momoll collapsable toys


These completely collapsable kids toys by MoMoll are brilliant! (I just had to bounce up and down for a bit!) One would think they’ve been invented by a NYC parent, struggling with closet space, but no, it’s by Nico Schweizer, living in Switzerland. One can surely see his half-norwegian design influence! I am sure G will get a kick out of the Play Kitchen, taken he’s a kitchen designer.

Momoll perfectly reduced the designs to the absolutel basics! I love it!

(by the way mo-moll means ‘yeah yeah’ in swiss german)

(thank you philipp)

don’t let the pigeon drive the bus


Ella got the funniest/coolest kids book ever: Don’t let the pigeon drive the bus. I was laughing out loud reading it to my little munchkin. (Thank you Sarah!)

Polka Dotta- The Cone Shaped Bunny


Their name alone makes them cool: Polka Dotta- The Cone Shaped Bunny

Available at

want to sound like a bird?


I know for a fact that I could entertain our little Miss EllaBella for hours with these Bird Call Devices.icon. These handsomely designed wood and rubber bird calls will let you converse with three kinds of birds: The Woodpecker (left), Blackbird (middle), and American Robin (right) calls are each packaged in a charming, slide-top wooden box complete with directions for use and bird fact card, making them a special gift for the amateur birders in your life. And, they’re handmade in the South of France. I like!

tadpole: ipod case for kids


The Tadpole Ipod Case for Kids is so cool! Ella, want an ipod? Oh, right, you’re too little. Never mind. I’ll ask again in a year or two.

(via parent hacks)

crayon keeper


DINE and DOODLES – Crayon Keeper

Sand Sculpting Kit


Sand Sculpting Kit: Specially formulated sand never dries out. I admit, I would love this for myself!

babysitter’s training DVD


The Babysitter’s Training DVD is designed for use in the Babysitter’s Training course and provides youth ages 11 to 15 with the information and skills necessary to provide safe and responsible care for children in the absence of parents or guardians. Running time: 38 minutes. DVD format.

I got all excited first when I saw this Babysitters Training DVD, but you could hear a big ‘gulp’ when I saw the price ($125). Is this considered some sort of ‘donation’ as this is sold by the American Red Cross? I wonder.

storyteller CD sets

My dad used to always read my sister and I a story after each lunch. Lucky us! That’s why this Storyteller CD set caught my attention: Ancient folk tales, eloquently retold by gifted storytellers, keep kids (and adults!) quietly entranced. Each audio book comes in a beautifully illustrated protective case, with written summaries of each story. I can’t wait to listen to some of these!

Storyteller CD Sets

dice tumbler by haba


I recently took an infant CPR class. Yes, I learned a lot, but it also made me slightly paranoid. When covering choking hazards, I came to realize, that our apartment could be considered ONE big choking hazard. Then, I was thinking of my friends who have two little ones. How do you explain a three year old that her little tiny toys could be dangerous for their sibling. Uhm…

That’s why products like this Dice Tumbler make me look these days. Welcome to the world of parenthood, huh?

(via babytoolkit)

embossed braille blocks


The Braille Math set of 16 blocks is embossed with numbers and math symbols (+, -, =) using the Braille Nemeth code. On two sides of each block a number or symbol is impressed into the block along with the corresponding Braille cell and a series of dots to represent the number.

Uncle Goose: the building blocks of language. Available at PlayChild.

(via babygadget)

my twinn doll


Uhm… isn’t this slightly creepy? Get a twin doll of/for your kid.

national toy hall of fame


Oh, I would love to visit the National Toy Hall of Fame Museum in Rochester, NY!

(via chrisglass)

nutty squirrel


I remember noticing all the squirrels running around in my brooklyn neighborhood when I first moved here. I kept going "oh, look how cute, a squirrel!" and native new yorkers would look at me in disbelief. "You think squirrels are cute? They are just nicer looking rats!" I would hear them say constantly. In Switzerland, one grows up thinking these little furry friends are cute, and I am not going to shake that. That’s why, I give this Nutty Squirrel two swiss thumbs up.

shoulderbags with fins


Hmm… I think my godson Thilo and his sister Julie in Switzerland would love these Shoulderbags with Fins by Reef&Reed. They donate 10% of their profits to organizations that protect and promote the welfare of aquatic life (read clean water). Cool!

Thanks Eugene!

window decorating paint

Oh, I think I want to get this for myself: Window Decorating Paints-Set 1

(boy, that picture is cheesy, huh?)

bholu creatures


I love these little creatures by australian designer Jodie Fried. (The elephant totally cracks me up.) The beautiful thing about “bholu” products is, that they are brought to life by traditional Gujarati women artisans from the remote desert communities of The Rann of Katchchh, Western Gujarat, India. Each piece is hand embroidered using traditional techniques, giving each product its own unique and original personality.

cubino chair and loveseat


I can definitely see Ella lounge in one of these, now that she’s embracing sitting up. Cubino Chair and Loveseat by Monte.

chalkboard placemat

I would have *loved* one of these when I was little, as I was doodling 24/7. (I can see my mom nodding her head…) Chalkboard Placemat set of 4.What a brilliant gift idea for kids!

(I wish though they didn’t have that border. I’d personally prefer them just plain black…)

(swiss) animal puzzle


Saw this Animal Puzzle over at KiddleyLinks.

Animal Puzzle: designed by Aoi Huber Kono in 1975 for Naef Toys, Switzerland . Play with this fantastic Animal Puzzle! Whether an elephant, monkey, lion, owl, hare or bear – all of these animal’s faces can be made with the 25 maple wood cubes. Amusing, imaginary animals such as a “lion- owl” or an “elephant-bear” are also waiting to be disovered on safari. Three cards depicting the six basic motifs are enclosed as a guide.

skip hop saddlebag


My friend Jen (and little Tanner) showed up at Ella’s first playdate today with a Skip Hop Saddlebag. Very cool! You can easily attach it to the side of your stroller. But I think it’s perfect for when you take your baby out in a sling and don’t want to also schlepp a big diaper bag. My favorite is the uptown stripe version. Go SkipHop!

surfer car toy


Sara, I would SOOO buy you one of these if you had a little munchkin: Surfer Car Toyicon.


Just discovered this supercool girls kids clothing line called Sophie and Lili. The wonderful creations are by Jennifer Vallez, a full-time advertising agency art director who studied fashion and accessory design at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York.

Oh my, the Kitty Babydoll Top (on the left) is sooo cute!

red sky king trycicle

1_19246_fs_1This vintage-style trike is the coolest thing on three wheels! A replica of the 1936 Sky King tricycle, it’s a head-turning classic. Made of all steel with lead-free paint, its features include solid rubber tires, an adjustable spring seat, working headlight, rubber handle grips, and the ability to make other kids — and other grownups — green with envy. Me want (for Ella)!