Diagramming Sentences

These diagrams are from a recent post over at The Opinionator about the curious art of diagramming sentences, invented 165 years ago by S.W. Clark.

(via @bobulate)

CreativeMornings Video: Aaron James Draplin

Portland/CreativeMornings – Aaron James Draplin from CreativeMornings/Portland on Vimeo.

The speaker at the March 2012 Portland/CreativeMornings was Aaron James Draplin.

Many thanks to Pro Photo Supply for lending the Portland chapter the gear to capture the talk and to Paul Searle for shooting and editing this video.

FontShop Plugin

FontShop CS Plugin Beta from FontShop on Vimeo.

The new FontShop plugin lets you use all fonts they distribute for mock-ups. It allows the designers to experiment with font variations, and to show different typographic options to their clients before actually purchasing anything.

White & White Clock

Ever see something you absolutely have to have? The White & White Clock fits that criteria for me. It’s designed by Vadim Kibardin and is meant to be a three-dimensional version of a traditional digital clock.

(via design-milk)

DIY Pop Up Monsters

Dave Lee sent me a link to a trailer for a film called Waste which includes pop-up monsters. Best part, you can download the templates for the monsters, and make them yourself.

Download the toilet monster PDF

Download eyeball the book/laptop monster

(via studioset)

On Collaboration

“Connecting online tools to offline communities speaks to a larger trend—a growing value for face-to-face interaction.”
– Craig Shapiro

Article: On Collaboration, by Craig Shapiro

Peter Megert

Thinkingform posted the above graphic by Swiss designer Peter Megert. I find the three interlocking arrows fascinating.

Damien Rudd

For the Objects of Intimacy project Damien Rudd photographed 5 pillows from 5 different people. Each pillow is at a different stage of transformation relative to its age and frequency of use. Fascinating and disturbing at the same time.

(Thank you for this find, ItsNiceThat!)

♥ / Fyndesters

A big thank you to Fyndesters for sponsoring this week’s RSS Feed.

If we are what we collect, who *are* you?

Fyndesters is a visual resumé. If Linkedin is about your achievements and Pinterest is about your aspirations, Fyndesters is about your personality, based on the unique things you own. If you wished you knew a person better, you could form an impression of them by looking at their inspiration and their possessions. That’s exactly what we set out to do with fyndesters. It is also a community of like-minded people, sharing their stories, and it is source of inspiration for things to collect yourself.

Tell us your story at fyndesters.com

(Interested in sponsoring a week of my RSS feed, learn more here.)

1/2 dozen blank eggs

Decorating eggs, wooden eggs? YES! #easteranyone?

Erin Sparling’s Camera Workflow

The Canon 5D Mark III has allowed Erin Sparling to create a quite absurd automatic photo workflow: The end result of this madness is that, while shooting in the studio, photos can be immediately reviewed on the ipad, projected on the wall, uploaded to Flickr and entered into his lightroom library, all by just pressing the shutter on his camera.

Erin Sparling is awesome.

To Do

To Do, a new print by Wendy MacNaughton.

(via explore)

Chrome Multitask Mode

(made me laugh!)

Friday Link Pack

Barbapapa one of my favorite cartoon shows from growing up.

– Excellent post on Tech Culture by Elizabeth Naramore: More Legos and Less Punch Buggy (via shiflett)

– Love the built-in desks in this East Village Studio

UN report on the creative economy says creative industries doubled profits in 2008 while world economy was in recession. (via @culturebrain)

– Can’t wait for summer so I can wear Campana Zig Zag Shoes again!

– I have a hard time convincing my two year old that brushing teeth is a good idea. This Sesame Street called Brushy Brushy Song gets him somewhat excited. Thank you Sesame Street!

The 50 best Blocks in Brooklyn (via @doorsixteen)

– Passionated about traveling? Expedia is looking for a Principal UX lead.

Confidence without guts.

Road Trip anyone?

Naked Eggs!

Arthur C. Clarke Predicts The Internet

In 1974 Arthur C. Clarke told the ABC that every household in 2001 will have a computer and be connected all over the world. (Hello there, Internet!)

(via explore)

Toiletry Bag

This waterproof toiletry bag is a beauty. Wishlisted! (site is in German)

Wire Rabbit

This is one stinking cute wire rabbit card. Perfect for easter.

ABC Monsters

(via coudal)


Paper by 53 is a beautifully designed sketching and drawing iPad app.

(via howells)

Doing What you Love

“To be happy I think you have to be doing something you not only enjoy, but admire. You have to be able to say, at the end, wow, that’s pretty cool. This doesn’t mean you have to make something. If you learn how to hang glide, or to speak a foreign language fluently, that will be enough to make you say, for a while at least, wow, that’s pretty cool. What there has to be is a test.”
– Paul Graham

Article: How to Do What you Love, by Paul Graham

Polaroid Postcards

Polaposts turn regular photos into mailable Polaroid prints by fitting them fashionably snug inside an iconic white bordered sleeve. A built-in seal keeps your print from slipping out and a writable backside makes for easy message scribbling. Just snip your photos to fit, slip ’em inside then send them on their way. Instant happy!

The Secret

Amen to the message on this spread in Austin Kleon’s wonderful book Steal Like an Artist: Do good work and share it with people.

Wind Map

Wind Map shows you a live map of wind flowing over the US. You can also go back in time and look up days that passed already: The March 14th map looks pretty neat.

(via Khoi)

Unicorn Chloe

My 5yo daughter would gladly adopt Chloe, the zipper pull unicorn.