
“Expectation is the root of all heartache.”
― William Shakespeare

Ready for Spring

I am trying to channel warmer weather by wearing Stina Persson’s Watercolor Butterflies today.

Northern Exposure

Loving how Evgenia Arbugaeva captured these impressive Alaskan women fishing in extreme environments. Discovered them in this Vogue Article.


“I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche

Monday Morning Feels

Current Status.

Change is Good

“Even when change is elective, it will disorient you. You may go through anxiety. You will miss aspects of your former life. It doesn’t matter. The trick is to know in advance of making any big change that you’re going to be thrown off your feet by it. So you prepare for this inevitable disorientation and steady yourself to get through it. Then you take the challenge, make the change, and achieve your dream.” 

– Harvey Mackay

The one quote I keep coming back to and feel the need to repost. Deep breaths!

Photography by Evgenia Arbugaeva

I have completely fallen in love with Evengia Arbugaeva’s sense of aesthetic. Her photographs are nothing short of magical.

Friday Link Pack

Peaks is a visualization that explores the origin of mountain names in Switzerland.

Cue: Your smart cuckoo clock to build good habits

The science of “hangry”—why some people get grumpy when they’re hungry (via bltd)

– Love this: Wet Cement Perfectly Tells the Tale of a Faceplant

– What happened when one school banned homework — and asked kids to read and play instead

– Interesting read: Why I don’t talk to Google Recruiters.

– I could keep watching this for hours: Oddly Satisfying 3D-Printed Objects

– This Marble Puzzle would drive me crazy. The gradient one is still my favorite.

– Great read on how to give generously without depleting your energy. (via)

– I might have to invest in a Classic Desk Pen given that mine always disappear from my desk.

18 Sheet Pan Suppers Ready in 30 Minutes

How to shoot a 360 video.

– These fish purses made me smile.

– WHAT? The idea that you can’t get Pregnant while you’re already Pregnant? That’s a myth.

This Girl Turned Hillary Clinton’s Concession Speech Into a Song

Architect Turns Old Cement Factory Into His Home! WoW!

Seth Godin blogged about food.

– Interesting post on the topic of ‘whether to have kids or not’.

Explore your life in history: Tell The Atlantic your birthday, and they’ll show you how the world has changed during your lifetime.

Bhutan has a ministry of happiness. The U.S should take a lesson here.

I don’t see you so you don’t see me, right?

– Psst… Come work with me! Team Tattly is hiring a Finance & Operations Manager. You can bring your dog!

Inbox of Forgotten Emails

Inbox of Forgotten Emails lets you share all those emails you wrote but never sent. A fun CreativeMornings project, made possible by MailChimp.

♥ / This Is Ground

Big thanks to This is Ground for sponsoring my blog and RSS feed this week!

At This Is Ground we make leather accessories for tech & travel. We’re excited that the Swissmiss audience is the first to know that the Tech Dopp Kit 2 will be released very soon. The TDK is a place to store your electronic gear such as camera equipment, remote controls, batteries, mobile devices, USB cords, plugs, and anything else you need at your travel destination. The second generation provides even more flexibility for your essentials as well as more space for things that are bulky and hard to travel with.

Sign up for updates at techdoppkit.com and receive a gift at purchase with code “swissmiss”

Good Citizens

A page from a 1969 children’s book on “how our government helps us”. Sigh.

Faces in Things

Ever see a face in everyday objects? This Twitter user collects and shares them. An instant favorite.

(via Chris)

NOPE Button

This Nope Button Chrome extension is just what the office world needs: A coworker drops by and wants to ‘pick your brain’? Press a button in your Chrome browser to send a call to your phone. Apologize sincerely as you pick it up. Then watch your co-worker walks away. Funny.

The Ollie Chair

The Ollie Chair unfurls with a flourish and retracts instantly with the pull of a string. It’s a versatile seat for homes and businesses, inside and outdoors. Absolutely beautiful!

Winter Pictures

Beautiful Winter Pictures curated by Jon Feinstein and Andy Adams.

Standing Pens

I want a little forest of standing pens on my desks. Beautiful.


“Anything or anyone that does not bring you alive is too small for you.”
David Whyte

(via Ian)

Hoping for Change

Here’s to hoping for change. GIF by Libby Vander Ploeg.


Dark Matter

Astrophysicist Janna Levin contemplates the mystery of dark matter in this poetic animation.

Fuzzy Cat

Tattly just launched Fuzzy Cat by Berkley Illustrations. Can’t help but smile at this one.

Braille Smartwatch

This beautifully designed Braille Smartwatch lets blind people feel messages on screen.

Sign with Robert

Robert teaches you sign language trhough animated GIFs. Love this!

Moby releases Music for Meditation and Yoga

Moby just released 4 hours worth of music for meditation and Yoga, for free. If you’re into Moby you might be interested in his CreativeMornings talk from 2014.

Filling Spaces

As a visual person that loves piano music this photo this 3D render by graphic designer Frederico Picci made me look.