
“The image that concerns most people is the reflection they see in other people’s minds.”
– Edward de Bono



Amsterdam-based design studio We Smell The Rain created these beautiful indoor floating plants, called Kokedamas.

Friday Link Pack

Imagine you’re a musician and before every concert you have to go to the market and buy your instrument, because, it is a vegetable. So refreshing! The Vegetable Orchestra.

– We all need to blow our own crazy horn a bit more often.

– Now this is a stylish camera bag. (via)

– A new site called KidTech aims to shine a spotlight on great, innovative products that leverage technology to help kids and families. The site is meant to celebrate how children’s products have changed dramatically in the last decade.

Cute! Litter Box DIY. (via)

Always Be Moving (via)

Stop adopting other people’s anxiety. (via)

How To Write To-Do Lists That Make You Happier At Work

– Born to be Mild is a short documentary about The Dull Men’s Club, an online community of men wishing to escape the hurly-burly of everyday life and just be ordinary.

– In case you need a rainy day activity this weekend: Making a Tiny Toaster.

– Dutch fashion designer Pauline van Dongen has created a smart top that vibrates in response to bad posture

– Filmmaker Accidentally Captures Perfect Drone Shot of Newlyweds on a Rooftop

– Google has just introduced a new Wi-Fi system that aims to bring a fast signal to every room of your apartment

– Interesting: Negative Reps Help You Do Exercises You Thought Were Impossible

– Smart! Facebook Introduces “Marketplace” – A Way of Selling To Those Nearby

– Efil Türk takes your basic flat puzzle to a new 3D level.

Teaching Your Child Emotional Agility

– Meet Samson, New York’s Biggest Cat

– Google Launches “Google Trips” Travel App

R2-D2 coffee press.

The science behind why the ketchup struggle is real.

How to delete your Yahoo account

– The new Squarespace office is something else. Impressive.

– Imagine your teenage son coming up to you one day and telling you he is going to be a rapper! And you go “Ok!?” And then the next thing you know he has a record label and is performing his own music at concerts around the country. That’s what happened to our friend’s son, Nemo. His first video came out today, and my heart is bursting for him. He has worked relentlessly for this and is taking the Swiss music scene by storm. Go Nemo!

– So many good quotes in our CreativeMornings quotes section. (Hit the “play” button underneath and it takes you to that part in the talk.)

Artbox animation.

– “We have the cake but the cake needs sprinkles. What are the sprinkles?” This made me laugh: 9 Tricks to Appear Smart in Brainstorming Meetings

– Not big into Halloween? Well, at least you can wear some spooky Tattly.



Panorella lets you create and purchase your own panoramic 360° photo umbrella. This is so cool!


♥ / Squarespace

Big thanks for Squarespace for sponsoring my blog and RSS feed continously.

Do you remember the days when you had to learn HTML to code your own websites? I do! How times have changed! Now, anyone can have a stunningly designed website, thanks to Squarespace.

Squarespace’s templates are professionally designed and come with an easy-to-use, intuitive interface. No coding skills required. I wish they would have been around when I started out. Try Squarespace free. When you decide to subscribe, use offer code SWISSMISS to get 10% off.

(Interested in sponsoring a week of my RSS feed, learn more here.)

One Can Steal Ideas

“One can steal ideas, but no one can steal execution or passion.”
– Tim Ferriss


Email Feels Like This:

Rockaway Beach

Rockaway Beach from Pentagram on Vimeo.

Next time I fly into JFK I hope to spot this large-scale typography at the restored Rockaway Beach boardwalk in Queens, New York. The installation spells out the name of the beach in letters that are each 100 to 150 feet wide and almost 50 feet tall, and together span nearly a mile. Design by the mighty Paula Scher/Pentagram.

Halloween Costumes for Designers


These Halloween Costumes for Designers made me laugh.


Go MailChimp!

“It’s possible to create a huge tech company without taking venture capital, and without spending far beyond your means. It’s possible, in other words, to start a tech company that runs more like a normal business than a debt-fueled rocket ship careening out of control. Believe it or not, start-ups don’t even have to be headquartered in San Francisco or Silicon Valley.”

MailChimp and the Un-Silicon Valley Way to Make It as a Start-Up, by Farhad Manjoo

Scented Tattly Jewelry Tattoos

scented tattly candy tattoosscented tattly candy tattoos

My daughter is going nuts over the Tattly Candy Jewelry Tattoos we launched this week. The designs are by Julia Rothman and the unique sweetly scented fragrance was created in collaboration with Agilex Fragrances. Think light notes of vanilla frosting, candy corn, cotton candy, and all things sweet and delicious!

Artists Who Want To Sell


Let’s make a 2016 version of these tips by John Baldessari, shall we?

Blue Man Group: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert

So good! Blue Man Group: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert

Sketching with Two Point Perspective Hack

Two Point Perspective Drawing Hack

This video demonstrates how to use an elastic string anchored at the horizon of a canvas to sketch a drawing with two point perspective. Brilliant!

LEGO Hair Bike Helmet

LEGO Hair Bike Helmet

This LEGO Hair Bike Helmet designed by Simon Higby and Clara Prior made me laugh. It’s just a prototype for now. I’d buy it.

Young Polar Bear

Start your day out with a smile watching this young polar bear frolic in a ice-filled kiddie pool. You’re welcome.

Dark Sky Weather App

Dark Sky Weather App

Always loved Dark Sky on my phone and now it is avaible in the browser. Here’s the official announcement.

(via doobybrain)

Mega Swing

This mega swing in the sky took my breath away. WOW!

Size Comparison

perspective1Worlds Largest Oil Tanker

perspective8The 2.6 Trillion Dollar Rock

perspective4The Pulmonoscorpius kirktonensis or (Breathing Scorpion)

These visual size comparisons Kevin Wisbith are impressively impactful.

Words by Christoph Niemann

Words by Christoph Niemann

The mighty Christoph Niemann published a new book called Words. More than 300 words inspired by Dr. Edward Fry’s list of sight words are paired with playful illustrations. I am such a fan of his work! And Team Tattly is proud to carry some of his designs, the Petting Zoo is a favorite!

Water Sommelier

A Short Documentary About “The Water Sommelier“.

How to Email Efficiently

I am never not thinking about how to get better at email. I enjoyed this article: An etiquette update: Brevity is the highest virtue. And then also, my friend Jocelyn K. Glei’s book that just came out: Unsubscribe.

Green Rainbows


Absolutely loving these green watercolor rainbows by industry & alchemy. There are other colors as well.

(via Joanna)

Do Nothing

“To do nothing at all is the most difficult thing in the world.”
— Oscar Wilde

(via Jocelyn)