IKEA is helping my Tennis withrawals with this Solur Tennis Trainer. I can hit the ball alone, one some big open space, no wall or partner needed. Yes!
IKEA is helping my Tennis withrawals with this Solur Tennis Trainer. I can hit the ball alone, one some big open space, no wall or partner needed. Yes!
i have a dog for that.
Mar 21st, 2014 / 2:02 pm
funny, i used to have something like this as a kid (in wood) and it was called ‘jokari’.
Mar 24th, 2014 / 7:39 am
Dieser Tipp kam gerade rechtzeitig vor unseren Ferien!
Ich habe den Trainer für meinen Mann gekauft und konnte schöne und stressfreie Ferien verbringen ;o)
Apr 12th, 2014 / 4:42 am