
“Stop letting people who do so little for you control so much of your mind, feelings, and emotions.”
– Will Smith

Starry Sky Envelope

Starry Sky EnvelopeStarry Sky Envelope

Send the galaxy in your next letter. Tiny holes are pierced into the Starry Sky Envelope, creating an astronomically accurate depiction of the heavenly bodies. Love this.

A Bit Shaky

“Are you feeling a bit shaken, maybe stirred, maybe fearful and doubtful and completely utterly, wildly terrified? Good. Keep going.”
– Victoria Erickson

Cat At Home Sticker

Cat At Home Sticker

Cat lovers, this is for you:

“Ever find yourself driving behind someone with one of those “Baby On Board” stickers on their car, thinking how nice it would be if you had a way to communicate a something equally impertinent back to them? Well, now you can! No baby in the car, but you do have a cat back at home.”

Vacationing Is Good For You

“Before you can go to the Bahamas for a week, don’t you first need to learn how to tolerate an entire elevator ride without checking your email?”

This Slate article explains why we need to take more vacation and offers examples of how some companies get more of their employees to do so. Definitely something you don’t need to teach the Swiss, but seems to be the case here in the US.

(via Josh Spector’s newsletter)

Mo’ Money, Mo’ Problems

mo money mo problems

This framed mini print by Pop Chart Lab made me chuckle. Also cool, Cormac McCarthy’s sentence diagram.

Dad Turns His 6-Year-Old Son’s Drawings Into Reality

Coolest dad award goes to Dom’s dad who recreates his son’s drawings to make them look real. So good.

YES! New & Improved TeuxDeux iPhone App


In 2010 I co-created a to-do app, called TeuxDeux, which instantly garnered a loyal following. Fun Fact: Fast Company called us the most beautiful to-do app within hours of launching!

TeuxDeux is based on the idea of creating a simple, almost paper-like, list-based to-do app. While it almost feels like a paper list, the to-dos you didn’t check off magically roll over to the next day.

I keep TeuxDeux as my landing page on my browser, which means every time I open a browser window at work I am being reminded what I should be doing. The web app is solid and is making us proud! And, now, we can say the same about the iPhone app!

Team TeuxDeux has been working on the new version of our iPhone app for the better part of this year. We designed, built, and tested it. Then we redesigned and updated it what seems like an infinity number of times.

If you’ve requested improvements to the existing app, odds are you’re going to be quite pleased with this update. We listened carefully and brought in most of your favorites, including:

– Markdown
– Recurring to-dos
– Voice-to-text
– Seamless autosync
– Calendar date picker
– Drag to-dos to tomorrow
– Custom colors
– Powerful to-do editing

And a few goodies you might not have thought of:

– Custom color picker
– Start your week on any day
– Flying cat
– Summary View
– Hide completed to-dos
– Thumb Nav

It’s important to us that TeuxDeux always stays simple and lovely. Not an easy balance to strike when adding new features, but we think you’ll instantly recognize the old TeuxDeux in the new, and you’ll love how much there is to discover.

Of course, the app is still free for our subscribers (sign up for a free 30-day trial). Upgrade on your phone or, if you’re new, find it in the App Store.

This app took a lot of time which we could not have afforded if not for you believers who have supported TeuxDeux over the years. Thanks for helping us get here. It wouldn’t mean anything without you.

Yay for staying organized and crossing things off!

(Big thank you to the team behind the rebuild and redesign: Josh, John, Cameron, Evan, Larry and Andreas!)


comp is a redesign of the classic composition notebook––made for the 21st century.

Google Arts & Culture

Google Arts and Culturescreenshot-2016-10-25-10-35-11

Holy smokes Google Arts & Culture is amazing. You can virtually explore museums. My head is exploding! I know what I am doing with my kids tonight!


Meet the Perennials

“We are ever-blooming, relevant people of all ages who live in the present time, know what’s happening in the world, stay current with technology, and have friends of all ages. We get involved, stay curious, mentor others, are passionate, compassionate, creative, confident, collaborative, global-minded, risk takers who continue to push up against our growing edge and know how to hustle. We comprise an inclusive, enduring mindset, not a divisive demographic.”

Gina Pell on the Perennials, the growing group of people who aren’t bound by age in the way most people in society used to be.

Hear All of Mozart in a Free 127-Hour Playlist


As someone who listens to Classical Music at work to help me focus, this free 127-hour Mozart playlist is a true gem. Thanks Open Culture.


Kodak Extra

Kodak has unveiled Ektra, a smart phone aimed at photographers. It runs on Android and features a 21 megapixel fast focus camera with a f2.0 aperture. The camera also boasts DSLR functionality and can capture video in 4K.


Yuni Kim Lang

Yuni Kim Lang

Yuni Kim Lang‘s hair piece made me look. Beautifully absurd.

Literature vs. Traffic

Literature vs. TrafficLiterature vs. TrafficLiterature vs. TrafficLiterature vs. TrafficLiterature vs. TrafficLiterature vs. Traffic

Luzinterruptus carried out one of their most popular installations Literature vs. Traffic in Toronto. The piece points out, in a very poetic way, the battle between pedestrians and vehicles going on in most of the world’s large cities.

Luzinterruptus wants literature to take over the streets and conquer public spaces, freely offering those passersby a traffic-free place which, for some hours, will succumb to the humble power of the written word.


Slow Factory

My friend Céline, founder of Slow Factory is one of the most courageous women I know. She uses fashion as a tool for social and environmental change. On cooler days like today, I always leave my house wearing one of her Slow Factory scarves. Her recent Women That Inspire collection is a thing of beauty.

You’re an inspiration, Céline!

Be Generous

“Be generous with your time and your resources and with giving credit and, especially, with your words. It’s so much easier to be a critic than a celebrator. Always remember there is a human being on the other end of every exchange and behind every cultural artifact being critiqued. To understand and be understood, those are among life’s greatest gifts, and every interaction is an opportunity to exchange them.”

Part of a post by Maria Popova in which she shares 10 Learnings from 10 Years of Brain Pickings.

Don’t Be a Chump

Don't Be A Chump

Craig Frazier is helping us bring niceness back with his latest book Don’t be a chump. You can read it to your kids, in its entirety over on his site or you can buy it as an ebook here.

How China Is Changing Your Internet

What was once known as the land of cheap rip-offs may now offer a glimpse of the future — and American companies are taking notice: Chinese Tech Firms Forced to Choose Market: Home or Everywhere Else

Friday Link Pack

Pixar Animators spent 5 years making this devastatingly beautiful short film in their spare time

100 Women in Tech and Founders to Follow on Twitter

– Interesting and counter-intuitive article on how to pick the fastest line at the Supermarket.

– This made me laugh: A solution to the texting and walking epidemic! (via)

Collection of articles, videos, and resources made by designers at Facebook.

– Wow! Beautifully designed athletic hijabs made to get more young Muslim girls into athletics.

– Smart: Store your phone in your water bottle during your next work out.

– What to do when the name of your business becomes associated with terrorism. I feel for the owner of the ISIS hair salon.

How to start running

How to make a nasty cold suck less

– Cool: Maslow is a 4×8 foot CNC router for $350. Imagine the stuff you can build!

– This little guy made me chuckle.

– Just discovered this free (!) Skillshare class by Mailchimp teaching you how to automate, optimize, and personalize emails to increase sales. So good.

CEO school.

– This brand new CreativeMornings talk by Simon Sinek is fantastic. 30mins well spent.

– If you’ve ever wondered which countries have the most introverted vs. extraverted norms, here’s a map of the data from 51 cultures.

A Tweet on Principles.

Guzzle Buddy is a handy device that transform an entire bottle of wine into a personal drinking glass. Low in class, high in fun.

– I wish people would be more open about the topic of money. Here’s an interesting article with 7 questions that might help start a conversation around it.

– Treehugger wrote an article about my co-working space FRIENDS WORK HERE.

– Psst… Tattly is running a SALE until the end of Sunday.

Retro Wave

retro wave

Create your own retro 80s graphics with the Retro Wave Generator!

(via Chris)




♥ / The joy of gifting, only better.

Big thanks to Nuno for sponsoring my blog and RSS feed this week.

Nuno is changing the way America gives gifts with stylish and sustainable fabric gift wraps. Every Nuno Gift Wrap is crafted with care to ensure your gifts are dressed to impress, and with minimal impact to the planet.

Inspired by the ancient Japanese art of furoshiki, Nuno Gift Wraps are touchably awesome works of art that are wildly repurposable and fun to use. Even better, our fabric is made of 100% recycled plastic bottles. That means more gift-giving style all year long, while also giving Mother Nature a break. And better yet, no tape, scissors or ribbon required—making all-night wrapping sessions a thing of the past.

Wrap with love.

(Interested in sponsoring a week of my RSS feed, learn more here.)