
Toio, Sony’s new toy for kids is designed to inspire a future generation of robotics engineers.

I Feel You Cat

Totally feeling this cat.

Friday Link Pack

Need proof that you should never give up on your dream? Here you go! Yep, it made me sob.

– 60 prompt cards with ideas and questions to help us to find confidence and battle against timidity.

– I want to hang this figure it out banner everywhere. Especially my kids’ rooms.

This commercial featuring the iconic blue IKEA bag is pretty poetic.

A Chrome extension that always redirects Amazon to so you give with every purchase. (via)

Relationship advice, distilled from 700+ older people

– A NYC style pour over coffee maker. Made me laugh.

– My daughter would love this rainbow-panda pencil pouch.

Saddest phone ever lapel pin.

– This work table!

– Serve milk for your coffee in style with this ceramic beauty.

– Always coming back to this classic stool/side table. One day I will own one.

– Truly interesting read on morning routines

– Now this is a refreshing way to deal with ants.

– David Shrigley Be nice tea towel.

– Couldn’t help but giggle seeing these ear buds.

How to preserve your herbs so they stay fresh longer

This Twitter account keeps making me laugh. I want to hug the person that is the Photoshop wizzard behind it all.

– Change may be inevitable. But our relationship to change can be better or worse. We can use change well or we can be baffled and distressed by change. We can grow or diminish. This essay explores the four key problems that can occur around change – and what we can do about them.

– Here’s your chance to give a 7 minute talk at the August CreativeMornings in NYC. Apply by June 20th.

– Tattly got a shout-out for some of the pride designs in the NYTimes Style Section yesterday! Here is the entire pride collection.

Zjup Shoe Rack

This unusual, wall-mounted shoe rack made me look.


My dad used fabric handkerchief all his life. Still does. They weren’t as design-y as this one or this one though. Are handkerchiefs having a comeback?

Wherever You Are

“Wherever you are, make sure you’re there.” 
— Dan Sullivan

Advice vs Feedback

“What advice does anyone have for me?”

How one little word makes all the difference in unlocking honest feedback. I need to remember and apply this.

How To Have A Good Conversation

We too often imagine that ‘good conversations’ are things we fall into out of luck. According to the School of Life it’s far from it, knowing how to have a good conversation is a skill that can be learnt – and here are the beginning of the rules.

Shape Shifting Pasta

MIT researchers designed a shape-shifting pasta that looks like a flat sheet when it’s dry but will transform into an array of interesting shapes when placed in water.They say this flat-packed pasta is cheaper to package and ship.

Ansel Adams and the Golden Ratio

Ansel Adams is one of the greatest photographers of the 20th century, and photographer Elliot McGucken may have discovered a reason why. While viewing some of Adams’ public domain work, McGucken realized the presence of the golden ratio in the compositions. Read more.

Michael Bierut: How To Design a Library

I could listen to Michael Bierut talking about his craft all day long. If you enjoyed the above talk, you might also want to watch his CreativeMornings talk from a few years back.

Ed Sheeran Carpool Karaoke

I love carpool karaoke so much. This one with Ed Sheehan made me smile.

Monument Valley 2

Ustwo launches Monument Valley 2, a sequel to the hit puzzle game. I know what I’ll be doing this weekend!

Velosock – Indoor Bike Cover

Not sure I would understand this product if I didn’t live in NYC. But here, you most likely have to store your bike in your smallish apartment and it scratches the walls and gets stuff dirty. Velosock makes totally sense to me. I am just wondering how annoying it must be to put on?!

(via Do Lectures)

Digital Stickers by Thoka Maer

One of my favorite GIF makers, Thoka Maer, just released a digital sticker set.

(Love that everything goes to the artist and GIPHY doesn’t take a cut. Classy!)

Oddly Shaped Scissors

Do not need but want these oddly shaped scissors.


An audiovisual piece made up of over four thousand still images pulled from Google Earth, individually edited, and then manually sequenced to Midnight by Caravan Palace.

(Thank you Amirah)


This modular furniture system is beautiful. It’s also light and eco-friendly. What’s not to love?

Meet Kowalski!

For a little over a month now I have been using my new Kowalski bag by FREITAG and I have grown to absolutely LOVE it! It’s made out of super durable truck tarp and weatherproof. It’s a backpack but a stylish one. Numerous folks have stopped me and asked about it. Kowalski gets two thumbs up!

My love for FREITAG bags is a deep one. They last forever, are Swiss made and are simply super cool.

We Are All Counting On You!

A few days ago I walked into the bathroom in our office building and saw the above situation played out. I took a photo and posted it on our internal Slack channel, expressing my frustration. My studiomate Jeff, took it to the next level and got quite philosophical.

“Dear person who thinks this is OK, I assure you that when you figure out how to break through whatever is holding you back from putting the roll of toilet paper on the axle, there is no telling what you can achieve in life. You can do it. We’re all counting on you.”

Made me smile.


Yesterday I posted on Instagram about the book “How Emotions Are Made” and multiple commenters said I should listen to this episode of Invisibilia. They were right. So good.



“Generosity takes effort.”

Read Seth Godin’s full post on The Right Effort of Generosity


My Life by Mr. Bingo.