcodes on their products. It’s a great way to add brand value and engage customers in a way that no other graphic design can!

10 Comments leave a comment below

  1. barcodes can really be so fun, i’m glad people get creative with them! pretty charming, really. ;)

  2. Isn’t it great!?!

  3. I love these, but sadly clients seem to think it’s a frivolous extra!

    Since when was attention to detail frivolous?!

  4. I have a record with the singer’s profile carved out from the top of the barcode – such an awesome detail to an otherwise awesome cover design (by Paul Wilson).

  5. This was done before by the japanese group:

  6. I finally saw an example on a package of paper towels recently. I was surprised to see the barcode so large. It was the focal point to identify the product. Loved it. The product was essentially a generic product, but the use of the barcode lifted it.

  7. Great examples. Here are some more creative barcodes from the Japanese firm

  8. Years ago, Mad Magazine made fun of them starting in 1978.