
“Promises are like debt — they accrue interest. The longer you wait to fulfill them, the more they cost to pay off.”
– Jason Fried

Don’t Promise, by Jason Fried

Crows in D

This is visually stunning.

Friday Link Pack

– Break the binge: How to turn off autoplay for the next episode on Netflix. (via)

How to Make the Most of Your Workday

Climate March is happening on April 29th

Feminist pin.

– Fire Drills: Communications Strategy in a Crisis

– My kind of gun.

– Really cute Kids Travel Blankets.

How To Cook Asparagus

May you feel awesome like this.

World’s “Mattest and Flattest” Black Paint

– “Both the military and professional kitchens are environments where there’s zero tolerance for slackers and indecision” – Why Chefs and Soldiers Make the Best Product Managers

– This is a smart coat for airplane travel.

– This tray!

– The short doc The Culture of Proximity digs into the notion that millennials see themselves as creators as much as consumers. (via)

– Want to convince someone to help you with a project? Try the bingo method.

Dragons love tacos is one of my son’s favorite picture books. I just noticed there’s a sequel!

The new Google Earth

Ways to Use Leftover Eggshells

– Ms. Management: The Hard Work of Hiring Well (via)

Setting intentions versus goals.

– Some of these signs made me laugh out loud.

The Faces behind Craigslist’s “Strictly Platonic” Personal Ads

– I heard this book helps you teach your kids about money. I’ll order it and will see for myself.

What it means to be a seeker

How Often You Should Do 12 Household Chores

– Here’s something to try at home: 6 fun activities to introduce your kids to physics!

How to keep your iMessages from popping up on other devices

– Made me laugh: IKEA “Relationship Saving Station

– Stina Persson’s watercolor Tattly collection now includes a Panda!

Giant Iceberg

A giant 150ft iceberg is floating past Canada. Wow.


“The only alternative left for mankind…is discipline…But by discipline I don’t mean harsh routines. I don’t mean waking up every morning at five-thirty and throwing cold water on yourself until you’re blue. Sorcerers understand discipline as the capacity to face with serenity odds that are not included in our expectations. For them, discipline is an art: the art of facing infinity without flinching, not because they are strong and tough but because they are filled with awe.”
– Carlos Castaneda

♥ / Samhæng

Big thanks to Samhæng for sponsoring my blog and RSS feed this week.

Samhæng is a UX, UI & IxD consultancy working globally from Copenhagen, Denmark. They help their clients create intuitive software applications, platforms and frameworks. They work on challenging projects that create long term value for the end users. Their favorite projects deal with intuitive access to complex data; have a cultural touch and a positive social impact on the world.

Samhæng is looking to hire a talented, experienced designer who can drive design processes from research through concept development and iterations to usable mockups and interfaces. They care deeply about their work and are looking for someone who does too.

Contact Samhæng if you feel like you might be a good match and a possible relocation to Copenhagen would get you excited. (Remote work welcome too!)

(Interested in sponsoring a week of my blog and RSS feed, learn more here.)


“Humor has a tremendous place in this sordid world.”
– Dr. Seuss

The Solar Do-Nothing Machine

The Solar Do-Nothing Machine by Charles and Ray Eames is one of the first devices to convert solar energy to electricity.

Endless Loop

Float Utensil Holder

Float is a multi-functional kitchen utensil holder that can be mounted underneath your cabinet or on the wall, accepting a wide range of kitchen tools for easy accessibility.

Flute Beatboxing

Clearly I must be living under a rock as I didn’t realize Flute Beatboxing was a thing. Hat tip off to this young man, Cosmic Cioca!

(Thanks Emerline)

Citizen Jane

In 1960 Jane Jacobs’s book The Death and Life of Great American Cities sent shockwaves through the architecture and planning worlds, with its exploration of the consequences of modern planners’ and architects’ reconfiguration of cities. Jacobs was also an activist, who was involved in many fights in mid-century New York, to stop “master builder” Robert Moses from running roughshod over the city. This film retraces the battles for the city as personified by Jacobs and Moses, as urbanization moves to the very front of the global agenda. Many of the clues for formulating solutions to the dizzying array of urban issues can be found in Jacobs’s prescient text, and a close second look at her thinking and writing about cities is very much in order. This film sets out to examine the city of today though the lens of one of its greatest champions.

Check for Tickets and Showtimes near you.


“Be impeccable with your word. Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.”
– Don Miguel Ruiz

Bog Rug

YES to this simple, strip-y hallway rug.

Citizen-Led Walking Tours

Jane’s Walk is an organization offering citizen-led walking tours in over 200 cities. The walks get people to tell stories about their communities, explore their cities, and connect with neighbors. I love EVERYTHING about this.

Here are upcoming walking tours in New York City.

(via Kyle)

Raised Fist

Raised Fist, by Børge Bredenbekk

Am I Normal?

52 cards to find out just how weird (or not) you might be. The School of Life designed this set of cards as a tool of self-assessment and reassurance.

Rapid X High Speed Car Charger

This rapid car charger hosts up to five devices and powers them up twice as fast as your average wall charger.

New Instagram Feature

You can now organize your saved bookmark on Instagram by tapping and holding the bookmark to save posts by collections. Getting all Pinterest-y on us!

The Early Days of The Internet

An exhibition in London gathers 64 artifacts of the early web, from the first site that allowed users to order pizza online to one of the first animated GIFs to go viral. I wish I could see this!

Brandord Marsalis on Students

From this article: 3 Things School taught you without even realizing it.


How to Raise a Creative Child

“Creativity may be hard to nurture, but it’s easy to thwart. By limiting rules, parents encouraged their children to think for themselves. They tended to “place emphasis on moral values, rather than on specific rules,” the Harvard psychologist Teresa Amabile reports.”

How to Raise a Creative Child. Step One: Back Off, by Adam Grant


The Stampville rubber stamp set has what it takes to make your little ones feel like budding architects. Definitely marking this one as a fun birthday gift.

On Measuring

“What gets measured gets managed.”
– Peter Drucker

A quote found in this blog post. (via)