Postcard Poets

Postcard Poets is a new way to discover poetry from new and established poets to readers across the world. How? Poetry takes the medium of postcards and is delivered to you by post.

Postcard Poets – Bringing small doses of serendipity to your doorstep!

Pizza Time

This Pizza Time Pennant by Mikey Burton made me chuckle. It has Aaron Robbs written all over it.

Pantone Tootbrushes

Pantone Toothbrushes.

Big Big Pixel

Big Big Pixel makes 8-bit Pixel iphone bumpers and ipad cases. Made me smile.

How To Build an Owl

1. Decide you must.

2. Develop deep respect
for feather, bone, claw.

3. Place your trembling thumb
where the heart will be:
for one hundred hours watch
so you will know
where to put the first feather.

4. Stay awake forever.
When the bird takes shape
gently pry open its beak
and whisper into it: mouse.

5. Let it go.

By Kathleen Lynch

(via Jack Cheng)

Know / Do

“The world doesn’t care what you know. What the world cares about is what you do with what you know.”
– Tony Wagner

(A quote by Tony Wagner at last week’s Penny Conference, organized by Skillshare)

Skip Hop Stroller Liner

With NYC summer just around the corner, I am excited about this new Stroller Liner by Skip Hop. It protects the stroller from crumbs and spills and your little one gets a cushy ride and plenty of airflow from raised memory foam. The liner’s multiple slots accommodate any stroller strap configuration while non-slip backing keeps it in place.

Totally ordering one: Skip Hop Stroller Liner.

glass beverage dispenser

This Glass Beverage Dispenser has summer written all over it. I want one.

(via MintedCondition)

New York City guidebook from 1916

“The first characteristic of New York, which impresses the stranger from abroad, and in a less degree from other American cities, is its atmosphere of breathless hast, its pervading sense of life keyed to an abnormal tension.”

“One direct consequence of this unending hurry, which the visitor is quick to feel, is a certain brusqueness and lack of civility as compared with other cities. Not that the great, motley, democratic middle class is deliberately rude to strangers; it simply lacks the time for the little courtesies of life, and grudges two words where one can be made to answer.”

Excerpts from a New York City guidebook from 1916.

(via Kottke)

Wobble Bowls

Wobble Bowls are round-bottomed bowls that rock and spin, but don’t tip over, in bright toy-like colors. The designer, Jessie Philips Andersen, just launched a Kickstarter campaign to outsource the production from her own studio in Oakland, CA to a production studio in Portland, OR.

I am backing Jessie’s Kickstarter and will be one step closer to my very own Wobble Bowl. Joine me? (Love her $1 Pledge)


“We often feel paralyzed by choice and make no choice. But the thing is, no choice is a choice. If you’re not doing something about it, you’re doing something about it.”
– Chris Guillebeau

(Have you heard of his brand-new $100 Startup Book?)

An ALS Love Story

A friend of mine, Andy Coon, runs the Often Awesome series and is a finalist for Best Documentary Series in The Webby Awards. Often Awesome the series is a web series that follows Timothy LaFollette who was diagnosed at 29 with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) in 2009. Andy created 34, 10-minute episodes from diagnosis to his passing and chronicles a beautiful tale about love, hope, community, friendship and courage, in the face of daunting challenges and deep loss.

This story will not only bring you to tears, it will make you smile about the beauty of humanity. If you’re as moved as I am by the trailer above, please vote for for the project:

The Webbys:
Vimeo Awards:

Watch more clips, learn more:
Often Awesome, the Series


Etcetera is a convertible table for indoor or outdoor use. A beauty.

(via Stilsucht)

Antique Lithography Stone

This Antique Double-Sided Lithography Stone is quite the example of how far technology has brought us since the turn of the century. Long live vintage printmaking!


I see beauty (and humor) in this Vintage Wood Road Side Produce Sign. Rhubarb!

Too Early

“ If you are not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you’ve launched too late. ”
– Reid Hoffman

(via venturevoice) is a new favorite. Ideal for quickly sketching an idea or just to spending time playing with shapes. My 6 year old approves.

(via @papermuse)

♥ / Wazala!™

A big thank you to Wazala! for yet again sponsoring another week of my RSS Feed.

Wazala is a slick, minimal and beautiful looking ecommerce store and shopping cart that allows you to sell physical or digital goods such as fonts, photos or music. You can create a store in minutes, then add it to your website, blog or even your facebook pages. It is that simple.

I am extremely intruiged by the fact that Wazala works as an overlay, which means your reader/potential customer won’t leave your site. (I like this feature so much I am using Wazala for my swissmiss shop.) If your customers are visiting on mobile devices, Wazala Touch provides a slick shopping experience both on the iPhone and Android devices.

If you are thinking about selling anything online you should consider Wazala!, just signup for a 15 day trial risk free.

(Interested in sponsoring a week of my RSS feed, learn more here.)

Friday Link Pack

My childhood friend Gabriela Krapf is the female singer in the Swiss band The Homestories.

– A tutorial that teaches you how to fold 3D Paper Diamonds.

– Soundcloud explores the four effects sound has on us.

Book Spine Poetry

Studiomates celebrating Jessi’s birthday with a Rainbow Colored Birthday Cake. What else?

– Hey UI Designers, this is useful: @Sazzy put together a dummy pack of Avatars for web/app layouts.

Behance is looking to hire an Interaction Designer: Great people. Great company.

– This Domino’s Scooter is quite something. (Thanks Jens)

Summer Camp Applications are now open. What are you going to build?

– I can’t believe it’s been 6 years since I posted this.

– The biggest design project you will ever have?

Spell Tower

Spelltower just had me jump off my office chair! I can’t wait to play this. #currentlydownloading

Music from Nature

Diego Stocco did it again:

To celebrate Earth Day, Diego Stocco collaborated with Burt’s Bees to create an all-natural musical experience. All the sounds you hear in this piece were created real-time using instruments provided by Mother Nature herself. The same ingredients that are instrumental in making the Burt’s Bees products, which I am a big fan of!

Responsibility at Work

“Your responsibility at work is to help people achieve more than they know they are capable of.”
– Simon Sinek

A quote by Simon Sinek during today’s CreativeMornings talk. I will be sharing his talk next week.

Switzerland does everything for your perfect summer holiday.

This Switzerland commercial made me smile and miss my childhood home.

(Thank you Alex)

Should I Check my Email?

Should I Check my Email? A flowchart by Wendy MacNaughton for a Forbes article on how and why to ignore your inbox.

(via Explore)