Sun Calculator

Worried about the plants in your garden getting enough sun or if the apartment you saw with a broker yesterday is as bright as he said? Try SunCalc. It’s a little app that shows sun movement and sunlight phases during the given day at the given location. Here’s a sample of my office.


Fuzzy Yellow

Next time someone wants to label you with something you’re not, just tell them you’re Fuzzy Yellow. This made me and my kids laugh.

Spring Juju

Trying to manifest some spring juju with these beautiful flowers and the scented pink Peony Tattly by watercolor artist Vincent Jeannerot. Go away snow! Go away!

Simon Sinek on CreativeMornings/Podcast

Simon Sinek’s recent CreativeMornings talk just went live on our CreativeMornings Podcast. In his talk, Simon shares insights on millennials, technology, and the importance of empathy in good leadership. We flourish when we’re seen, when our work matters, and when we connect with and understand one another. And he asks: Are you willing to do the hard work of building meaningful relationships?

Listen to it on our podcast or watch the video here.

Friday Link Pack

Ten Meter Tower is a social experiment which found people that had never jumped off a 10 meter tower and filmed the results.

– My ten year old and I think this hair dye is supercool. It changes your hair color based on the temperature of the environment.

– I am fascinated by these tricked-out Japanese Trucks.

– Smart: Acteon Compression Packing Cubes

– These photos of old Rwandan Hairstyles are amazing.

This Is How To Stop Checking Your Phone: 5 Secrets From Research

BLOCKS is a modular music studio that lets anyone make music through simple, intuitive gestures.

– Marimekko’s spring/summer 2017 collection reintroduces five iconic garments from the 1960s and 1970s.

Sumo Tube made me laugh.

Logobook is a showcase of the finest logos, symbols & trademarks (via)

– Filmmaker Jennifer Crandall has spent the past two years travelling all around Alabama, collecting short video vignettes of people’s lives — “Might we pull out our cameras to capture a few tiny moments from your life?” — and now she’s posting the videos on the Whitman, Alabama site.

– Wow, Lemonade looks like my kind of renters insurance.

La Gif Team. Delightful.

An app to overcome social anxiety. (via)

Is Your Digital Life Ready for Your Death? “Google lets you choose up to 10 people to be the executors of your account once you die or your account becomes inactive via its inactive account manager feature.”

– The submissions stream over on ignant is full of beautiful discoveries. Instantly Turns An Email Into a Web Page

– Security experts give their best advice for keeping messages secure, whether you’re at a protest or just want to keep out snooping siblings.

How to eco clean the bathroom.

– Doug Aitken‘s mirrored house Mirage reflects like a jewel

This. Every morning when I wake up the kids.

How To Cook Perfect Steak in the Oven

Should These Foods Be On Pizza Or Not?

– Now you can wear Old Masters, thanks to a collaboration between Tattly and the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC.

The Most Dangerous Enemy of Joy

“The high value put upon every minute of time, the idea of hurry-hurry as the most important objective of living, is unquestionably the most dangerous enemy of joy.”
– Herman Hesse


♥ / Ramotion Store

Big thanks to Ramotion for sponsoring my blog and RSS feed this week!

Ramotion Store is a small digital design boutique by Ramotion producing some of the most beautiful device mockups for the design community.

The Android and iPhone mockups have already been used by hundreds of designers, marketers, and journalists. They perfectly work for landing pages, editorial, AppStore screens or just for presenting designs to your clients.

Go to and receive 30% off with code SWISSMISS.


“Confidence isn’t optimism or pessimism, and it’s not a character attribute. It’s the expectation of a positive outcome.”
– Rosabeth Moss Kanter

Muller Van Severen Trivets

I have never liked coasters trivets, until I saw these by Muller Van Severen. These coasters are like sculptures that adapt to a functional role and change in configuration and appearance with use. YES!

(via Ignant)

Hug More

We all need to hug more often.

The Doctor Is In!



Today, Tattly and CreativeMornings HQ are experiencing a #DayWithoutAWoman. As an independent, female-owned company, the women on our staff are striking and taking action.

Happy International Womens Day

Celebrating International Womens Day by wearing all of the red I could find in my closet and by giving the ladies on my teams the day off to go volunteer, march or write postcards to our senators. But, most importantly, hopefully teaching my son T, to be a man who will respect and celebrate women.


First Impressions

First Impressions by Javier Jaén.

On A Boat

As someone who gets seasick the thought of being on this boat gives me the shivers. But, what a stunning photograph!

WD-40 Hacks

I had never even heard of WD-40 before I moved to the U.S. Some of these 40 hacks are pretty impressive and made me realize it does’ more than just free rusted metal parts or stop things from making squeaky noises.

Write The Power

Writing a letter to Congress is one of the easiest ways to let your voice be heard by your political representatives both in the Senate & The House. Write the Power has made it uber easy to write your rep in just a few minutes with some pretty snazzy political postcards. Simply choose a card design from the political postcards collection, select the representatives you’d like to reach out to and type out your message. They will print and mail the post cards to Congress for you so your voice can be heard. 10% of the proceeds from each postcard will go to the ACLU to help support justice for all.

Key Wrangler

Key Wrangler is a stainless steel keychain with a spring clip and a post to keep your keys in a tidy row. I like it.

(via Carly)

Bored Bookstore Employees

This is what happens when bookstore employees get bored. Made me smile.

Balloon Light

This Balloon light made me look.


This Seahorse Tattly has won my heart. It’s part of the brand new Old Masters set called Natural Curiosities. It’s been almost 6 years since I started Tattly and launching new designs never loses its magic!

A Why To Live

‘He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.’
– Friedrich Nietzsche


Do Your Bloody Timesheets Mug

This Do Your Bloody Timesheets Mug made me laugh. I remember the timesheet battles…