Cupcake Ipsum

There are lots of funny Lorem Ipsum Generators but this one takes the cake: Cupcake Ipsum. My 5 year old daughter approves!

(thank you Dorota)

Suspended Dandelions

2,000 Suspended Dandelions by Regine Ramseier. Fantastic.

Claire Loder Head Tape

This Head Tape by Polar is simply adorable. Use it to decorate presents, paper, cards or just stick it around the place!


I was just pointed to Polar, a brand that only uses red and white in their designs. Needless to say, that my heart was beating a bit faster upon seeing these stripey-fingerless-red-and-white gloves. YES, PLEASE!

(thank you Hannah and Erin)

Post-It Note Watch

These Post-It Note Watches made me smile.

(via TheFancy)


I agree with my studiomate Raul, I like this proclamation by children’s book author Mac Barnett and signed by many other authors.

Sebastian Schramm

YES! That’s all I could think when I discovered Sebastian Schramm’s Cyan Print. What would life be without a little absurdity every now and then? #printiswishlisted #ordered

ideacious: support creators

I discovered ideacious while researching dining room tables. It’s a fascinating concept: ideacious brings together two complementary crowds: buyers and creators. As a buyer you can shop like you would at any other store, or you can buy products before they’re made. When you do that you not only do your part to bring awesome products into being, you could also make some coin along the way. Buyers can shop for two types of products: products that are available now and products in preorder. And with the preorders is where it gets exciting: These are products waiting for enough buyers to produce their first manufacturing run. By preordering a product – that is, putting your money down on an item before it has begun production – you are bringing it closer to being made., support creators

♥ / Glennz Tees

A big thank you to Glennz Tees for sponsoring this week’s RSS feed!

T-shirts started as a hobby for New Zealand illustrator Glenn Jones, and now, just a few years later, he has a thriving online store based in Austin, Texas. Glennz Tees offers over 100 designs in men’s and women’s sizes, with a selection for kids and babies too.

Glennz Tees’ unique spin on pop culture has become a favorite in the worlds of geekery and technology not to mention anyone else who likes to add a bit of humor to their day. Keep up to date with regular tee releases, reductions and sales on twitter and facebook.

(Interested in sponsoring a week of my RSS feed, learn more here.)

MFA Products Of Design

The brand new SVA MFA Product of Design Program, of which I am part of the faculty, is having their inaugural Information Session on November 5th. You have the chance to meet over twenty faculty members and Department Chair Allan Chochinov as they welcome prospective students, discuss the purpose and experience of the program, and answer questions. (I unfortunately won’t be able to make it myself.) But you can watch a video over on Vimeo in which I talk about what I’ll be teaching in my course and what my hopes are for this program.

The MFA in Products of Design is an immersive, two-year graduate program that prepares practitioners across various disciplines for leadership in the shifting terrain of design.

Interested in attending the Information Session? Make sure to R.S.V.P.


“Life begets life. Energy creates energy. It is by spending oneself that one becomes rich.”
— Sarah Bernhardt

(via the Happiness Project)

Drawer Shelf

What if your dresser could also transform into a shelf? Meet the Drawer Shelf, designed by Keiji Ashizawa. It gets my two thumbs up!

(via ignant)

Steve Jobs on Creativity

“Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn’t really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while. That’s because they were able to connect experiences they’ve had and synthesize new things. And the reason they were able to do that was that they’ve had more experiences or they have thought more about their experiences than other people. Unfortunately, that’s too rare a commodity. A lot of people in our industry haven’t had very diverse experiences. So they don’t have enough dots to connect, and they end up with very linear solutions without a broad perspective on the problem. The broader one’s understanding of the human experience, the better design we will have.” – Steve Jobs, Wired, February, 1995

(via this fantastic Brain Pickings post)

Little Darlings

Sharon Montrose just launched a new collection called Little Darlings. Not falling for cute? Then check this Eagle Owl.


Treshr is a brand new site project by S7 Labs that makes it easy to give things away, or, the other way around, find free stuff. (It drives me absolutely crazy to see what perfectly fine items people here in NYC are putting the trash!) Everyone has stuff they don’t need anymore. Maybe your child outgrew their old clothes, or you moved to a new place and have old furniture to get rid of. Whatever it is you’re looking for, someone somewhere is trying to throw it away. Treshr, basically a search engine for Freecycle, is here to make sure nothing goes to waste.

Feel free to explore on the map to see what people near you are giving away. If you have something specific in mind, type it into the search bar, and they’ll only show you what you’re looking for.

Make an account with them (it’s quick and simple) and you can post offers, save the things you’re looking for, and even receive email notifications when someone near you posts something you want, and it’s all fully customizable of course.

One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Fantastic! Treshr

Duet with Siri

(via devour)


All I want to be
is a person who makes things
and thinks about them.
– John Maeda

(From this wonderful post by Frank Chimero)

The Memento Works

The Memento Works’ mission is to photograph and celebrate objects each of us have collected over time. Be it your father’s watch, your child’s favorite toy, your grandmother’s passport, the toy car you loved as a kid. The folks behind Memento Works photograph your treasures and return them to you along with a stunning framed or mounted print (or just a print should you want to present it another way yourself). If you don’t have any mementos you are ready to have photographed, you can buy prints from their image library.

Memento Works is a fantastic idea!

CreativeMornings Video: Sharon Ann Lee

Our CreativeMorning speaker at the September 2011 Los Angeles event was trend analyst/author Sharon Ann Lee.

One of her slides in her deck really made me think. On it she asks: What quadrant are you in on this work/happiness map?

Her talk is on the topic of the growing trend called (DYO) Design Your Own Success. She wonderfully explains how important it is to say no and to smartly allocate our time and energy.

Watch it here:

Many thanks to Chris Ganser for shooting and editing this video.

Pantone Christmas

Not ready for christmas but I admit these Pantone Christmas ornaments made me chuckle.

(thank you JoanaKelly)


Jotly, finally an app that let’s you rate *everything*! Made me laugh!

(via Subtraction)

Film Biz Recycling Auction

Last week I discovered one of the *coolest* places in Brooklyn: The Film Biz Recycling House in the Gowanus area. It is a not-for-profit organization that takes all the movie set decorations, saves them from becoming trash and sells them. Visiting the Film Biz Recycling makes my heart beat faster. Think vintage radios and photo cameras, neon signs, bikes, furniture, file cabinets… and so on. I barely made it out without loading up my car.

Film Biz Recycling is organizing a real life auction together with the folks of Krrb and my wonderful studiomate Jessi Arrington. I had the honor to go in and pick a few pieces that will be auctioned off. My selection consists of:

– a stylish black sofa
– white and black suitcases that work as side tables
– a vintage photo camera
– two vintage books that made me chuckle when you read both titles together
– a mysterious metal box
– a rubber shark
– a silver metal looking tray/dish
– two toy cars
– a vintage radio
– and a huuuuuge vintage chalkboard.

Other selected items are curated by Maxwell Gillingham-Ryan of Apartment Therapy; Oliver Jeffers; and Andrew Wagner of Krrb.

Want to join in on the fun on november 3rd? Get tickets here so you can bid on rescued props, wardrobe, and furnishings hot off the sets of NYC productions! This will be fun! Think free beer, dollar tacos and live music!

Get your tickets before they’re all gone.

Masterpieces Pattern Sheet

This Masterpieces Pattern Sheet idea by Mo man Tai had me squeal. I *love* it. Ordering and looking for my hammer…

On my way

“I’m an idealist. I don’t know where I’m going, but I’m on my way.” — Carl Sandburg,

(via quote vadis)