Friday Link Pack

GIF by Thoka Maer.

– “What would happen if we insisted on ‘sort by delight’ instead?” – Seth Godin

– My London friend brought me this small picnic blanket. Love it.

– Wow, these rugs!

The struggle is real.

The joy of slime.

– The true self is just awareness. (via)

Rainbow experiments.

– I like this basket. Would also be great to hold extra bedding or outdoor toys.

– A skinny, modern umbrella stand.

Why are you sad?

Super-detailed visualizations of the complex structure of the human brain

Canopy is a curated Amazon experience.

– SO many interesting posts tagged pleasure principles.

– This drafting kit is pretty cool.

– I found some great Gmail tips in this article. I might want to try Hiver.

How to blow out eggs.

A Very Brief History of Ballet

Rainbow Playing Cards.

Stay or Leave: A tool to decide whether your relationship has a future.

– The 3rd season of the CreativeMornings podcast features some real gems.

– I totally want a pair of these Women Tech Jean by Hiut Denim.

– Which one would you wear? Rosemary or Parsley?


“Loneliness does not come from being alone, but from being unable to communicate the things that seem important.”
– Carl Jung


♥ / Squarespace

Big thanks to Squarespace for sponsoring my blog and RSS feed continuously.

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(Interested in sponsoring a week of my blog and RSS feed, learn more here.)

A Job To Love

I consider helping my kids understand themselves, so they will head into the direction of a career that will fulfill them, the biggest task of my life. Thanks to the newest book by School of Life I now have back up help: A Job To Love is designed to help us better understand ourselves and locate a job that is right for us.

At this point I might as well just give The School of Life my credit card info and have them send me everything they put out. Absolutely love what they do!

Jon Burgerman

Watch Jon Burgerman’s talk and agree with me that he is a super talented illustrator with a lovely sense of humor. Lucky me, I get to bump into him in the hallways, as both of our workspaces are part of The Invisible Dog in Brooklyn. Also, his Tattly designs are my kids’ favorites!

My Girl

I took this photo of E at a waterpark with a GoPro Hero Session. What a fun little camera this is! Thinking of blowing it up and hanging it on my living room wall.

The Greatest Prize of All

“Kindness toward others and radical kindness to ourselves buy us a shot at a warm and generous heart, which is the greatest prize of all.”
Anne Lamott

Longest Domino Line

Watch these 15,524 dominoes fall for 5mins. Impressive.


A beautiful minimal tray by LIXHT.

Opportunity triage

“… In emergency rooms, they put people into three groups: Gonna die no matter what, going to be okay if we help them eventually, and needs help right this moment. By prioritizing where to focus, they serve the patients who can benefit the most.

What happens if instead of ignoring opportunity, you triage it?”

Opportunity triage, by Seth Godin

Cielo Yu

I know the feeling. Photograph by Cielo Yu.

A Llama in Times Square

A llama came to be riding through Times Square in a car.

A Creative Wall Thanks to Sugru

Sugru is one of the most magical materials I have ever come across. Think of it as Play-doh and Superglue having a baby. And I love how they keep sharing ideas on how to use it in your home. It’s my go-to way to fix my iPhone cables.

Also, I highly recommend the Sugru founder’s 99u talk, if you haven’t seen it!

Watercolor Temporary Tattoos

A few weeks ago Tattly launched Helen Dealtry’s Watercolor Flower Tattoos and I can’t get enough of them. I almost wish they weren’t temporary.

Friday Link Pack

– I love the internet so much: This made me laugh.

– A hybrid flowering succulent plant with leaves that look like leaping dolphins.

– This thread is simply the best. (via)

1,000 teens were asked to rank brands on how cool they are. WSJ, Vice basically tied for dead last. Not surprised YouTube is winning. (via)

Check This Box if You’re a Good Person (via)

On Raising the Prestige of ‘Details’

– John Maeda and Automattic is putting on a remote conference on design and exclusion on April 21st. Consider me intrigued.

This electric skateboard is a snowboard in disguise.

How to make the most of your work day

– Don’t pass along your Adobe Illustrator files until you follow these steps.

Seneca’s Timeless Lessons on Friendships, Philosophy, and Self-Awareness

9 things to ask Siri that your kids will find hilarious

– Maria Popova is putting on an extraordinary event in NYC on April 21st: The Universe in a verse

Cats don’t always make the best dogs

10 Types of Odd Friendships You’re Probably Part Of

– Mark Cuban credits his success to these 7 books. (Seems odd he added his own book, no?)

– These geometric paper animal sculptures are stunning.

Your job can’t be the only meaningful thing in your life. (via)

– Still Don’t Believe In Influencer Marketing? Amazon Just Showed Us The Future

– My kids would love this: A kit that allows you to turn your veggies into musical instruments.

– My friend Josh Clark researched what it takes to set you ups own private VPN.

– Nostalgia coming over me: How to make your own functional Mini LEGO Mac

– The perfect host gift next time you’re invited to a dinner party: Scented Herb Tattly by watercolor artist Vincent Jeannerot.

– Super proud of my friend Dominie Mahl for creating this adorable nursery rhyme short which just aired on Sesame Street.


When Genius Sleep

Brilliance, it seems, is the product of a well-rested mind, not artistic all-nighters. Beautiful illustration of the sleep schedules some of history’s greatest minds. Click through to see a larger version.

Business Fundamentals Made Clear

I wish I would have access to these lessons in business fundamentals when I started out 11 years ago.

Confetti High Fives

My life is complete, I have found device that enables me to have Confetti High Fives.

(Thanks Karen)

Cast Iron Pizza Pan

This Cast Iron Pizza Pan looks fantastic. You can also use it to cook tortillas, quesadillas, grilled cheese sandwiches and more.



“Creativity is a combination of discipline and a childlike spirit.”
– Robert Greene


Scented Herb Set by Tattly

Yesterday team Tattly launched these herb scented temporary tattoos by water color artist Vincent Jeannerot. A perfect gift for all my cooking obsessed friends.

Professional Enthusiast

This Professional Enthusiast Shirt is simply wonderful!

(via Carly)


This is currently my favorite GIF, by Swedish illustrator Lillen, discovered via Emerline.