Modern chicken coop

I have a thing for chickens; so it comes to no surprise this Modern Chicken Coop made me look.

5 Comments leave a comment below

  1. haha, very cute idea!

  2. show us this coop after some use in real life. please.

  3. I sent this link to my sister-in-law, who’s building a coop right now. She’s modelling her coop upon this stylish number:

    Keep up the great work Swissmiss!

  4. modern is just a fancy word form making thing unnecessary and complicated. My family has chickens and this thing is completely unpractical.

  5. It’s made of cedar, which is toxic to chickens. It’s also way too small for the claimed capacity of 2-4 hens. This is an excellent design for an object to have its picture taken with a chicken, but that’s about it.