SIWA Cushioned Wallet

I am yet again on the hunt for the perfect wallet and the SIWA Cushioned Wallet one caught my eye. Unfortunately, the red one is currently sold out. Designed by Naoto Fukasawa for Onao.

#WhatIWishIGot vs #WhatIGot

This wrapping paper by the fine folks of UnderConsideration made me look. It acknowledges delicate gift-receiving moments with a double-sided print that, on the outside, represents the hope (#WhatIWishIGot) and, on the inside, the reality (#WhatIGot). Regardless if the two match or differ… the moment of unwrapping is always a treat.

Giver or receiver, log your experience on Twitter with these hash tags together: #WhatIWishIGot and #WhatIGot.

Tony Schwartz: The Myths of the Overworked Creative

Time is finite, but we act as if it were otherwise, assuming that longer hours always lead to increased productivity. But in reality our bodies are designed to pulse and pause – to expend energy and then renew it. In this revelatory talk, energy expert Tony Schwartz debunks common productivity myths and shows us how to regain control over our energy so we can produce great work.

Watch it over at

Mobile Homes

People that visit my studio most certainly notice Mobile Homes that hangs over my desk. It’s one of my favorite items in my office. (Who said you can’t have a mobile over your desk?) It’s by Brooklyn based designer Ben Light and it has not been for sale anywhere, until now. I talked Ben into making a limited edition series and put it up in my brand new swissmiss shop.

Mobile Homes is hand-made by Ben himself, here in Brooklyn. You can see photos of the building process. One of these will go up in my sons room this christmas. Can’t wait.

Get it while you can.

Muppet Wall Decal

These Muppet Wall Decals over on Blik are making me smile ear to ear.

(I think we need to get a set for the studio, pretty sure they would make Jessi Arrington‘s day. She is a muppet lover extraordinnaire)

Stay Hungry Stay Foolish Poster

This Stay Hungry Stay Foolish Poster is a tribute to visionary people. Thanks Stewart Brand and Steve Jobs

(via The Next Web)

Code Cards

Nerd Alert! Holiday Code Cards. Made me laugh!

Intellectual Sprawl

Urban sprawl is bad. Intellectual sprawl is good. Giving up the previous leads to the latter. Putting people close together forces them to rub off on one another.

– Frank Chimero

From a post by Frank Chimero titled A Series of Ill-Informed Hunches and Observations

Wooden iPhone

Signs of our times: This Wooden iPhone holds building blocks that represents apps. Designed by Kyle Bean and yes, the nerdy mother in me gives this a thumbs up.


Are you a lover of letterpress? Or do you simply want to teach your children the concept of it? Then you should check out LetterMpress, an app that lets you experience the art and craft of letterpress. Check out the tour or the video above and you’ll get the idea.

LetterMpress is available on the Mac Store and as an iPad App. (The iPad is 50% off for the month of december) Besides the use of a mouse and keyboard, the most significant feature of the Mac version is the high resolution that can be output, depending on your graphics card. Prints can be created as high as 8192 pixels in the longest dimension—that’s over 26” at 300 DPI.

Check out some of the designs users have shared on Flickr.

Pil Bredahal Water Jug

This water jug, designed by danish Pil Bredahal made me look. The elegant lid opens automatically when you pour its liquids and it holds back ice cubes or slices of lemons. Beautiful, no? Would make a good gift, me think.

♥ / Gridbooks

A big thank you to Gridbooks for sponsoring this week’s RSS feed!

Gridbooks are custom crafted to help you create better digital designs. Their Ad Books and Pads feature a dot grid, column grids and IAB ad templates. The Web Books and Pads feature a versatile dot grid that is divided into numerous columns for use in portrait or landscape orientations.

Stay tuned this week for their contest to win a Wacom Inkling and an amazing Gridbooks package. Check out their Facebook page for details.

Take advantage of Gridbook’s 10% holiday discount until December 23rd, by using coupon code HOLIDAYS at check out.

(Interested in sponsoring a week of my RSS feed, learn more here.)

Color Coated

This subway map lines inspired coat rack is a beauty. If the price tag wasn’t as high as it is, I’d get one for our studio. It was designed by Danish furniture company Fritz Hansen in 1971.

(thank you Maria)


Carrotmob is an organization that aims to give you the power to make the world a better place by influencing how businesses operate. Instead of organizing boycotts, they offer to spend money as a group if a business agrees to make a socially responsible change.

In a boycott, everyone loses. In a Carrotmob, everyone wins.

Check out their campaigns. Learn more.

Poke Life

The minute that you understand that you can poke life and actually something will pop out the other side, that you can change it, you can mold it. That’s maybe the most important thing.

It’s to shake off this erroneous notion that life is there and you’re just gonna live in it, versus embrace it, change it, improve it, make your mark upon it. I think that’s very important and however you learn that, once you learn it, you’ll want to change life and make it better, cause it’s kind of messed up, in a lot of ways. Once you learn that, you’ll never be the same again.”

Steve Jobs

Wise Words by Steve Jobs

I will make sure my kids will watch this over and over as they grow up. Watch more wise clips by Steve Jobs over at brain pickings.

Please Meet Anton

Anton is one snazzy looking humidifier. Even thought it’s on the smaller size it apparently can handle rooms up to 250 sq ft. Equipped with an anti-calcium cartridge and Ionic Silver Cube, Anton will not leave the white powdery film produced by other humidifiers and keep the water clean and pure. The water level is indicated by the stylishly designed LED indicator lights which switch from blue to red when the tank is empty. I can see an Anton in our (apartment) future.

Authentic Jobs iPhone App

Wow, Cameron Moll did an awesome job with the launch of his Authentic Jobs iPhone App. The app puts all of the Authentic Jobs listings (which range from design, creative, to technical jobs) within touch. It’s free of charge. More here.

New Tattly Site

Look, Tattly, my temporary tattoo business that I started a mere 4.5 months ago, is all grown-up! We just did a complete site relaunch. We (re)designed the site and the fine folks of Oak developed it. Talk about a Studiomates production!

The new site allows for much better discovery of the fast growing product catalog.

Get a quick glance of what’s new! Want Tattly for kids? For Designers? You like Typographic Tattlys? Want to learn more about our Artists? Or are you simply a View All persona?

Yay for Team Tattly which consists of Rusty, Yoko and Bekka. Don’t know what I would do without them.

ps: Thanks to its responsive magic the site renders beautifully on mobile devices. Yay!

Regifting API

My studiomate Maria, force behind Brain Pickings just launched the Regifting API which aims to destigmatize regifting. Together with Josh Boston she designed a regifting icon, pattern, and stencil stamp. These are available as free, shareable downloads under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC) license, which basically means you’re welcome to use, remix, and share with attribution for non-commercial purposes. Two swissmiss thumbs up!

Link to resources.


Discovering made my day.

Jesus is trending.

(via Holiday Matinee)

Growing Bookbow

Whoa! Check out this timelapse of Paul Octavious’ Bookbow Print. So cool! (You can buy the print here)

Grandmother Tips

Grandmother Tips by Chacho Puebla. Made me chuckle.

(thanks Bekka / @matiascorea)