Bruno Mars on Carpool Karaoke

This is pure joy.

George Michael on the Media


George Michael in 1990 describing the role of the media in manipulating people into cruelty and lack of compassion.

(via Sarah Kendzior)

Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go

My childhood is filled with George Michael memories and tunes. R.I.P.

The year in photos 2016

the year 2016 in photos

This photo offers some much needed perspective. From Kottke’s post The year in photos 2016.

Hazel Scott on 2 Grand Pianos

What Is an “Existential Crisis”?

An animated video explains what the expression of an existential crisis really means.

Reflecting on 2016

Friday Link Pack

– Fascinating: Scientists have found the speed limit of vision with an illusion in which nothing moves at all

Look for feedback that will make you grow rather than just inflate your ego.

– Want a project for your holiday break? How to Find and Care for a Pet Tardigrade (Water Bear)

Nietzsche’s 10 Rules for Writing with Style (1882)

– This looks delicious: Creamed Mushrooms on Chive Butter Toast.

Purposeful and highly creative people actually live longer than everyone else, says a growing body of research.

Eliminating sugar from our diets can cause the same reactions as withdrawals from drugs — teeth chattering, anxiousness, tremors, and head shakes.

21 social good innovations that made a big impact in 2016

Useful papers for designers.

– Vanessa Valenti: The problem with public speaking

Yoga for everyone.

Last words of famous people.

– YES. Bill Gates and investors worth $170 billion are launching a fund to fight climate change through energy innovation

– A Yale history professor’s powerful, 20-point guide to defending democracy under a Trump presidency

Riffle helps you discover great books.

This device let’s you throw your GoPro around for incredible aerial selfies

– Chinaka Hodge: What will you tell your daughters about 2016?

– The Holidays are just about here, you can still get a digital Tattly gift card. Instant gift!

Adults Stay Away Flag

Adults Stay Away

My ten year old would approve of this flag.

♥ / Are You Caught In The Hourly Trap?

Big thanks Jonathan Stark for sponsoring my blog and RSS feed this week.

Has a client ever:

– Refused to send your last payment?
– Failed to provide you with timely feedback?
– Asked you to explain why something “took so long”?
– Demand that you endlessly change something that they specifically requested?
– Micromanaged, second-guessed, or generally disrespected your expertise?

Jonathan Stak has news for you:

Your clients aren’t the problem. The problem is that you bill for your work by the hour.

Your work is more valuable than your clients know, because you encourage them to focus on your time instead of your results. Measuring your work in hours worked is just as absurd as measuring it in pixels displayed, lines of code written, or cups of coffee consumed.

Jonathan considers it his mission in life to rid the earth of hourly billing and has published a book of essays on this subject. It is his sincere hope that it will help you convince your colleagues, your clients, and maybe even yourself that hourly billing is nuts (use coupon code SWISSMISS at checkout for 30% off).

Being A Good Listener

Another beautiful video by the School of Life on how we hear a lot about how to speak well in public, but very little about how to learn the equally important art of listening properly to others.

Globe Bean Bag

Globe Bean Bag

How fun is this globe bean bag for a kids room? They also have bean bags in the shope of ice cream, pianos, whales, busses… Check them all out here.

Herbert Leupin – Swiss Poster Artist

Herbert Lupinherbert Leupin

I have fond memories of seeing these posters as a kid growing up in Switzerland. They are designed by prolific Swiss designer Herbert Leupin.



Cliff makes your desktop instantly look more organized.


“Those who have no shame have no honor.”
– Ethiopian proverb

Oh Deer.

Oh Deer

Oh deer, the holidays are just about here. You still have time to get a Digital Tattly Gift Card. It’s instant. People love to pick their own designs anyway. With a selection of over 600 designs it can be hard to chose for someone else.

MailChimp for Designers

MailChimp for designers

Super handy MailChimp guide for designers.

One Day At A Time

One Day At A Time

Love this simple day planner notepad. Would make a good analog addition to my digital to-do list called TeuxDeux.

Figure It Out

Figure it out banner

I want my kids to grow up to be humans that are resourceful and able to figure stuff out. And, I love working with folks that have this quality. So, I’d say, every office and every kids room needs this banner.

Career Crisis

Career Crisis

Are you in a career crisis? You might want to pick up these cards by The School of Life.

How I Built This: Yves Chouinard

Enjoyed this How I Built This Episode with Patagonia founder Yves Chouinard. He started the company in 1973, to make climbing gear he couldn’t find elsewhere. Over decades of growth, he has implemented a unique philosophy about business, leadership and profit. Incredibly inspiring. Especially, the ant analogy. Have a listen.

Man Tears

Man Tears
The product description made me chuckle: Man tears are too heavy for kleenex.

Phone-Home Xylophone

Phone-Home xylophone

The Phone-Home Xylophone is an eight-key handheld instrument with built-in looping, pitch control, and delay. Looks like fun!

Don’t Complain

“What you’re supposed to do when you don’t like a thing is change it. If you can’t change it, change the way you think about it. Don’t complain.”
― Maya Angelou