Melting Skittles

Totally doing this with my kids this weekend! Melting Skittles with hot water!

Bad Hombre + Nasty Woman

bad hombreNasty Woman

Anna Dorfman is fast: Nasty Woman. Bad Hombre. Self-explanatory if you follow US politics.

The Nr. 1 Lifehack

Soviet Innerness

soviet innernesssoviet innernesssoviet innerness

Soviet Innerness is a touching photo project showcasing forgotten interiors walls in former Soviet Bloc nations. Absolutely beautiful! So many stories that want to be told. Well done, Elena Amabili and Alessandro Calvaresi!

(This brings back memories: For my thesis in 1999, I created a 200 page photo book on the beauty in the mundane!)

Tattly Stoop Sale

Tattly Stoop Sale

Psst… Tattly is currently running a Stoop Sale! (Think the Brooklyn version of a Yard or Garage sale) Use discount code STOOPSALE20, it ends Sunday!

FOMO Survival Kit

The idea behind the FOMO Survival Kit made me chuckle. It’s a student project by Lara Défayes, a fresh Media & Interaction design graduate of ECAL in Lausanne.

(FOMO = Fear Of Missing Out)

Now Playing

Now Playing - Wall-Mounted Record Holder

Part of the beauty of owning vinyl is the artwork and too often it sits in a crate. Now Playing is a wall-mounted holder for your vinyl that displays the cover in all it’s glory. So simple.

Transformable Table


Boulon Blanc created the perfect table for small NYC apartments: It easily goes from coffee table to working or dining table in one easy move. Now available on Kickstarter.

Office Slide

please use the slide

New life goal: Office slide that takes you outside and not just one floor down, like we’ve seen in so many startup offices.

Design-y Surfboards

designy surfboardnapili_f1_1024x1024

These are some sweet looking surfboards. Designed by Måns Swanberg, who also is really good at drawing cats.


If I was a photographer I would jump on buying the Palette Controllers for faster and more convenient photo retouching.

Remember this:

Feeling Inferior

This quote!

(via The little Book of Confidence)

Almost over…

What To Focus on: Happy

This Tattly by Marc Johns is getting me through these last weeks before the presidential election here in the US is finally over. Election years are rough.

Seth Godin in conversation with Marie Forleo

Beautiful conversation between Seth Godin and Marie Forleo.

(via Paul)


Mortified is an event series where adults share their most embarrassing childhood artifacts (journals, letters, poems, lyrics, plays, home movies, art) on stage. Hear grown men and women confront their past with tales of their first kiss, first puff, worst prom, fights with mom, life at bible camp, worst hand job, best mall job, and reasons they deserved to marry Jon Bon Jovi. So incredibly entertaining.

Definitely subscribing to their podcast.

Clemens Auer Tweezers


I love when someone tries to redesign an object in an unconventional way, in this case, tweezers. The unique circular shape of these tweezers by Clemens Auer is beautiful.

Fold-Up Market Tote


These fold-up market totes are beautiful.

The Bolted Book

Bolted BookThe Bolted BookThe Bolted BookThe Bolted BookThe Bolted BookThe Bolted Book

Book lovers, this is for you:

In 1927, the Italian Futurist artist and designer Fortunato Depero created a monograph of his work unlike anything that had been seen before. Called Depero Futurista, or “Depero the Futurist,” it is also known as The Bolted Book, because it is famously bound together by two large industrial aluminum bolts.

Filled with bold typographic experimentation, daring layouts, and featuring work in nearly every artistic and design medium, it is universally recognized as a landmark avant-garde example of the “book as object.”

Long unavailable, The Bolted Book is now coming back to print. Designers & Books, the Center for Italian Modern Art in New York (CIMA), and the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art of Trento and Rovereto, Italy (Mart), which houses the Depero archives, are collaborating to publish a new facsimile edition, which will be the first exact copy of Depero Futurista ever produced since its original publication 90 years ago.

You can help reissue The Bolted Book as it appeared in its original form and return this resonant piece of design history to the present.

You can view all 240 pages of the original Bolted Book in detail as well as English translations from selected pages at and you can join me in supporting the Kickstarter project.

People Watching

People watching by Scott Wayne. Oddly fascinating.

Instant Gratification

“Everything is instant gratification and the problem is too many people have applied that instant gratification to their careers and to their lives.”
— Simon Sinek

Watch the talk.

Simon Sinek at CreativeMornings/San Diego

Last Friday the remarkable Simon Sinek spoke at our CreativeMornings/San Diego chapter. The rockstar chapter that they are, they already uploaded the talk. (Mind blown!) Hear Simon speak about technology, millennials, and the importance of practicing empathy.

Simon also gave a talk titled Love Your Work at our New York chapter a few years back.

The Power of Trust

“…It’s really powerful to vocalize what’s going on inside your head to someone who you know is listening to you and to know that it’s a safe enough space that you can test out dumb ideas or mistakes, and analyze them, and they’re not going to hold them against you.”

Productivity and the Power of Trust



(via DesignCrush)

Halloween Dinner Ideas

Halloween Dinner IdeasHalloween Dinner Ideas

My kids would get a total kick out of these Halloween Dinner ideas!