Makerbot Replicator

I am drooling over The MakerBot Replicator, a personal 3D printer for your home. The thought of printing 3D makes my head explode.

I met Bre Pettis, co-founder of Makerbot, at a playground on saturday. Love the fact that I recognized him from these videos. Yay for Brooklyn!

A Small Town

“Be nice. (The world is a small town.)”
– Austin Kleon

A quote from Maria’s most recent heartfelt post regarding the wide range of responses to the introduction of Curator’s Code. As I said before, I don’t care if anyone ends up using the proposed symbols, all I care about is that attribution is on our minds and that we will try to come up with a standard that we all feel comfortable with. I am just plain happy the conversation is taking place.

I want express my respect for folks like Marco and Daniel who so thoughtfully and respectfully laid out why they disagree with the proposed solution.

To all the ones mocking and condescendingly making fun of Maria, let me just remind you again of the above quote.

Kindness and respect go a long way.

Wooden Desk Organizer

Minimal wooden desk organizer.

The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces

Small fragment of William H. Whyte’s witty and original film about the open spaces of cities and why some of them work for people while others do not.

(via an article by Kio Stark over at the The Atlantic)

Felted Rabbit

Felted Rabbit. Of course.

Flying Babies

Flying Babies by Rachel Hulin. (please don’t try this with your child)

(via That’s Ace)

♥ / Mag+

A big thank you to Mag+ for sponsoring this week’s RSS feed!

Designers! Mag+ is the brains behind an InDesign plug-in that lets you easily publish your work to a tablet with no coding. From now until June 1, 2012, Mag+ is hosting Magnify Your World — a contest to show off your tablet app with the chance to win up to $6,000USD. There are six categories and a People’s Choice Award, so you have the freedom to explore, design and publish your passion – all without programming. Did I mention it’s free to enter? Go here for more details.

(Interested in sponsoring a week of my RSS feed, learn more here.)

Friday Link Pack

Draw A Stickman. The kids will love this. (thank you Sara)

TRON dance (via coudal)

Dangling Carrot Wall Decals. Funny.

– My all-time favorite necklace, made in Brooklyn. Architects stop me on the street and ask where I got it.

Yes, we can!

– Yay! ou can now pre-order the It’s Nice That No.8

Love these clothing sticks

This American Life retracts Apple/Foxconn story

– My very first boss here in NYC, Matthew Waldman is the force behind the futuristic NOOKA watches. They also just launched the Mini Nooka Hello Kitty Vinyl Figure. My daughter fully approves.

The World’s Population in One City

This is not a new infographic, but incredibly powerful nonetheless. If the world’s 6.9 billion people lived in one city, how large would that city be if it were as dense as…

(via Tim De Chant)

Autobiography in Five Short Chapters

Chapter One
I walk down the street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I fall in.
I am lost …. I am helpless.
It isn’t my fault.
It takes forever to find a way out.

Chapter Two
I walk down the street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I pretend that I don’t see it.
I fall in again.
I can’t believe I am in this same place.
But, it isn’t my fault.
It still takes a long time to get out.

Chapter Three
I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I see it is there.
I still fall in … it’s a habit … but, my eyes are open.
I know where I am.
It is my fault.
I get out immediately.

Chapter Four
I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I walk around it.

Chapter Five
I walk down another street.

Autobiography in Five Short Chapters, by Portia Nelson

(thank you Sorella)

Cummulus & Nimbus

An incredibly adorable video by we think things.

Yes, my cloud obsession is in full swing! Thank you Kate, for fueling it.

NapPage iPhone Cases

I can’t make up my mind which one of these iPhone cases I love the most.

(thank you Michelle)


“Very many people go through their whole lives having no real sense of what their talents may be, or if they have any to speak of.”
— Ken Robinson

Sir Ken Robinson: Bring on the learning revolution!

Pixel Dancer

(via this is the verge)

Brooklyn Robot Foundry

Brooklyn Robot Foundry is a group of educators and technologists dedicated to helping Brooklyn children optimize their hands-on, technology-based learning experience. In other words: They’ll teach your kids how to build a robot. It doesn’t get much cooler than that.

(thank you Josh)

Behind the Scenes CreativeMornings/Vancouver

Check out the video below that the CreativeMornings/Vancouver chapter, led by Mark Busse put together. It is giving us a fantastic behind the scenes look at the volunteers and overall effort of organizing the monthly lecture series.

This video put the biggest smile on my face and fills me with so much gratitude for all the CreativeMornings volunteers all around the world. Thank you Team Vancouver!

Tim Noble and Sue Webster

“One man’s rubbish is another man’s treasure”. There is considerable truth in this statement as London based artists Tim Noble and Sue Webster have been constructing and assembling sculptures from unconventionally found objects into transformative art:

Freunde von Freunden – Sue Webster and Tim Noble from Freunde von Freunden on Vimeo.

(via freunde von freunden)


There are many absurd Tumblrs out there but this one takes the cake: Microwhat documents before and after pictures of microwaved food (and other objects).

(via coudal)


“Associate with people who are likely to improve you.”
— Seneca

(via The Happiness Project)

♥ / Swissted Shop

A big thank you to Mike Joyce for sponsoring this week’s RSS feed!

After New York City based graphic designer Mike Joyce launched his Swissted poster project in early January, (which I mentiond in this post) the one question he’s been asked in hundreds of emails and thousands of tweets is “How can I buy these posters?!” Well the answer is finally here with his official Swissted Shop. Over 200 posters originally seen on Swissted are now available for sale in three different sizes.

All posters are museum quality Epson prints, on enhanced matte cover stock, and printed with archival inks. They’re even more beautiful in print form than on screen.

The Swissted Shop gets the swissmiss thumbs up!

(Interested in sponsoring a week of my RSS feed, learn more here.)

Rainbow Hotel

These images of the Saguaro hotel in Palm Springs are putting a huge smile on my face.

(via Joanna / My Modern Met)


Couldn’t help but chuckle at this Illustration by Leif Parsons for The New York Times.


JumpFromPaper is a new cartoon-like stile of bags. It took me a second to realize they are real bags. Trippy, right?


Forget manually dragging Photoshop guidelines to create a grid, use GuideGuide instead. Just enter your grid specs and GuideGuide will place each guide for you. Best of all you can clear everything with a single click. GuideGuide is free, please support the makers by donating a small amount.

(via destroytoday)