The Danger of Silence

“We spend so much time listening to the things people are saying that we rarely pay attention to the things they don’t,” says slam poet and teacher Clint Smith. A short, powerful piece from the heart, about finding the courage to speak up against ignorance and injustice.

(via Katie)

Color Wheel Blanket

Color Wheel Blanket

Oh the nerdy designer in me loves this color wheel blanket. Goes well with the RGB Tattly.

Posters For Womens March

women march protest posters

A series of protest posters for free download and print for the Womens March.


Heng Balance Lamp

The Heng Balance Lamp is made out of a wood and features an unusual and somewhat beautifully poetic user interface.

5 Emails Folders

This is an interesting new approach to deal with your inbox. Zach Hanlon organizes everything that lands in his inbox in 5 folders:

Inbox: the inbox is a holding pen. Emails shouldn’t stay here any longer than it takes for you to file them into another folder. The exception to this rule is when you respond immediately and are waiting for an immediate response.

Today: Everything that requires a response today.

This Week: Everything that requires a response before the end of the week.

This Month/Quarter: – Everything that needs a longer-term response. Depending on your role, you many need a monthly folder. Others can operate on a quarterly basis.

FYI: Most items I receive are informational. If I think I may need to reference an email again, I’ll save it to this folder.

So, instead of organizing your emails by Subject Line, this system organizes by due date. I am tempted to give this a try. He also says that if your work is project-based you can create this five-folder system for each project. Totally makes sense.

Read his full post over on FastCompany learn more.

Fling-ama-String Cat Toy

Fling-Ams-string cat toy

My cat is NUTS over this cat toy. That is all.

Sliding Match Safe


I have recently rediscovered my love for matches. And this Sliding Match Safe caught my eye.

Japan Gift Wrap Hack

Fascinating Japanese Gift Wrapping Hack that doesn’t require tape or ribbon.

The Purpose of Friendship

Dear School of Life, please never stop producing your educational videos.

Meryl Streep’s Golden Globes Speech

“This instinct to humiliate, when it’s modeled by someone in the public platform, by someone powerful, it filters down into everybody’s life, because it kinda gives permission for other people to do the same thing,” she said. “Disrespect invites disrespect, violence incites violence. And when the powerful use their position to bully others, we all lose.”
– Meryl Streep

Thank you Meryl Streep for reminding us to question and speak up. Read her full Golden Globes speech, or watch it here.

Farewell Video to Obama

This farewell video to Obama made me weep. We must resist this new hateful, insanely conservative administration. We must resist!

David Bowie’s 75 Favorite Books


David Bowie would have been 70 today. I am glad Brain Pickings reminds us of her post from 2013 with 75 of his favorite books.

Small Room

“In a small room one does not say what one would in a large room.”
– Louis Kahn

Be Optimistic (And Patient)

Be Optimistic

The Be Optimistic Enamel Sign inspires conviction that no matter the storm ahead, there is nothing that preparation and perseverance can’t overcome. Given the current political climate here in the U.S. I really want one. Or multiples, for every room and my office. But how ironic, it’s sold out.

Keith Jarrett

I just bought tickets to see Keith Jarrett perform at Carnegie Hall on February 15th. I am thrilled and currently listening to his famous Köln concert. Do you love solo piano? If so, who are our favorites?

Friday Link Pack

Eternal optimistic talking points for 2017

A question Jason Fried asks new entrepreneurs

– From date night to cold showers: 20 habits that changed readers’ lives (via)

Top 10 TED Talks of 2016

– Thumbs up for this concrete toothbrush stand.

– You bought a new MacBook Pro? You might want to look at HyperDrive.

– Uh oh! These rain boots! Want!

– Meet Yolanda Baker, a disco ball maker.

– Love the idea of coming up with 20 new ideas a day, by Rodd Chant : Flex that idea muscle!

– My kids would LVOE this fluffy cave chair.

The 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do

– Excellent long read: Why self-love is at the core of answering the riddle of who we are emotionally

– I didn’t know a razor blade sharpener existed.

– Big fan of Adam J. K’s work. Loving his new stationery collection.

This tool looks handy to have in your car during the winter months.

– Audiophiles seem to be losing their minds over these new fancy speakers called Phantom, by Devialet.

100 most-discussed scientific articles of 2016.

Love Under The Stars Duvet Cover. Yes please!

This print.

– Start your year off with some inspirational Tattly.

Eyes Duvet Covers

Eyes duvet covers

Not sure what my current obsession about duvet covers is all about, but here you go, another cute on: Eyes!

How to put on a duvet cover

Now, this was useful. But I doubt it will work with a thick down comforter like I have. I’ll give the burrito method a try though!

Auto Elasticy


Artist Chris Labrooy playfully positioned colorful Porsche cars into surreal situations and scenarios. The pool one, above, made me laugh.


“When people talk, listen completely. Don’t be thinking what you’re going to say. Most people never listen. Nor do they observe. You should be able to go into a room and when you come out, know everything that you saw there and not only that. If that room gave you any feeling you should know exactly what it was that gave you that feeling. Try that for practice.”

– Ernest Hemingway


Paul Klee’s Personal Notebooks


Wow! 3,900 pages of Paul Klee’s personal notebooks are now online, presenting his Bauhaus Teachings (1921-1931).

Don’t say that word!

This made me cry-laugh just now.



Loving the TODAY Daily Calendar by Matthew Hoffman.


“One of the things I focus on most when trying to reduce the anxiety in my own home is something called tolerations. Tolerations are things that need attention: shoes that need to be resoled, a drawer handle that is coming loose, a pile of bills that needs to be paid.”

Ways to reduce anxiety in your home through design, by Ingrid Fetell Lee