Friday Link Pack

– We need to send more of these cards and encourage people around us. More lifting up!

The Best Noise-Cancelling Over-Ear Headphones

– ‘Muzo‘ is a portable acoustic device that prevents vibrations to cancel out unwanted noise.

I work from home. (via)

– After decades of heavy and cumbersome suits, astronauts are getting an upgrade

– A tiny humidifier.

Free Coloring Books from World-Class Libraries & Museums

– Now that I am officially a cat person (never thought I would ever say that) I might as well wear this adorable Cat Pendant. Or at least get one for my daughter. So adorable.

– Hey parents, here are some ideas for class Valentines.

– The olive filled surgical glove in this video made me laugh out loud. What the heck!?

This will make coffee loving New Yorkers smile.

– A VHS-ripped video shows how the internet/web looked in 1996

Tutorial to create a morphing hamburger menu with CSS

Apple’s BeatsX earphones are out!

A Border Wall That Unites Instead Of Divides

Quiet Mornings. Lovely idea.

– Not new, but so good. Thelonious Monk Creates a List of Tips for Playing a Gig: “Don’t Listen to Me, I’m Supposed to Be Accompanying You!”

– How about a disposable bike helmet you can buy from a vending machine?

How to Get Out of the Cycle of Outrage In a Trump World helps progressives under 35 run for office.

– I keep stumbling upon this Cloudy Day Toilet Paper Storage. And it keeps making me smile.

– A bag to carry your favorite stew to your mom’s house. I don’t need it, but I love it.

– Love these kids duvet covers.

– Meetup just launched a platform to more easily organize with fellow resisters.

– Look. It’s a very fancy pussy hat. Made me laugh.

– I woke up this morning thinking I am ready for spring.

– Did you know I created a to-do app a few years back? I don’t know what I would do without it.

Data Selfie

A new Chrome extension reveals the unsettling amount of information Facebook might have on you.

Folding The World Record Plane

John Collins demonstrates how to fold his design for a long distance paper airplane for the Harvard Graduate School of Design.

DesignMatters with Seth Godin

Debbie Millman talks with Seth Godin about how to live in our difficult political moment.

I can also recommend Seth’s CreativeMornings talk from a few years back.

More Heart

The world needs more empathy and more heart (pins).

Current Status

♥ / Noble Desktop

Big thanks to Noble Desktop for sponsoring this week’s RSS feed.

Noble Desktop is a coding and design school in Soho that has been serving the design community for 27 years! Their Certificate in Web Design has been attended by over 300 students. Check out some of the student work here.

To get a taste of the Noble experience, sign up for their free How to Get Started in Web Design seminar (available online or in NYC). It’s a great intro to the subject, and you walk out with a written step-by-step tutorial to create a mini-website.

Check out all of Noble’s coding classes here, and all of their free seminars here.

Baguette Tote

If I lived in France I would totally own one of these Baguette Totes.

My Cinema Lightbox

Lightboxes are everywhere these days, but I hadn’t seen this long skinny shape yet. The fun welcome messages that could be had, in my hallway… Hmm.


“Self-education is, I firmly believe, the only kind of education there is.”
– Isaac Asimov.

Thank you Open Culture for making it easy: 1200 Free Online Courses from Top Universities

Indecisive Spinner Pin

This pin by Adam J Kurtz helps you in indecisive moments. Love this so much!


This got me very excited: Open Culture shared a link where you can Download All 8 Issues of Dada, the Arts Journal That Publicized the Avant-Garde Movement a Century Ago (1917-21)

Traffic Lights

This “>Traffic Light Series by Lucas Zimmerman is stunning.

(via Matthew)

Malcolm Gladwell on Criticism

“Criticism is a privilege that you earn — it shouldn’t be your opening move in an interaction…”.

Malcolm Gladwell on Criticism, Tolerance, and Changing Your Mind.

Being A Designer

“Being a designer is like being that friend with a pickup truck, and it’s always moving day.”
Jay Quercia

Have your iPhone announce your calls

Pogue’s Basics: Have your iPhone announce your calls

Things You Can Control

I need this as a print on my walls.

Bravery Pins

Loving Emily McDowell’s Bravery Pins. Currently proudly rocking the Chose hope over Fear pin.

Act of Rebellion

“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.” – Albert Camus

Thank you 84 Lumber

So much respect for Maggie Hardy Magerko, owner and president of 84 Lumber, a little-known Pennsylvania-based building material supplier, for buying 90 seconds of airtime on the Super Bowl and airing this spot. Very moving.

Read more here.

100 Questions

3 sets of beautiful cards with questions designed to get a group of people into exceptionally entertaining and meaningful conversations. Love this.


It’s Going To Be OK poster by Ladyfingers Letterpress. Also available as a card.

(I posted it before, but simply had to repost, you know why…)

Not Knowing


Friday Link Pack

I have reached the point where I am searching for relaxing videos on YouTube. The current U.S. politics are giving me anxiety and crushing my heart.

– Ian McKellen Reads a Passionate Speech by William Shakespeare, Written in Defense of Immigrants

– Wohoo! Our third season of the CreativeMornings podcast just launched. First up: Holley Murchison.

– These Kale Potato Pancakes look yum!

– This soft boiled egg holder is cool.

A Guide to Becoming a Laundry Master

The world’s coolest bookstores.

– “Humility Is the New Smart(via my favorite newsletter)

A directory of people that will match your ACLU donation

– Titus Kaphar takes recognizable styles of art and reworks them with his own style of magic

– This might inspire me to do the same: What I Learned Doing Push-Ups Every Day for a Month

– I dig this bookshelf.

135 Free Philosophy eBooks

– My friend Lucinda wrote a satirical novel about a mother whose life spirals out of control when she’s forced to rethink her bleeding heart liberal ideals. Here’s what the NYTimes says.

– What Are The Colored Circles on Food Packages?

The power of rituals: they calm nerves and boost performance(via my favorite newsletter)

– Calling is the most effective way to influence your representative. Spend 5 minutes, make 5 calls.

– The Creative Solutions Symposium is a week long residency for activists and human rights organizations who are creatively addressing social justice issues.

– I like this room divider system.

Ban Fascists Not Religions T-shirt by Ryan Hamrick. All profits go to ACLU.

– Remember to be kind to yourself.