Knitted Necklace

I absolutely love this colorful knitted necklace by Nguyen Le.

(via doorsixteen)

Swiss Clock with Swing Arm

Love this retro Swiss Clock with swing arm wall mount that allows clock to be quickly and easily mounted to the wall. #want

Rockaway Needs Your Help

Please everyone help the folks in Rockaway. There are instructions on their site on what they need and how you can help or you can donate to Occupy Sandy.

UPDATE: Help directly by shipping goods ( to the following address:
The New York Communities For Change (NYCC)
2-4 Nevins Street, 2nd Fl,
Brooklyn NY 11217

They are collecting donations and transporting them to Far Rockaway twice a day. Or you can stop by between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m and drop off your donations.

(via @KeefTV)

Photoshop Etiquette

A message that is worth spreading in the design community: Name your Layers by Photoshop Etiquette

Helping DUMBO Businesses

Last week I launched a SmallKnot Fundraiser to help Robert Elmes, owner of Galapagos Art Space. Hurricane Sandy has devastated his interiors and the damages are over $100K. Galapagos has been our incredibly generous CreativeMornings host for the past few years. Have you attended an event at Galapagos? Then please consider helping them get back on their feet with a small donation.

One Girl Cookies across the street was also hit hard and if you’re in the DUMBO area, please consider visiting their pop up store which is hosted by PowerHouse Arena from 9am-3pm.

Governor, next to One Girl Cookies has a fundraiser up as well.

The DUMBO Business Improvement District is organizing a fundraiser party for the DUMBO businesses. I already got my ticket. See you on wednesday?

I Still Love NY

I Still Love NY Hurrican Sandy Relief T-Shirt by Sebastian Erraziuriz. 100% of the profit goes to Hurricane Sandy relief programs.

(via Zach)

Dear Folks in the USA:

Lisa Congdon’s contribution to the #GOVOTE Project.

♥ / 3rd Ward

A big thank you to 3rd Ward for sponsoring this week’s RSS Feed.

3rd Ward is a multidisciplinary workspace and education center in Brooklyn, NY. Whether you’re a professional looking for a workspace solution or seeking to stimulate your creativity by mastering a new skill, 3rd Ward will help you flex your right side of your brain. From jewelry enameling and sewing to becoming a Photoshop whiz kid, our diverse range of classes will have something to tickle your fancy. For a full list of classes at 3rd Ward, click here.

(Interested in sponsoring a week of my RSS feed, learn more here.)

New York’s Newest Neighborhood

This illustration of New York’s newest neighborhood, SoPo, by Jake Levine made me chuckle. And then, my heart sinks at the thought that so many of my fellow New Yorker neighbors are still without power.

UPDATE: You can buy a SoPo T-Shirt for Sandy Relief

Friday Link Pack

Time-Lapse of Hurricane Sandy Hitting New York City. So many people are without electricity and lost their homes. Please consider donating to the Red Cross.

– The Atlantic posts Photos of Hurrican Sandy’s Aftermath. Some of these are really intense, especially #16. And here from the New York Times.

For Adults, a Catastrophe. For Children, a Memory.

– Here’s a look at a new book based on the diary of Jim Henson called Imagination Illustrated.

The Human Centipede; Or, How to Move to New York, by Elissa Bassist. (via Maria)

– A fantastic collection of Tutorials to Make Toys from Trash.

– For those of you using Apple Mail, you might enjoy this Keyboard Shortcut Cheat Sheet.

– Not that the world needs one more hipster wallet, but Tight is actually really cool.

– What would you say if there was a lightbulb that you could control with your smart phone?

Why you should take your 20′s seriously

– San Francisco-based clothing company Betabrand is now offering sock insurance: Lose a Sock & They’ll Replace it

– Making fun of Skeuomorphic design. There’s a blog for everything. (via loop)

– Yes, you can donate that left over Halloween candy.

The purpose of the Electoral College

(via DoobyBrain)

Optimism & Zest

“Just coloring inside the lines won’t help you succeed. More esoteric character strengths like optimism and zest are things that can be taught and are also predictive of success.”
– Paul Tough

Quote from this 99U Article: Your IQ Doesn’t Matter & Other Lessons About Creativity From Children

Knitting Clock

This Knitting Clock by Siren Elise Wilhelmsen is quite a poetic way of showing the passing of time. Made me smile.

(via Stilsucht)


“… It’s pretty easy to decide to roll with the punches, to look at the enormity of natural disaster and choose to hunker down and do less. It’s more important than ever, I think, to persist and make a dent in the universe instead.

We’ve all been offered access to so many tools, so many valuable connections, so many committed people. What an opportunity.”

– Seth Godin

Read his full post: Getting Over Ourselves

♥ / The Theme Foundry

A big thank you to The Theme Foundry for sponsoring this week’s RSS Feed.

Need a beautiful and minimal template for your WordPress website? The fine folks at The Theme Foundry have been building WordPress themes from scratch since 2008. You won’t find a huge assortment on their site — they keep a small curated collection and focus on quality over quantity.

I personally love the simplicity of the Duet Theme and recently recommended it to a friend that needed help choosing a template. Two swissmiss thumbs up!

(Interested in sponsoring a week of my RSS feed, learn more here.)