I Met The Walrus

I Met The Walrus is an animated short by James Braithwaite, in which John Lennon answers a 14-year-old’s questions about peace, music, the USA, life and the Bee Gees. Thirty-nine years later, the boy gone man, Jerry Levitan offered the interview to the world. Deep words beautifully animated.

(via brain pickings)

Happy My Birthday To You.

(photo from Girl Walk // All Day)

Today’s my birthday. Yay! I received the world’s most fantastic birthday present on 11/11/11 from my lovely friend Jessi Arrington. On that day, Jessi spoke at CreativeMornings/NewYork and ended her talk with a birthday rainbow parade. As an early birthday gift, she gave me the honor to lead the parade. (see above) And now, today is my birthday and I am looking at those photos with a giant smile on my face.

Happy my (rainbow) birthday to you!

♥ / Whiplash

A big thank you to Whiplash for sponsoring this week’s RSS feed!

Whiplash might just be the perfect partner for your webstore or Kickstarter campaign. Whiplash warehouses your products and ships directly to your customers as orders come in.

They work with indie rock icons Modest Mouse, the techno-nauts Ghostly International, the webcomic Natalie Dee, and they’ll be shipping the Pen Type-A’s that were mentioned here this fall. They also partner with printer-of-note VGKids, so if you need design work or printing, they’ve got you covered there as well.

Whiplash is fast, accurate, reliable and awesome.

(Interested in sponsoring a week of my RSS feed, learn more here.)


Minimal and beautiful shoe rack with the name Gaston.

How Photographers Actually Spend Their Time

How Photographers Actually Spend Their Time.

The Making of The Fiberglass Chair

Watch as the original craftsman makes Eames Shell Chairs recreating the same process they used half a century ago. Film shot at Century Plastics. Using authentic material, a nearly lost art form is revived.

What’s Essential.

“It’s only with the heart that one can see clearly. What’s essential is invisible to the eye.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

(via Quora / via @collabfund)


Hey design students, you might want to know that the fine folks over at Behance launched a site featuring student work from all around he globe: StudentShow.com! Fantastic way to find new talent!

(via @amritrichmond)

The Journey of Checked Baggage

Delta Air Lines sent a hardcase with six outward-facing video cameras as checked baggage aboard a flight from Atlanta to New York City to show the behind-the-scenes journey of checked baggage. Quite fascinating.

(via LaughingSquid)


(Photos: Iwan Baan & Alan Tansey)

This picNYC TABLE by Haiko Cornelissen would definitely make it easier to get through the cold NYC winter months.


Welcome to the strange world of international outlets.

(via unplggd)

How The Spacesuit Came To Be

A space suit is made out of a flight suit, a Goodrich tire, a bra, a girdle, a raincoat, a tomato worm. An American rocket ship is made out of a nuclear weapon, and a German ballistic missile; a ‘space program’ — a new organization with new goals — is made out of preexisting military, scholarly, and industrial institutions and techniques.
— Monchaux

Fascinating post on Fashioning Apollo: How the Spacesuit Came To Be over on brain pickings.

MFA Products of Design

The School of Visual is starting a new MFA program called Product of Design and I am honored to be part of the faculty.

The application deadline for the new program is fast approaching, on January 15, 2012.

Learn more about the Program over at the department site or download the Interactive Department Brochure.

Veronika Paluchova

This dish rack by Veronika Paluchova made me chuckle. Check out more of her projects over on Designeast.

(via shoeboxdwelling)

Short Order Designer

This Short Order Design Notepad by Adam Oreste made me chuckle.

“In Caffeine We Trust Poster”

The “In Caffeine We Trust Poster” lets you track your monthly coffee consumption on a beautifully designed print. The poster is offset printed on 18×24 Strathmore 140 lb. acid-free heavy weight cold press watercolor paper with black ink. A product by Column Five.

Buy it here.

(Thank you Lauren)


I have been spending most of my morning unsubscribing my blog submission email account from newsletters that I never signed up to in the first place. It’s simply unacceptable how companies put my submission email on their mailing list without my permission. As I was tweeting about my frustration my friend Amrit Richmond pointed me to Unroll.me:

Unroll.Me is an email unsubscribe engine that crawls through your inbox and pulls up a list of your subscriptions allowing you to choose which one to keep and which ones to unsubscribe from. After you press unsubscribe, they will take care of the rest.

Might as well give unroll.me a try! (Even though I admit, I am a bit nervous about giving out my email login information)

UPDATE: Doesn’t work on Google App hosted email accounts (yet). Bummed.

Wear Your Pasta

Japanese design studio Microworks created a wearable Farfelle Bowtie. Made from bright acrylic, the clip-on tie is an imitation of the pasta shape, for an amusing twist on men’s party attire. #mademesmile

(thank you Jeannie)

Pixel Perfect Vector Nudging

When nudging vector points, Photoshop exhibits some strange behaviour, linked to how far you’re currently zoomed in. At 100%, nudging using the arrow keys will move your vector point exactly 1 pixel. At 200%, nudging moves the point half a pixel. At 300%, it’ll move a third of a pixel.

Fantastic post on Pixel Perfect Vector Nudging in Photoshop.

(via @khoi)

Ice Cream Clouds

Check out this Tutorial to make Ice Cream Clouds, illustrated by Melinda Josie. Download the recipe as a PDF here.

(Thank you Nate)

David Attenborough – Wonderful World – BBC

(via Tim)

CreativeMornings Video: Ben Chestnut

A few weeks ago I traveled to Atlanta to see Ben Chestnut, co-founder of Mailchimp speak at CreativeMornings/Atlanta. That was the best money I’ve ever spent on an airplane ticket. Ben talked about the history of the company and what he does as a manager to cultivate the infamous Mailchimp culture. If you are running a creative business do yourself a favor and watch the talk!

A little background info: Ben Chestnut is the CEO and co-founder of MailChimp.com, one of the most successful e-mail marketing companies around, with over 1.2 million users. They were recently featured in “Fast Company” for their non-traditional corporate culture and creative environment. Ben is one of my all-time personal rolemodels when it comes to running a creative business. Meeting him was my highlight in 2011. (Yes, I am a fan!)

A big giant thank you for the CreativeMornings/Atlanta team, especially Blake Howard, for organizing the morning and Dare Dreamer Media for taping and editing the talk.


I am utterly fascinated by the ThumbSaver, a magnetic nail setter. Useful or not?

(via destroytoday)

Valerie Casey: The New Normal

Wonderful AIGA talk by Valery Casey, founder of the Designers Accord, the global coalition of designers, educators, and business leaders working together to create positive sustainable impact.

Valery is an impressive force in the design industry: She was named a “Guru” of the year by Fortune magazine, a “Hero of the Environment” by Time magazine, a “Master of Design” by Fast Company and one of the “World’s Most Influential Designers” by BusinessWeek. The World Economic Forum has honored Casey as a “Young Global Leader.”