Goodbye Hillman

Brooklyn based designer, author and filmmaker Hillman Curtis passed away. My heart goes out to his wife and small children. What a tremendous loss. Hillman will always be remembered in the creative industry, he was a true force.

Benga – I will never Change

Stunning promo music video showing the waveform of the song being formed in a stopmotion sequence.

(Thank you @chrisfizik)

Barbapapa Nesting Dolls

I want these Barbapapa Nesting Dolls for my desk in the office. Yes.

Don’t know Barbapapa? Watch this clip on Youtube.


Colorful Twine. Beautiful.

Philosophical Theories

I am completely fascinated by this poster series explaining complex philosophical theories through basic shapes. They’re designed by London based Genis Carreras.

(via coudal)

BLOCT – Wood Tablet Stand

The BLOCT Wood Tablet Stand is the latest product by the fine folks of Design Commission. Bloct represents a fascinating clash of textures. Consider me intrigued.

Eva Solo Drinking Bottle

This Drinking Bottle by Eva Solo made me look. Love the loop.

Coca-Cola Hug Machine

The Coca-Cola Hug Machine takes hugs instead of money. Because vending machines have feelings too. #mademesmile

(via @nthnryn)

Walk [Your City]

WALK [YOUR CITY] is a Kickstarter project by Raleigh based Matt Tomasulo that is trying to get America walking. Consider it “guerilla wayfinding” that helps soon-to-be pedestrians find their way from place to place. The funds will go to create an open source tool that will enable anyone to create and print simple signs that indicate how many minutes by foot it takes to get to a certain destination. Simple instructions like these can shift public perception and get more folks on their feet.

I am backing this Kickstarter. Join me?

(via the awesome TBD Newsletter)

Absurd Ideas

“If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it.”
– Albert Einstein

(via CollabFund)


Yay! Finally a way to access your Instagram photos on the web: Brenden Mulligan was tired of waiting for Instagram to build a web view, so he did it himself: Webbygram.

(via @trincia)


SWISSVIEW is my new go-to-iPad-app when I am in desperate need of some major zen. It features more than 1,600 films of spectacular helicopter footage of Switzerland. Every film comes with useful information on the overflown regions and places. Nice.

(thank you Ted)

Just re-launched: Collabfinder

My friend Saha just relaunched Collabfiner, a site that makes it easy to find a collaborator for your next big project. What makes it different is that no recruiters or business-types are allowed.

Use Collabfinder to find people interested in building the sames things you are: A programmer to help you with the education startup you’ve been thinking about. Or illustrators who might want to help you write your new kids book. Or chat with designers who are interested in working on a magazine project.

Want to do a new startup? Tag yourself with “Summer Camp,” “Techstars,” or “Y Combinator” and get pitched by smarties like you. Want to work on an mobile app about comic books? Tag yourself with “comics” and “mobile app.” Easy.

Congrats Saha and Team. This is fantastic!

Pro/Con Journal

I am big believer in Pro/Con lists when facing a tough decision. This Pro/Con Journal gets my two thumbs up.


“Creativity is not a talent. It is a way of operating.”
– John Cleese

(via Brainpickings)

Pancakes Venn Diagram

This Pancake Recipe Venn Diagram made me chuckle.

Could anyone tell me who to give credit to? I found it here, but there’s no credit and a Tineye Search came up empty.

SUPER GIANT FACEPALM: It’s by Stephen Wildish.

Cactooph Toothpick Holder

Cactooph Toothpick Holder. No comment necessary. Just funny.


Hörbert is a portable mp3-player for kids – made of wood!

(Thank you Rusty)

The disappearing Face of New York

I just rediscovered the wonderful photographs of James and Karla Murray’s book The Disappearing Face of New York over on the Retronaut.

Everyone’s Job

“Don’t let your company culture become one where certain people are too good to do the jobs that need doing. Making shit work is everyone’s job.”

Quote from this 37Signals Blog Post

Drink Notes

These Drink Notes are brilliant! So much better to stare on someone’s wine glass stem than at their chest to remember the name.

Something New

“ To get something new done you have to be stubborn and focused, to the point that others might find unreasonable. ”
– Jeff Bezos


One Of Those Days:

Do Over. Do Over.

The Extraordinary Thing About Creativity

“This is the extraordinary thing about creativity: If just you keep your mind resting against the subject in a friendly but persistent way, sooner or later you will get a reward from your unconscious.”
– John Cleese

(via a fantastic post over on Brainpickings)