
For the first time ever, I actually would like to own a tent. This one. Hat tip to Fieldcandy for making camping ‘designy’.

(via @juststew)

Cloud Keyholder

Duncan Shotton’s Cloud Keyholder is in stock. Get it while you can. And watch this video to hear the story behind the item.

8 Faces #4

Issue #4 of 8 Faces is out! Yay! It’s quite an impressive line up in this issue:

With a cover by Jessica Hische, printed on metallic stock with white ink and foil-blocking, issue #4 features interviews with John Boardley, Craig Mod, Kris Sowersby, Doug Wilson, Nadine Chahine, David Březina, and Silas Dilworth and Neil Summerour of TypeTrust.

8 Faces Issue #4 features an introduction by Jon Tan, a review of Typography Sketchbooks, and web typography tips from Typekit’s Tim Brown. Every copy ships with an exclusive new catalogue courtesy of Typotheque. Ships mid-December.


“Don’t strive to make your presence noticed, make your absence felt.”

— Unknown.

(via Quote Vadis)

Best of Times

I quite like this free Best of Times Poster by Hinterland. You just have to pay for shipping and one can be yours.

The Art of Dancing 2011

The refreshingly absurd Art of Dancing Holiday Calendar 2011 is out. Check out 2010 here.

(thank you @juststew)

Each of us is unique.

We just discovered this gem of a promo video that the team of CreativeMornings/Atlanta put together. I am humbled. What a touching thought and execution. Thanks to Rick Anwyl, the first time-attendee Paul Stechmesser and Dare Dreamer Media!

3D Boy Print by Oliver Jeffers

Oliver Jeffers is one of my all-time favorite children’s books illustrators and I was thrilled when he said yes to a print-collaboration. You can purchase 3D boy in my shop and I am sure it will make a great addition to any kids room, or even an office. What do you think?


In 2011, Sarah Kay performed her poem “B” at the TED conference in Long Beach, California to standing ovations. I remember watching her talk for the first time, completely mesmerized and moved. Her fantastic talk has now been turned into a book:

Originally written in 2007, “B” is a thank you note, a love letter, a wish, a promise, a confession, and a secret. “B” is the perfect gift for every mother and every daughter. Short, touching and lovingly illustrated by Sophia Janowitz.

The incredibly charming Sarah Kay has been a performing poet since she was 14 years old. She is the founder of Project V.O.I.C.E, teaching poetry and self-expression at schools across the United States.

Order the book. Watch Sarah’s moving TED talk:

Appracadabra Apps

My kids love the beautifully designed counting app by Appracadabra. What makes me happy is that we have it currently set to count in Swiss German.

But they can also learn to count in Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Slovakian, Spanish and Swedish.

Get it from the App Store.


Gidsy aims to make it easy to find fun stuff to do, whether you are looking for a private guide to show you around local art spaces, or to take you mushroom-picking in the forest. You could call it a marketplace for authentic experiences. The best part: Anyone can host activities. Interesting!

Core77 Gift Guide

The fine folks of Core77 just launched the 2011 Gift Guide with 77 gifts under $77. Some of my favorites are the Acu Hoop, Press Patch and of course, the Quarterly subscription.

Bookbow by Paul Octavious

The stunning Bookbow Print by much admired Paul Octavious is one of the first products I am selling in my brand new swissmiss shop.

The idea behind my store is do only offer a hand-full of tightly curated, limited edition custom products by designers I love and admire. Paul Octavious is one of them. Paul knows about my love for rainbows and his book stacks, so he combined the two and Bookbow was born. I will most certainly hang one of these in my son’s room.

Bookbow, by Paul Octavious, available in 11″x14″ and in 16″x20″.

Taxidermy Deer LEGO Kit

This palm size Taxidermy Deer LEGO Kit made me laugh. Hat tip to David Cole.

(via chrisglass)


Love this old-school looking metal wind-up ladybird which won’t fall off the table. Little sensors make it turn around when it comes to the edge.

Girl Walk // All Day Premiere

Do you live in NYC? Yes? Do yourself a favor and cancel any plans you might have on the evening of december 8th. Why? Girl Walk // All Day is premiering at the Brooklyn Masonic Temple. If you see one movie this year, this should be the one. It’s a love letter to NYC and will get you dancing. Trust me. Here’s what the NYTimes had to say about it.

more info.
rsvp here.


new: swissmiss shop

Look, I *just* launched a teeny tiny swissmiss shop. See that that ‘store tab’ up there?

A few months ago I had the idea of launching a store with limited edition products by designers I admire. And here we are. The plan is to keep it small and add a product a month, maybe two. The current products include:

Mobile Homes by Ben Light
Bookbow by Paul Octavious
3D Boy by Oliver Jeffers
Raven by Mark Weaver
FieldNotes Pack by Tattly

Visit the swissmiss shop.

Hope you like the selection! Waving from Brooklyn, with an e-commerce smile on my face!

Tattly Gift Boxes

I am super excited about the brand new Tattly Gift Boxes! Choose between the Kids Box, a Tattly Team Favorites, a Memory Maker Box, one called The Zoo and the Better Than The Real Thing Box. These will make great gifts for the holidays. Talk about a conversation starter…

Also, did you catch the Tattly Subscription we just launched?

♥ / The Animal Print Shop

A big thank you to Sharon Montrose for sponsoring this week’s RSS feed!

The Animal Print Shop by Sharon Montrose offers open and limited edition prints from Sharon’s popular animal series photographs. Sharon’s animal art prints are beloved by parents for children’s rooms and baby nurseries- but adults appreciate the modern simplicity of Sharon’s work too! (The black and white cow is one of my personal favorites!)

Take advantage of her holiday sale until december 3rd, by using coupon code HOLIDAY at check out.

(Interested in sponsoring a week of my RSS feed, learn more here.)

Is Mercury In Retrograde?

Is Mercury in Retrograde is a question I asked myself a lot last week. Now I know. Considering just how much went wrong during my trip to Switzerland, I am not surprised the answer is currently YES.

Don’t know what it means, when Mercury is in retrograde? Read up here.

(via Sharon Lee)

Knuckle Tattoo Gloves

These Knuckle Tatto Gloves made me look. I especially love the POW BAM!

(via Bekka Palmer, I think)

Back from the Swiss Alps

Yesterday was our first day back in Brooklyn after 9 days in the Swiss Alps. We did a house swap with friends in the Appenzeller mountains and we could not have lived in a more stylish, designy house! (The only thing missing to make this absolutely perfect was an internet connection.) Here are a few impressions of our trip. #happytobeback

view from the Waldegg Restaurant in Teufen

view from the Eggli Restaurant in Appenzell

our amazing house swap living-room (yes, for real)

the completely stunning ‘office’ at our house swap home


always amazed at how tidy the Swiss keep their silverware arranged.

can’t get over the fact that my mom’s boyfriend owns 3 crocodiles. (seriously)

love this poster of my dad teaching at his former Apple computer school in Switzerland. Gotta love the perm action that’s going on in that picture.

my wonderful friend Martina came visit us from Munich. Here, she is taking in the view.

me speaking at the first TYPO St.Gallen. Thanks to Roland Stieger for the photo.

wishing for a wifi miracle

Some of you might have wondered about the light posting over the past few days. Well, clan Eisenberg traveled to Switzerland to visit my family. We did a house swap with an old friend of mine and so we are staying in the most stylish, designy place you can imagine. e are surrounded by lots of pieces by Eames and Corbusier. Heavenly, to say the least. Only draw-back: They have no wifi. And nor do the neighbors. Nada. Zilch. Kapputt. (Who knew? I just assumed everyone has wifi these days. Facepalm.)

Yes, I hear you all, it is great to disconnect, yadda yadda. But come on, just give me 10 minutes a day to have a teeny tiny looksie at the interwebs.

And as we are going to stay here all week, there will be unfortunately not much blogging goodness happening. Unless some wifi miracle will come upon us here in the lovely mountains of Appenzell.

I wish you all a fantastic week. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Gobble! Gobble!

Waving from the Swiss Alps.

(this is my first post done entirely on my iphone)

♥ / Voice Art Gallery

A big thank you to Voice Art Gallery for sponsoring this week’s RSS feed!

Looking for a unique gift idea for the holidays? Take a look at Voice Art Gallery! They create high quality giclee art from the sound of your voice. Yes, from your voice! Voice Art™ bridges the gap between sentiment and design. Since your voice is like a fingerprint each design is 100% unique and personalized. Voice Art Gallery’s groundbreaking technology makes it easy to create beautiful artwork that can motivate and inspire. See for yourself.

(Interested in sponsoring a week of my RSS feed, learn more here.)