House Powerstation

This House Power Station Cable Holder made me chuckle.

How Table Tennis Balls Are Made

(via The Kid Should See This)

The Chromatic Typewriter

A typewriter that writes with paint. My heart!

(Thank you Cathy)

Skyline Chess

Skyline Chess brings the iconic architecture of New York City to your chess board. Made me smile.

Panobook: A Notebook for Your Desk

Panobook Kickstarter Video from Studio Neat on Vimeo.

A panoramic notebook for your desk? And eventually, your shelf? Panobook looks fantastic!


There is always tomorrow.

Friday Link Pack (late on Sunday)

You Are Not What You Earn, by Alain de Botton

Sweden’s gender-neutral preschools produce kids who are more likely to succeed

– For the pizza lover: Fluffy Pizza Pillow.

Language alters our experience of time (via)

Twist is a communication app for teams.

Tips for learning a foreign language.

Emoji in architecture.

How To Build an Igloo

– Here’s a framework to help you build meaningful communities.

– This weighted eye pillow made me laugh.

Write a letter of resignation, but don’t deliver it.

– This made me smile: UX of Parenting

Nine minutes of video filmed in New York City in 1911

Why you will marry the wrong person.

– “Executive and team portraits for startups can to be a bit of a drag. From the boring “Hey! It’s me in front of a wall!” shots to the corny “Look at us! We’re so fun!” kind.” Staff Portraits For Startups, by Wesley Verhoeve

– “Good lord, evolution, what is that?”

– No matter what kind of stuff you tell the world, or tell yourself, your actions reveal your real values.

– Interesting read: The funny thing about wanting something badly, by David G. Jensen (via)

– Kids off to summer camp? Send them some Tattly Camp Bundles!


“The discipline involved in finishing a piece of creative work is something on which you can truly pride yourself.”
– J.K. Rowling


A Thought

Current Status

Kind Words

“One kind word can warm three winter months.”
– Japanese Proverb


What Do You Want?

Face the hard questions and put them on your wall!

This would look good in our co-working space.

Wood + Rope Tree Swing

My kids look at this simple tree swing and see happiness.

How do you draw a circle?

Analysis suggests that the way you draw a simple circle is linked to geography and cultural upbringing, deep-rooted in hundreds of years of written language, and significant in developmental psychology and trends in education today. Fascinating article!

(thanks Christine)


Minutiae is designed to record mundane moments with no time to pose nor polish shots. The app was created as a response to the polished, carefully selected images we put on Facebook and Instagram. Instead of weddings, pets and brunch, Minutiae wants its users to capture the random, often boring things that happen in between.

As someone who created a 200 page book celebrating “The Beauty in the Ordinary” in 1999 as my thesis, this makes my heart sing.


The Creature Garden

The Creature Garden App by Tinybop is delightful. It lets you create incredible, fantastical creatures with 100s of different hooves and horns, wings and beaks, paws and claws, and more. So much fun!

The Bunt Machine

On June 27th, The Bunt Machine opens at The Invisible Dog Art Center in Brooklyn.

It’s a one man performance by my friend, office building mate and artist in residence, Mac Premo. The play is about that familiar intersection between death, learning to listen, M*A*S*H, and baseball. Life, you know!?

The Bunt Machine is directed by Donal Brophy (a divine derelict from Dublin), with sound design by Jad Abumrad (of Radiolab notoriety).

This first run is a short one with limited seating— just six nights, from June 27th through July 2nd. And if you come on June 28th, you’ll bump into me! Excited to see Mac perform!

Here’s a video piece by Mac that I love. And here’s his CreativeMornings talk.


Last week I had the absolute pleasure to meet Vicki Saunders, the founder of SheEO, a global community of women radically transforming how we finance, support, and celebrate female innovators. SheEO’s goal is to reach 1M Activators, 10,000 women-led Ventures and a $1B perpetual fund to support women for generations to come.


Yes to radical generosity and women supporting women!


“If you’re alive, you’re a creative person.”
— Elizabeth Gilbert

Stina Persson

Sweden based water color artist Stina Persson recently launched her own online shop where she sells prints and one-of-a-kind originals. Love her work!

(Also, check out Stina’s Tattly collection!)


“Quality will forever be in style.”
—Joel Flory

(via Emerline)

Facebook Social Fixer

Social Fixer, a plugin for Facebook lets you hide sponsored posts, remove politics, make your feed chronological again and much more.

(thanks Manu)

Gotham Chocolates

I have fallen in love with the packaging of Gotham Chocolate. Yet have to taste it!