Tumblr for Large Images

Zach Klein made a beautiful Tumblr Theme that accommodates large images, spanning the entire browser window. You can make it your theme for $49. The price is high to keep volume low (less customer support), and all profits go to Beaver Brook to continue the forest regeneration program Zach started there.

The Great Discontent

photo by Stefan Falke for thebrander.com

I had the honor to chat with Ryan and Tina Essmaker of The Great Discontent, a journal focusing on creativity, risk, and what connects us as artists.

Our conversation is currently featured on their lovely site. Such an honor!

Also, make sure to check out these previous conversations with Dan Mall, Lisa Congdon, Phil Coffman, Mandy Brown, Kyle Steed, Chris Glass and Dan Rubin.


Amsterdam-based Berndnaut Smilde creates cloud creations with a combination of smoke, moisture, and dramatic lighting. Absolutely stunning, thinks the cloud-obsessed me.

Print On Tile

Now, what would you say if you could have any image printed on tiles? That’s exactly what ImageSnap does. Just think of the possibilities!

hard work

“Lots of people have talent, but it’s the hard work that sets you apart.”
– Bob Croslin

via this is the what / a photo editor

Made In Brooklyn

Made In Brooklyn from Brooklyn Bridge Ventures on Vimeo.

Made in Brooklyn is a short film supporting, documenting and inspiring entrepreneurial talent in Brooklyn.



Team BREAKFAST is trying to make their Instaprint concept reality. Check out their Kickstarter campaign.


“Different is better when it is more effective or more fun.”
– Timothy Ferriss

Taken from The 4-Hour Workweek

Cress Timelapse

I just remembered growing Garden Cress as a little kid.

(File that under random memory resurfacing being a parent.)

Yay! Codes

YAY! CODES! is a free service that makes it painless for developers to distribute promo codes to their customers.

Feel like this could be a service I came up with, given the color scheme and name. Just kidding.

(via daringfireball)

Walt Lewin’s best lines

(via exp.lore.com)

Milton Glaser inspired Birthday Cake

The above Milton Glaser inspired cake had me speechless a few weeks ago, while attending Holden’s 2nd birthday. Does it get any more awesome than this? I don’t think so.

My friends Matthew and Lori, Holden’s parents, made a 3D rendering (!) to make sure the folks at Betty Bakery know exactly what the cake should look like. Oh, you, graphic designer parents. Gotta love it! In case you don’t know what poster they are referencing, here you go.

For my next birthday, I want this cake.


Studio Neat Made an App from Studio Neat on Vimeo.

FRAMES is an app that lets you take Time-Lapse and Stop Motion Movies on your iPhone. Hat tip to StudioNeat!

Rek Coffee Table

I have completely, head over heels, fallen in love with the REK coffee table by Reinier de Jong. Someday, I will own this piece.

If you like this, you might also want to check out his bookcase.


Legs: From the Peculiar Snapshots Set on Flickr.

Kasama-Yaki (Made in Kasama)

Some of you might remember this post, with which I tried to help Yuki Kokubo raise money for her parents in Japan after the devastating earthquake last year. Her parents lost their jobs after the disasters and had no money saved, so Yuki sold photographs to support them. She was able to raise enough money to support them until things picked back up. Her parents are back to doing pottery, and her dad is back at his part-time job doing excavation work. The business has been slower than before, but they can not complain as nobody died in their family. So many lives were lost.

Yuki and her parents have not been very close since they went back to Japan when she was 16, but the disasters really made her realize the fault in the way her family has been relating – or rather not relating to each other. So she went to visit them a couple of times last year and started filming them as they worked, and recorded her conversations as they reflected on topics like life after the disasters, family, death, and art. And then she decided to make a film. The film aims to dig deep into how people in Japan have been emotionally affected by the disasters, and her piece is supposed to honor creativity, and aims to highlight the importance of art in the world.

Yuki is now trying to raise $15,000 on Kickstarter to finish the documentary and her family and herself are offering many handmade goods for contributions. Touching.

Join me in backing this campaign.

Friday Link Pack

– Above video: Keith Jarret, one of my favorite pianists, The Köln Concert: Part I

– Photo of new, futuristic looking USPS trucks

Responsive Layouts, Responsively Wireframed (via @veerle)

Frank is a charming hook with bunny ears.

– An interesting concept backpack for bikers.

– Great post over on Brain Pickings on finding purpose and doing what you love

– A Head Vase. Of course.

– Looking for new kids books? Check out my friend Raul’s list. Some real gems in there.

Oak is hiring a Web Developer, a Mac/iOs Developer and an Intern. This is your chance to join Studiomates.

– I love you Punchfork.


Docracy is a social repository of legal documents. Docracy’s mission is to make useful legal documents freely available to the public.

Anyone can upload or write a new document, or branch, edit and improve existing documents either for the community or for personal use. Documents are private by default: only you can see and edit them. If you make them public, only you, as the owner, will be able to edit them (thus creating new versions), but other people will be able to branch them, privately or publicly.


Pig Planter

I give this handmade ceramic Pic Planter two thumbs up. Also comes in white and yellow.

Airplane Doorstop

This Airplane Doorstop made me smile. It probably also decorative when you are not actually using as a doorstop. Totally ordering one for our apartment.


“Controlled experiments suggest that optimism is not only related to success, it leads to success.”
– Tali Sharot

Neuroscientist Tali Sharot, author of The Optimism Bias: A Tour of the Irrationally Positive Brain, at TED 2012.

(via exp.lore.com)

Giant Soap Bubbles

Sylvain lives in Paris and makes bulles de savon géantes, giant soap bubbles!

(via The Kid Should See This)


Zerino table by Italian studio AK47 can feature a planter, a candleholder or even a small elegant fireplace, thanks to the addition of a ready-to-assemble bioethanol burner kit. Wow.

5 Minutes

“Man, give it five minutes.”
– Richard Saul Wurman

A quote taken from an excellent post by Jason Fried about our tendencies of pushing back, dismissing other people’s ideas too fast.

(via @brownthings)