Friday Link Pack (On A Thursday)

– It’s Thanksgiving in the U.S and I am currently in Switzerland, speaking at the Swiss Innovation Forum and visiting Family. That’s why I launched this week’s Friday Link Pack a week early. Enjoy!

– Do yourself a favor and enjoy these images of cats in hats made from their own hair. (via)

– “Money Face Challenge” Has People Lining Up Their Heads with Folded Bills. So good.

What do you care enough about that you’re prepared to expose yourself to fear, risk and hard work to get?

This vertical loft is a dream.

– Uh oh! Now you can post live video on Instagram.

The Bubble. (via)

– At 56, Peggy Whitson Becomes Oldest Female Astronaut (via)

– My Monstera Leaf obsession is still going strong.

– Here are Google, Amazon and Facebook’s Secrets to Hiring the Best People

– A list of some of the most useful Chrome Extensions

A tiny camera drone.

– This new view of Google Earth is a love letter to cities: Google Earth in VR.

– Unusual tutorial on how to tie a tie.

Amazon App for iPhone Now Has X-Ray Vision to See Inside Your Packages

– Feeling this minimal coat rack.

– Whoa! This is creepy.

A reading list for resistance.

– This snowflake Tattly by Tea Leigh is a new favorite.

Thank you Internet!

My dad accidentally texted me with voice recognition...while playing the tuba

Dad accidentally texted with voice recognition while playing the tuba. Thank you Internet! (May I point out this wasn’t MY dad!)

(via Katherine)

♥ / Squarespace

Big thanks for Squarespace for sponsoring my blog and RSS feed continously. Over the years, they have become a loyal and supportive partner in my labor of love. So much gratitude!

When you’re ready for the world to see what you do, go with Squarespace. Whether you’re a blogger, artist, business owner, or something else entirely, Squarespace is the simplest way to showcase your work. With designer templates and a simple interface, Squarespace helps creative people stand out when the world is watching. Try Squarespace for free today. When you decide to subscribe, use offer code SWISSMISS to get 10% off.

(Interested in sponsoring a week of my RSS feed, learn more here.)

The Empathy Toy

The Empathy Toy

This made me look: The Empathy Toy is a blindfolded puzzle game that can only be solved when players learn to understand each other.

Twenty One Toys, the company behind the Empathy Toy offers Professional Development Workshops, “Intro To Empathy In Your Team”. I can think of some folks here in the U.S. who we should gift this to.


“May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.”
– Nelson Mandela


Snowflake Tattly


Loving this Snowflake Tattly. It just went on sale.

LED Tinsel Wreath

LED Tinsel Wreath

I am totally into this LED Light-Up Tinsel Wreath.

Short Stories for Bored Commuters


Love this simple idea: Machines dispensing short stories for bored French commuters.

What is Breakfast?


Solange | Cranes in the Sky



Hope is a state of mind, not a state of the world
Either we have hope within us or we don’t.
Hope is not a prognostication—it’s an orientation of the spirit.
You can’t delegate that to anyone else.

Hope in this deep and powerful sense is not the same as joy
when things are going well,
or the willingness to invest in enterprises
that are obviously headed for early success,
but rather an ability to work for something to succeed.

Hope is definitely NOT the same as optimism.
It’s not the conviction that something will turn out well,
but the certainty that something makes sense,
regardless of how it turns out.

It is hope, above all, that gives us strength to live
and to continually try new things,
even in conditions that seem as hopeless as ours do, here and now.
In the face of this absurdity, life is too precious a thing
to permit its devaluation by living pointlessly, emptily,
without meaning, without love, and, finally, without hope.

– Vaclav Havel

(via a commenter in this post)

20 Brutalist Sandcastles


These 20 brutalist sandcastles took my breath away.

Some Helpful Responses In This Thread:

Double-Handed Umbrella


Branch is a double-handed umbrella, that ensures couples guide their path together, and at the same pace.

Affirm and Lift Up

“People are complicated… Societies and cultures are really complicated… These are living organisms, and it’s messy. And your job as a citizen and as a decent human being is to constantly affirm and lift up and fight for treating people with kindness and respect and understanding.”
– Barack Obama

From this New Yorker piece by David Remnik.



Let's PlayLet's PlayLet's PlayLet's Play

LET’S PLAY is what happens when you challenge 100 Swiss artists, designers & architects to play with building blocks for 30minutes and then document it. Beautiful.

Turn Your Face Into A Cookie

copy pastrycopy pastry

Copypastry produces 3D printed custom-made cookie cutters that look exactly like your face. Have any silhouette, family portrait, logo or drawing printed and bake your heart out! Fun!

No Place for Self-Pity

“This is precisely the time when artists go to work. There is no time for despair, no place for self-pity, no need for silence, no room for fear. We speak, we write, we do language. That is how civilizations heal.

I know the world is bruised and bleeding, and though it is important not to ignore its pain, it is also critical to refuse to succumb to its malevolence. Like failure, chaos contains information that can lead to knowledge — even wisdom. Like art.”

– Toni Morrison

No Place for Self-Pity, No Room for Fear: Toni Morrison on the Artist’s Task in Troubled Times

Friday Link Pack


– Dalai Lama: Behind Our Anxiety, the Fear of Being Unneeded (via my favorite Newsletter)

– A group of children and young adults are suing the United States over climate change.

– Have you watched Simon Sinek’s recent Creativemornings talk? Highly recommend.

– Google is finally rolling out new tools for cleaning up YouTube comments.

Ubiquiti Networks Amplifi HD Wi-Fi system is an internet solution for a wholly modern day problem: spotty residential wi-fi coverage. We could use one in my home.

– This is pretty cool; Modify lets you customize their watches. Great gift!

– The Unicode Consortium has today proposed a shortlist of 51 emojis for acceptance in Unicode 10. New emojis include a giraffe, pretzel, vampire, bearded man, soda/milkshake, breastfeeding, a “shhh” face1, pie, starry-eyed face, woman in hijab and zebra2.

– And then, there are these emojis made from old master paintings. Made me laugh.

– My kids think this panda stamp is pretty darn cute.

– “Properly deployed kindness is a form of activism.” Ludo Hunter

– Open office layout + Noisli = Focus.


– Winter is Coming, so please enjoy this 1980s Book of Knitted Sweaters

I needed this.

– My 10 year old likes graphic novels. Thanks for pointing us to new ones, Cool Mom Picks.

– My friend Carly would file this under “things that make me uncomfortable”.

– I want to get lost in this giant knitted sweater. I like it.

– Love these simple gold stud earrings.

– After reading Jocelyn’s post I might have to make my own “stop-doing list”.

Too Rad To Be Sad Shirts.

– Need a fun gift for someone? Tattly subscription!

– White House photographer Pete Souza has taken nearly two million photos of Barack Obama. These are his 55 favorites. And then also, this one: 34 Times Barack And Michelle Obama’s Love Made Us Weak In The Knees. My heart!

– My Swiss friend Markus will be back in NYC later in the month hosting one of his Innovation Champ Training Workshops. He has helped me with my companies and is one of the most interesting up-side-down-thinkers I know. He is remarkable.

– My ten year old will love this: Learn To Make A Nail Polish Remover Sponge In 4 Easy Steps

The world needs an enormous hug.

– Maybe if I keep wearing Natasha Lawyer’s Feathers I eventually will be able to fly.

PhotoScan by Google Photos

Old printed photos floating around in your house? Digitize them with PhotoScan by Google.

A New Way of Cracking Nuts


This nutcracker made me look.

The Compliment Project

The Compliment Project

After all that’s been happening in the U.S. recently Anna Sergeeva wanted to do something positive. With the goal to spread some much needed kindness she designed compliment posters: passersby can tear off compliments for themselves or their friends. On, anyone can download these posters. Go, print them out and share some compliments…

Kritzelbuch (Scribble Book)


Zuni Fellehner and Kirsten Fabinski are the creators of Kritzelbuch, German for Scribble Book. 80 lined pages to create designs in. I would love to have this during phone meetings as I am a notorious scribbler. (I unfortunately couldn’t find it on their website, it might be so new it’s not up yet.) You can buy the book here.

LIMINAL: A minimal adaptable lighting unit

LIMINAL is a robust, stylish and sleek lighting product that can adapt to various settings and respond to changing usage needs. Loving this!